The kidneys are the purifiers of the body; they help in removing the waste from the body through the urine. In those suffering from kidney diseases, the function of the kidney is affected, and so their ability to clear out waste from the body is more
There are two kidneys in the body on the right and left sides, which have a significant role in metabolism, as outlined below. Regulation of minerals, including sodium and potassium Production of urine through which metabolic wastes, including more
Do you know that 100 litres of purified water are used for each dialysis session? This water needs to be of very high purity. Otherwise the patient can be harmed and can lead to serious infections and even heart disease. At Dharma Kidney Care we more
No Blood, No needle, No visit to hospital, you can do yourself at home with sterile fluid. A thin layer of transparent screen like structure hangs in front of the abdominal muscles known as peritoneum. This peritoneum protects the abdominal more
In most cases, a urinary tract infection affects only the urethra and bladder(Lower UTI) but in some cases, it can affect the ureters and kidneys(Upper UTI) as well. This is known as Pyelonephritis or a kidney infection. If this infection spreads more