Dr. M A Jeevan Sai Reddy
Personal Statement
I want all my patients to be informed and knowledgeable about their health care, from treatment plans and services, to insurance coverage...read more
Doctor Information
- General Physician
- MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery , KURNOOL MEDICAL COLLEGE , 2013
Languages spoken
- Hindi
- Telugu
- English
Clinic Location
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Question and Answers
male • Dec 22, 2021 • Nashik
At 30 meters from my house, there is a cell phone tower. Is it dangerous to live near it. If it dangerous what precautions should I take.
M A Jeevan Sai Reddy
3 years ago
It is not very dangerous to live near cellphone towers, but many people have reported sleep disturbances, fatigue and other minor complaints living within 50 meters of a ...read full answer
Anshu Sawhney
male • 45 Year Old • Dec 22, 2021 • Gurgaon
I am a 45 years old female. I don't have much health issues but most of the time I feel lethargic like I do my most of the household work but when it comes in doing exer ...read more
M A Jeevan Sai Reddy
3 years ago
Please get your haemoglobin levels and also vitamin d levels checked ,you might be deficient in either one or both them. If you get treated for the above conditions you ...read full answer
female • 18 Year Old • Dec 20, 2021 • Thane
Do I have mono disease? Like I kissed my bf yesterday and I am feeling tired feverish and internet is showing that's mono a kissing disease so I don't really know.
M A Jeevan Sai Reddy
3 years ago
No ,i don't think its mono because there is a concept of incubation period which you are completely missing out .mono has a an incubation period of 4-6 weeks ,which mean ...read full answer