I am alcoholic and im planning to stop it. I used to drink whisky 2-3 times in a week upto 180 ml. Now that im planning to stop it completely will there be any problem if I stop it suddenly. Kindly advise.
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Hello Chandrakanth.............. First step: Get rid of any alcohol at home. Give it away if you can't bear the thought of pouring it down the sink. For the next month, try to make sure that most of your social engagements don't happen in an alcohol environment. Meet up at coffee shops, movies, playing tennis, etc. Find something to do, something that is fun, or productive, or meaningful (blend of all three is best) to replace the time you used to spend drinking. If your drinking is just a habit, as opposed to a dependency, then this should do it for you. You simply need to get out of the habit of daily drinking. Second step: You've tried the first step, but you find yourself agitated and emotional (but you don't think about drinking all the time). Add a regular meeting with a good cognitive therapist to your regime. And start exercising hard for 30 minutes a day. Even if it's disco dancing to a frentic beat in the privacy of your own home - get your heart rate up and get sweaty. This way, you've beat the daily habit and the emotional bond you've formed with drinking. Third step: Step one and Step two didn't work out for you. You might be an alcoholic drinker. In which case you need specialized help. Maybe a 12 step program, Maybe a recovery program Maybe some very specialized therapy with someone who works only with alcoholics Take it from someone who has been there (me), this sucks - at first. Over the long term, I got to figure out a new way of living and new, much more helpful ways to live life on life's terms. And my liver is in awesome condition! Good luck.
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You took a very good decision to quit Alcohol. It is a harmful substance & do not have any beneficial effect on the body. But if you stop alcohol suddenly you will develop withdrawal symptoms which may be mild or severe. So consult a Psychiatrist at the earliest & undergo the de-addiction treatment. Now-a-days de-addiction treatments are available for quitting all substances of abuse including Alcohol. Such treatment includes detoxification & rehabilitation program. Medical detoxification is the first stage of de addiction treatment, when the addicted person is treated with medicines. The withdrawal symptoms which occur on sudden stopping of an addictive substance are managed through detoxification treatment. Medical detoxification systematically and safely will withdraw you from Alcohol. Next phase of the de-addiction treatment is Rehabilitation program, which includes counseling sessions & other behavioral therapies. These sessions have important role in the de addiction process. Counseling sessions will help to enhance your motivation skills to stay sober, build skills to resist alcohol, replace substance-using activities with constructive and rewarding non substance-using activities, and improve problem-solving abilities. Behavioral therapy will work on interpersonal relationships and your ability to function effectively in the family and community. The 12-step program is also included. During de-addiction treatment a detailed physical check up of your body will also be done, and if any alcohol induced damage found in any organ like liver, pancreas etc, those will also be treated accordingly. Along with, mentally prepare yourself to stay away from alcohol. Following measures will help you to prepare yourself mentally against the substance: oEducate yourself adequately regarding alcohol about its ill effects, it’s affects on the different organs of the body, withdrawal symptoms etc. Acquire the required information by reading books, going through internet or talking to a professional trained in de addiction. OKeep reminding yourself of the benefits you will achieve after quitting alcohol: After quitting you will have reduced risk of the many diseases caused by alcohol. Once you quit you can live an independent life free of alcohol & you will not suffer of the symptoms like tremulousness, irritability, reduced sleep, reduced concentration, reduced appetite etc which occur when you do not take alcohol. You will survive longer years if you quit alcohol. You can focus more on your relationships. Taking alcohol might have affected your relations if your close ones were against it, or because you were so preoccupied with the substance, your relations suffered. You can participate actively in social gatherings as you will not have to stay away because of your addiction to alcohol. You will save the money you were wasting on alcohol &use them for better purposes. OImagine & create a picture of a beautiful future life in your mind without alcohol. Imagine how much you will benefit in your new life. In between your beautiful imaginary picture also imagine that you started to take alcohol again. Then imagine how one by one the beautiful picture will shatter. Once you become aware of the consequences of relapse, you will also develop fear of relapsing. You will then stay more cautious not to start it again. OCount the first day of your quitting as day of a new start & from that day, live one day at a time. It is helpful if you can relate this day to some important events in your life like your birthday or birthday of someone close, anniversary, day of some achievements etc. On the morning of the second day, tell yourself that you are starting the second day of your substance free life & by night time thank yourself that you stayed substance free whole day & encourage yourself to stay alcohol free in coming days too. Celebrate your victory of staying sober on completing 1 week, 2 weeks, then 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, and on completing one year celebrate the first birthday of your sobriety. This will encourage you to stay sober further. OAvoid triggering factors that may tempt you to take alcohol. For example if the triggering factor was internal say some stress for which you got inclined to abusing substance, then work on the stress to remove it or take help of a counselor to overcome the stress. If the trigger was external, like some friends persuaded initially & you could not say no, in some specific event or situation you take alcohol etc, then stay away from those situation. OImmediately after quitting, craving will be intense. But gradually with time it will reduce. You will be also prescribed anti craving medicines after detox. So the initial days you have to be very careful. Keep yourself busy & diverted. OThrow away all alcohol you have with you. Having them within reach may increase your temptation. OStart new healthy habits & opt for a healthy lifestyle. OEat healthy diet. OJoin a support group like Alcoholic Anonymous etc, comprising of people who came out of addiction & had undergone the same situation as you. You will get a platform to discuss your queries & together can motivate each other to stay sober & also help others to overcome addiction. Start your effort to quit alcohol at the earliest. All the best.
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There will be no problem and you stop it.
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Alcohol dependence involves intense craving or desire to drink alcohol. People drink for pleasure or rationalize it on external factors like family problems, work tension, etc. They drink continuously, i.e. Almost daily or even weekly once or twice with withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, bodily damage, etc. They need to be brought for de addiction which involves You need to consult a psychiatrist and go for 3 steps of de addiction. 1st is detoxification, when alcohol is stopped and the withdrawal is made smooth with minimal discomfort, 2 nd is maintenance and further deaddiction when the physical problems and psychological state of the individual is maintained and anti-craving drugs started 3 rd rehabilitation, when relapse prevention is the goal, while maintaining deaddiction. All the best.
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