male • 70 Year Old • May 09, 2015 • Chennai
There is a small dot in the ear drum and some liquid leakes is it curable and what is aremedy for this?
9 years ago
There may be oerforation in the ear drum. Keep the ear cleam. If the ear is discharging instil antibiotic ear drops like ciprofloxicin ear drops. You can live with the p full answer
male • 31 Year Old • May 09, 2015 • Surat
I am 29 old male my problem is last 2 month tongue inflammation problem an if tretment is b12 injection and secode problem is heart bit is 100 an migration problem ple h more
9 years ago
If your tongue is inflamed stop eating tobacco/spirits/spicy food and take iron and vitamin supplements. For your suoraventricular tachycardia consult a cardiologist.
male • 53 Year Old • May 09, 2015 • Hoshiarpur
I am 50 years old male having weight 83 kgs and 5.6 feet length is suffering from snoring problem since a long. Already I have undergone one surgery of tonsillitis and o more
9 years ago
Please undergo polysomnography test done and you may require c-pap at night while you sleep. Reduce your weight, do not take alcohol/sleeping pills ar night. Sleep on yo full answer
female • 37 Year Old • May 09, 2015 • Ghaziabad
My throat is paining I cant swallow anything and also I have heartburning problem regularly as soon as I eat something I have this problem. My weight is also continuousl more
9 years ago
You may be having acute pharyngitis. Take appropriate antibiotic course and for your heart burn take tab pantopd before breakfast for a long duration. You may need upper full answer
male • 23 Year Old • May 09, 2015 • Delhi
I m 20 years old and I have hydrosill from last 5 year. I also have a sore throat from last year. Now a days I m also getting disturb from night fall. It happen frequent more
9 years ago
You need surgery for your hydrocele and for your sore throat get culture and sensitivity test on your throat and take appropriate antibiotic.