Lifecare Centre
Gynaecologist Clinic
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Here are some treatments and symptoms of uterine bleeding
Symptoms and Treatments for Uterine Bleeding
I’m Dr. Sharda Jain, Director of Life Care Centre. I’m going to talk today about uterine bleeding.
Uterine bleeding is a very common problem. Every fifth woman after she starts having periods is troubled because of altered heavy bleeding pattern. Now, if she is less than 20 years then, in that particular case, if the cycle is coming less in 21 days and she is bleeding for more than five days and if she does see passage of clots she should, you should not delay it because her haemoglobin is going to dropped out, her studies are going to get suffered, so, please see gynaecologist as early as possible.
Between 20 to 40 years, this time, the bleeding is usually related to pregnancy because these people are married and anytime in case if there is a lapse in using a contraceptive, effective contraception then, in that particular case it is all related to pregnancy. After your doctor’s visit and examination a trans-vaginal sonography is done and we find out what is the cause and the treatment is done early.
After 40 years, when the woman has got problems, we have to be worried about it, because at that particular time the chance is we think that they can be uterine malignancy or it can be genital malignancy. Again, it is a very simple procedure.
After doctor’s examination, after an ultrasound, opsis, endometrial biopsy is done and that sorts out everything. So, the diagnosis right on the day 1 is done in 90 percent of cases at the end of 48 hours, you find you have a full diagnosis. Sometime the bleeding comes after the stoppage of period that is after menopause and that time we view it just like that it can be, it is cancer unless proved otherwise.
Again, we have to be aggressive here, along with ultrasound, along with endometrial biopsy, hysteroscopy is also done at that particular stage and then we want to find out that there is no underlying malignancy.
Do not ignore the bleeding problem in your wife, in your daughter, in your daughter-in-law.
Seek the doctor’s help early.
You can visit us on the site of Lybrate.
Here are some tips on pregnancy after recurrent abortions
I’m Dr. Sharda Jain, the director of Life care Centre. This center started 26 years ago and has become a benchmark not only in this study but all of Delhi. This particular Centre is a Centre of excellence for office procedures. Pregnancy, high risk pregnancy, pregnancy after recurrent abortions is our main area. Those people who do not have a child or have abortions repeatedly, we have a dedicated Centre and we have the highest number of cases coming from the northern India, as far as recurrent abortions are concerned
people who have medical problems or those who have complicated medical disease and want to get pregnant and who already are pregnant, we see to it that the experts take you smoothly through the whole process. Our deliveries are done in Max Hospital, Vaishali which is a super specialty hospital. The total care is provided by us in our Centre and all the experts out here are DU Toppers and have been great teachers and great academicians and run not only services but everything under one roof. You don’t have to go for ultrasounds or anything outside, we give you a total package of antenatal care. All investigations under one roof. We also run special antenatal classes to see to it that if you wish to have a vagal delivery. You have a smooth delivery in a very good taste.
Our motto is: Safe mother, safe child.
Here are some tips on urinary tract infection during pregnancy
I’m Dr. Sharda Jain. I’m the director of Life Care Centre. This is one of the benchmark centers as far as the pregnancy care is concerned. I’m going to give you a tip to prevent Urinary tract infection during pregnancy. 5% of the patients who do not have any symptoms have asymptomatic bacteriuria. If this bacteriuria urinary infection is not treated then in 40% of the cases the infection can go up and infect the kidney. So it is essential during pregnancy that we have urine culture right at the beginning of the first 12 weeks. Now in case, there is no urinary culture detected then in that particular case we repeat this test in 2nd trimester and the 3rd trimester. Now how will you know that you have urinary tract infection?
1.You will have increased frequency- the passage of urine becomes frequent.
2.You have urgency- it means that you can’t hold the urine and in such cases once we find that the urine culture is positive, we treat your case. It is advised to you that do not ignore urinary tract infection during pregnancy. It is prone in patients of PCOS, diabetes and chronic discharges which women have so please do not ignore the symptoms.
