Shuddhi Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchakarma Centre
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Our medical care facility offers treatments from the best doctors in the field of Ayurveda, Gynaecologist, Infertility Specialist, Obesity Specialist, Obstetrician, Panchakarma.Our mission...read more
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I am Dr. Aarti Kulkarni, Ayurveda Gynecologist. Today I will talk about a very common headache disorder that is migraine. It only affects only 1 side of the head. It makes unable to the patient to do their routine work. Its symptom is present aura before the headache. What is aura? Aura is the perception of strange light, volume, confused experiences and thoughts. Migraine is seen with headaches. Its symptoms are headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, sensitivity to light and sound. Some trigger factors are environmental factors, dietary factors, mental factors. Lifestyle factors are sleep deprivation, oversleep, smoking, meal skipping, menstruation. Mental factors are anger, depression, fear and anxiety.
For prevention, it is better to identify the trigger factor to reduce the intensity of the problem. Proper sleep and meals on time are recommended. Include cow ghee in diet if you are suffering from migraine. Yoga, whole body massage, shirodhara are very helpful. Shirodhara induces the sleep and makes the patient relaxed. Panchakarma is very helpful. Nasya and rakta moksha are very helpful. Medicated oil we put in nasya. To know more contact me through Lybrate.

I am Dr. Aarati Kulkarni, practising ayurvedic gynaecologist in Thane. Today we are going to discuss about much talked gynaecological disorder which is PCOD and Endometriosis. So before we know about PCOD and Endometriosis lets know about something about menstrual cycle. So when the woman is menstruating for the first three to four days of her cycle, basically seven to eight follicles, cohort follicles is introduced in the periphery of ovary and after ten to twelve days one dominant follicle gets selected and it ruptures under some influence of hormones. When it gets ruptured, the tube picks up the outside that is female egg, and then if at all there is intercourse happens at that time or if the sperms are present in the cavity, the fertilisation occurs in the fallopian tube and the pregnancy gets attaches to the Endometrium.
If at all there is no pregnancy, then the whole bed, the Endometrium which is prepared for the pregnancy sheds off as a menstrual cycle. So again the cycles happen. Then what happens in PCOD? Basically no dominant follicle is selected and because of unovulation, because of hormonal imbalance, because of irregular ovulation, those follicles attain around 10 to 12mm size and gets collected in the periphery of the ovary and gives the ovary appearance of polycystic. So this is called as polycystic ovary. Then what is polycystic ovary and polycystic ovarian syndrome? So when the PCO hampers the hormones and hampers the metabolic system, it is called as PCOS.
Then what is the syndrome? Irregular periods, obesity, then Hirsutism, weight gain, Acanthosis Nigricans, insulin digestion, infertility and if at all pregnancy happens risk of miscarriage, then acne, scanty or heavy bleeding, these are all the symptom of PCOD. Then this is Hirsutism and Acanthosis Nigricans. So what is the investigation to diagnose about PCOD? Not just sonographic evaluation but it also needs the blood investigation, hormonal as in sugar levels and serum insulin levels. Then this is all about PCOD. Then we will know about the Endometriosis. What is Endometriosis? Basically the inner lining of the uterus is called as Endometrium.
But when this Endometrium grows abnormally outside the Endometrium, it is called as Endometriosis. It can grow on bladder, on tube, on intestine on scar etc. But when it grows in the ovaries in the cystic form, it is called as chocolate cyst or endometrioma or when it grows in the muscular layer of uterus, it is called as adenomyosis which is seen in elderly women. So what are the symptoms? Symptoms are pain while menstruation, pain while intercourse, pelvic pain, adagents and infertility. Say because of abnormal growth of Endometrium on tube or inside the peritoneal cavity, there are androgens formed and because of these androgens tube cannot move properly or its normal movement gets hampered and that’s why it become unable to catch the o site timeline and hence infertility. So how can we diagnose? It can be diagnosed by sonography, by laparoscopy.
Adagents can be diagnosed by laparoscopy and the blood tests CA125. Then what forms the basis of the ayurvedic treatment of PCOD? Basically to correct the hormonal imbalance and maintenance of biological clog of menstruation and if at all if there is any obesity or hirsutism or insulin resistance, the treatment of the same. Then what forms the basis of Endometriosis? That is basically the reduction of pain, the aim of treatment is to reduce the pain while menstruation and to stop the recurrence of Endometriosis. Then ayurvedic treatment consists of what factors is a diet. You should consult the ayurvedic physician or a gynaecologist and get the diet plan according to your constitution and the disease.
