Dear Doctor, My name is Dinesh and am 47 years old. For the last couple of years I do have a severe problem in my moustache. Whenever I do use scissors to trim it within few hours I get very bad itchiness and the hair falls out. Now my right side moustache is severely affected and there is a lot of gap as the hair does not grow properly in the affected areas thereby looking very awkward. I do self shave and not through saloon. I am very particular about my Hygiene. Doctor I would like to grow thick moustache please help me out. I am allergic to intake medicines. Please suggest me some good creams for external application that helps to solve the problems permanently and also enable to help in growth of new hairs in the affected regions. Also I do get scaly dandruff on my eye lashes which creates itchiness and upon removal of the same by hand causes burning sensation. Kindly help me to resolve my issues please.
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Dear Mr. lybrate-user,1.Regarding the Moustache - the patchy hair loss in the moustache area could be Alopecia areata (if it is a well defined patch with total loss of hair on the patch) or could be Seborrhoeic dermatitis (which can be patchy without total loss of the hair). The treatment will vary for the two conditions. If it is Alopecia areata, the treatment can vary from creams, lotions to injections over the affected area, for Seborrhoeic dermatitis creams along with medicated anti dandruff shampoos will be of help. 2.Regarding the eyebrows - The scaly dandruff is what we term as Seborrhoeic dermatitis (which could also be the one affecting your moustache area according to me. This can be treated with use of creams along with anti dandruff treatment. To suggest the appropriate treatment, it would be best if you could consult a dermatologist in person as these are conditions that have to be seen to be treated. I hope this answers your query!
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