If you want to visit my site then please visit Lybrate website for help.
Here are some uses of stem cells
I am Dr. Sharda Jain. I’m the director of the Globus. This is the first dedicated center in Northern India for stem cell therapy. Stem cells therapy uses God’s cells, which are called stem cells and wherever there is any damage in the body, these cells surface and then these people go and rejuvenate and repair the system. Now the best thing which we can do is that we have seen that between 30-40 years, 3/4ths of the deaths are untimely because of silent heart attack, silent stroke. Now, these are the patients who can definitely be helped out once you are 50 years plus.
To stop your aging, to delay your aging and to have a healthy life, you can have anti-ageing stem cell therapy. This is very popular...very popular among doctors and I think all of the people who can afford this particular therapy should come forward and let the stem cell therapy change their lifestyle. The stem cell therapy is a wonderful treatment for osteoarthritis, for rheumatoid arthritis. We will find that we have more than 50 cases which have been doing extremely well and this has to be taken when your disease has been in Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 and not gone on to Stage 4 when it is already late and you cannot get it done at that particular time. It has got wonderful results. For the people who have arthritis of any kind which gives you limitations, it is wonderful. This is also for diabetic patients; Diabetic Type 2 and Diabetic Type 1.
It brings lovely control of diabetes over a period of 6 months to 1 year. For those become 1/3rd, there are many patients of ours who are off insulin, and only on oral drug therapy. The stem cell treatment is a wonderful therapy for cases of rheumatoid arthritis, and all auto-immune disorders. Stem cells are basically anti-inflammatory. In auto-immune disorders you will find, the CRP is strongly deposited and they bring about in 3 months time, noticeable 50% relief in all your symptoms. By 6 months to 1 year, you will find, it is a great relief and you will find wonderful relief in this. This is also very good treatment for various other neurological disorders. Patients of stroke, a patient with heart attack in the past...for a rapid recovery this is absolutely lovely. The people who have duchenne muscular dystrophy, this is the only treatment available along with physiotherapy, and we are here at your service. If you have any of the conditions for anti-ageing, for arthritis, for diabetic, autoimmune disorders.
If you need our help, you can visit us on the site of lybrate.
Here are some treatments to cure infertility
I am Dr. Sharda Jain, Director of Life Care Center. I am going to talk today about our IVF centre.
As for IVF is concerned two things are very important. The male partners should be okay, should have enough see sperms in the system. Fifty five percent the patients coming for IVF have male factor. Previously when the sperms were not there in the husband semen, we used to think that he cannot father the child. Now we find that we have various methods available. Our experts have an expertise to take out the sperms from the testes and even if we retrieve about nine to ten sperms we can definitely give the baby, which is you are fathering the child. We have techniques available, very beautiful results and we do this particular technique here. XE as a technique is not separately charged. In a semi in a center our results of male infertility are very good.
Secondly as far as female is concerned we find three things are very important. She should have good amount of eggs in her system. In case, if ovaries do not have good amount of eggs, then in that particular case it is substantiated by AMH which is a hard one which tells us that the ovaries has exhausted its eggs. In that particular case we have third party egg donation program in our place and we can help you out to have a child through the donor IVF cycle. Thirdly we are very experienced in that. There are people who are coming for IVF in India nearly thirty to forty percent have underline tuberculosis. So this particular factor will rule it out and we try to see that the cavity by history scope is absolutely alright and then you are ready for an IVF pregnancy. As for the donor IVF is concerned, we have a success rate of fifty to sixty five percent and for the cell cycle we have a success rate of forty percent.
If you have any demand for IVF please visit to our site Lybrate.
Doctor in Lifecare Centre
Doctor in Lifecare Centre
Dr. Sharda Jain
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Sep 16, 2018She is very polite and supporting
Feb 23, 2018Excellent