Then lifestyle modification and exercise. You should learn the exercise from a proper trainer only and a best way is to avoid exercise during the menstruation because it again can cause Endometriosis. So what are the exercise- suryanamaskar, kapalbhati, gomukhasana, paschimottanasana, vajrasana, sarvangasana, halasana etc. so then ayurvedic treatment. Basically the reproductive system is under the influence of fata and again the subtype of fata is apanvayu. So the best treatment for vested apanvayu is basti. So what is basti? Basti is basically the enima of medicated oil or decoction. So it forms the proper treatment for Endometriosis as well as PCOD. Then ayurvedic medicines for example satyapushpa, satyavari, nirgundi, musta etc can be used than panchakarma. Panchakarma that is vamana that is induced vomiting, virechana that is induced purgession and nasya that is instilation of sterile oil or ghee in the nostrils. So these are the proper treatment or ayurvedic treatment for Endometriosis and PCOD. If you want to know more please contact me through lybrate.

I am Dr. Aarti Kulkarni practicing ayurvedic gynecologist in Tani.
Today we are going to discuss about gynecological problem which is infertility. so what is infertility in women? Basically the women are unable to conceive even after one year of unprotected relationship or unable to carry the pregnancy till 9 month it is called as infertility. What can be the reasons for female infertility. it may be because of ovulation problems that is PCOD, irregular periods etc. can be because of endometriosis anatomical factors, uterine factors and age related problems and the most common, one of the common reason of infertility is tubal block. Then why tubal block causes infertility? Because the fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes. That’s why if the tubes are blocked then the conception becomes difficult. So what are the reasons for tubal block? So it can be because of vaginal infections. The ascending vaginal infections can cause swelling in the tube and it results into hydrosalpinx. Hydrosalpinx, basically alters the normal movement of the tube and hence it, the tube becomes unable to pick up the egg timely and hence infertility. then infection of tuberculosis. Then tubalendocolsis can cause the tubal block. Then what are the investigations. How can we diagnose a tubal block? It can be diagnosed by sonography which is sonosalpingography., can be diagnosed by x-ray that is. Hysterosalpingography. Or by laparoscopy. Than what is the basic ayurvedic treatment for tubal blockings? In some selected cases the utara basti helps a lot. What is utara basti is intrauterine instillation of sterile oil or ghee. It can be done after 4 to 5 days of menstruation. It can be done for 3 to 5 days. And the medicine, the ghee or oil can be decided as per the patient or as per the disease. Then basically apart from that the preconception ayurvedic treatment helps the women to carry healthy pregnancy. What is the factor regarding preconception ayurvedic treatment is preconception consoling, ayurvedic medicine and panchakarma. Panchakarma is basically vaman that is induced vomiting. Verachan that is induced purgation. Nasia that is insulation of sterile ghee or oil in the nostrils, tehn rakhta motin that is blood lating or leash therapy and the most important is basti. So basically this preconception ayurvedic treatment is also much much more helpful in BOH patient. Means recurrent pregnancy loss. When the pregnancy, two or more than two consecutive abortions occurs it is called as recurrent pregnancy loss. So what are the causes of recurrent pregnancy loss is it can be because of infections. TORCH an infection, which is toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus and herpes. It can be because of coromonsoal abnormalities. It can be because of immunological. Immunological means when the pregnancy occurs when body recognizes that the pregnancy as a foreign body and rise to expel it out. And hence abortion. Then hormonal deficiency, the progesterone harmonies in the early pregnancy is the major support of the pregnancy. If that hormone is low, maybe because of nuclear phase deficiency, because of PCOD, because of irregular period’s anovulation the pregnancy can result into abortion. And some anatomical effects for example, small uterus, and the septum in uterus like that, but there is anatomical defects can be corrected surgically but if there are, these four factors present, than the preconception ayurvedic treatment helps a lot. Than last but not the least, stress and anxiety treatments. This is the most neglected part of infertility treatment but according to ayurdedan cheerful minds form the bases of pregnancy and it is of prime importance in conception. That’s why ayurvedic medicine, with the ayurvedic medicine relaxing therapy like massage, head massage, like abiyangam, then steam, then netradarpam, netarawasti, then sherodhara, sherodhara is continuous spurring of medicated oil or medicated detoxing, or medicated milk or butter milk on the forehead. So this forms the basically the preconception ayurvedic treatment. So I you want to know more.
Please contact me through Lybrate.

