6 years ago
It can cause loss of libido which is reversible after the tablet is stopped and its not necessary that all patients will have these side effects ,many patients are using ...read full answer
male • Feb 13, 2018 • Gwalior
Sir, I am losing my hairs quickly. I have used many shampoos but there is not any effect. What should I do?
7 years ago
Shampoos doesn't have much effect on reducing hair loss ,as hair loss can occur due to various deficiencies like vit b12 ,vit d ,low iron level, thyroid disorders so blo ...read full answer
male • Jan 23, 2018 • Hyderabad
Hi doctors, last year 2017 Feb I got alopecia areata, a size of five one rupee coins, I have consulted a doctor they suggested me to take ILS INJECTION and I have taken ...read more
7 years ago
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder which occurs due to your own blood cells acting against the hair follicle leading to their destruction and formation of patches ...read full answer
male • Dec 27, 2017 • Vijayawada
I am having dandruff problem. But after clearing dandruff I am getting it again after two days, this is happening every time. I am using dankare plus scalp solution.
7 years ago
Antidandruff should be used for 3 months ,start initially thrice a week later you can switch to twice a week and then once a week .If still its recurring then oral antof ...read full answer
Male • 25 Year Old • Nov 23, 2017
I am working on Computers & wear spectacles. Dark circles under my eyes day by day is getting darker. Advice how to remove it.
7 years ago
Since you r working on computer ,wear antiglare glasses and use a sunscreen with infrared protection .under eye dark circle creams are available you can put it in the ni ...read full answer