5 years ago
No it is not. But you have to take your digestion and physical activity into consideration before selecting s meal plan. Do consult a ayurvedic physican once. We will as ...read full answer
male • Nov 07, 2018
I'm 3rd year medical student who have severe stress for the last 4 years Now my compliant is hair lose which happen in the last 3 months and start to rapidly increase an ...read more
6 years ago
sir you should try Ayurveda medicines for this. we have very effective meds to manage stress and prevent hairfall. please consult ASAP also start yoga or exercises. this ...read full answer
male • Nov 07, 2018 • Raipur
I am suffering from scabies for 2 month. It itching all day and not cure after many treatment.
6 years ago
you should try Ayurveda. remember one thing. cure can not happen in a few days. it takes 10 to 12 months to achieve that. be patient and take Meds regularly and you will ...read full answer
male • 26 Year Old • Oct 22, 2018
On my fore head black heads there .how to reduce that. Please tell me how to heal.
6 years ago
use this home made scrub 1. rice powder 2 TSP 2 methi/ Fenugreek powder - 1/2 TSP 3. turmeric powder - 1 pinch mix all and make a paste with water. apply on forehead and ...read full answer
After several days of festivities and a overdose of sweets and high calorie foods, it is time we settle down into our daily routine. Try this simple remedy to lose the few extra inches you gained this navratri. Boil one litre of water adding 1 tab......read more