Hello, My name is Dr Aarti Kulkarni. I am an Ayurvedic Gynaecologist. Today I am going to talk about the ultimate facts about diet. The concept of the diet is very well explained in Ayurveda.
The root cause of living being is a Diet. Thus the formation and maintenance of our body are fully dependent on the food intake, diet or Ahara.
So what is the importance of diet?
The longevity, voice quality, clarity, intellect, genius, happiness, nourishment, everything is conditioned by diet. So, diet is very important. There are multiple classifications which are available in Ayurveda. But the major classification is according to their tastes. There are 6 tastes, that is;
- Madhur i.e; sweet
- Amla i.e; sour
- Lavana i.e; salty
- Tikta i.e; bitter
- Katu i.e; spicy
- Kshaya rases
All these 6 rases have their own properties and functions. All these 6 rases are important but one should be visualant about its quality, quantity and timings. So, one should not be deprived of any macro or micro nutrients. So what should be the order of these tastes?
Whether it is a dal roti or a lavish feast, sweet always waits till the end. Here comes the Ayurveda.
Ayurveda says that you should eat sweet first, then salt and sour and the other tastes. because when you eat sweet first and we are hungry, then it is digested easily. But if we eat sweet at the last then it is mixed with the whole food and become hard to digest. So, the proper food is very important for our health. And likewise, the mind is also influenced by the freshness of food, aroma of the food and all senses get stimulated with it, and the digestion becomes easy.
The most common cause of bad health is the wrong diet. Hence, one should be very appropriate with the rules of diet.
What are the rules of diet?
- Firstly, eat fresh. The cooked food kept in the refrigerator for long or over night is not at all good for health.
- Secondly, you should not starve beyond 6 hours and not eat within 3 hours.
- You should neither eat in a hurry nor slowly as it affects the enzymes and ultimately digestion. You should eat with full concentration and not while watching the television.
The heavy food is taken in such a way that you still feel hungry. And light food is taken in such a way that you feel full. So how should it be decided?
The solids should be eaten 1/3 rd of the stomach, liquid 1/3 rd of the stomach and 1/3 rd should be left out.
What should be about liquids?
The water should be taken in between the meals because it helps in digestion. But if the water is taken at the end of the food then it mixes with the whole food, it causes obesity which is not good. So, hot water is very good for digestion. And last but not the least. You should not eat the incompatible diet. The incompatible diet is a unique concept of Ayurveda.
What is Incompatible diet?
The two safe foods are not safe when they are combined together. They can form harmful toxins for the health. For example- Milkshakes, banana, pineapple, strawberry milkshakes are not good for health because sour and milk combination is not good. Similarly, eating honey mixed with ghee in equal proportions is not good, eating honey, eating curd, fish with radish, milk with fish, and there are n number of examples of Incompatible diet.
What are the effects of incompatible diet?
Indigestion, Irritable bowel syndrome, acidity, fever, rhinitis, infertility, baldness, blindness and what not.
These diseases are very common in an Incompatible diet.
What is the treatment?
The treatment is Panchkarma. Vamana which is Induced vomiting and Virechana which is induced loose motions. And after this, the specific medicine and prevention are adopted. Do not take food only because you like it and without knowing it. Try to know what is good and what is bad for your health from the nearest Vedya and take the food which is beneficial for you.
For further information contact me through Lybrate.
Doctor in Shuddhi Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchakarma Centre
Doctor in Shuddhi Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchakarma Centre

Dr. Aarti Kulkarni
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2 reviewsShuddhi Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchakarma Centre Reviews
Neha Shah
Jul 08, 2022I went to Baroda, Gujarat clinic for my father. And we get some medicines from there for 1 month. After month, 30 years old digestion issues are completely gone. Thank you read less
Ankita Gangwani
Mar 23, 2018She is very nice and helpful
Vidya Sahasrabuddhe
Mar 14, 2017I visited Dr. Kulkarni for Constipation and Diabetes. Her diet management solutions and medicines were really helpful. My blood sugar levels are under control now. I would definitely recommend her. read less
Jun 13, 2017she ensures that she listens to her patients. the Shuddhi Clinic have proper facilities for disabled patients as well. My problem was such that it required a number of sessions, and I must say after all the sessions, I am feeling much better now. Finally with her treatment, I am completely cured fro...read more
Jun 05, 2017Even though I was fit and fine, I was shocked when I got to know that I have delay periods. The atmosphere in the Shuddhi Clinic is always so positive and full of life. It was amazing, the Shuddhi Clinic was so nicely made. My previous experiences were not so good, but Aarti Kulkarni has completely ...read more