female • 22 Year Old • Nov 05, 2015
I have inheritance problem of heat. I maintain it through various ways. I wanted to know whether a Black coffee dehydrates body? Can I take it as a refreshment?
9 years ago
Generally coffee is not good for health. Take fruits. Vegetables, and plenty of water it's enough for you.
Male • 20 Year Old • Nov 05, 2015 • Kolkata
Hi I am 17 years old and I have a problem. That is pimples which make marks on my face ND its hesitate me very badly.
9 years ago
You just wash your face with you regularly using soaps and then avoid oily foods and junk foods don't worry it your age process only after you completing age of 23 it's ...read full answer
male • 2 Year Old • Nov 05, 2015
I have an stomach pain whenever I run but if I have normally sit there is no pain.
9 years ago
Take plenty of water and also avoid spicy foods your pain is like of ulcerative pain. Took homeo medicine phosphorous 30 weekly twice in early morning it will subsided d ...read full answer
In diabetes patients suffer from uncontrolled sugar level. This is because depends on diet. Patients didn't know what they have taken to control sugar level. But in homoeopathic treatment this irregularity of sugar level in the blood can be monito......read more
my lovable patients, explain your sufferings or contact with me at Facebook/Dr.sakthishsundar/ srisakthihomeopathyhealthcenter/...read more