Last Updated: Sep 12, 2020
Red clover is used for cancer prevention, indigestion, high cholesterol, whooping cough, cough, asthma, bronchitis, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).It can also be used for symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes; for breast pain or tenderness (mastalgia); and for premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Red clover is also applicable to the skin for skin cancer, skin sores, burns, and acute skin diseases including eczema and psoriasis.
Red clover, scientific namem Trifolium pratense, is a herbaceous species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae. It is a herbaceous, short-lived perennial plant,with size much varying, growing to 20–80 cm tall.
The leaves of red clover are alternate, trifoliate (with three leaflets), each leaflet 15–30 mm long and 8–15 mm broad, colored green with a characteristic pale crescent in the outer half of the leaf. The petiole is 1–4 cm long, with two basal stipules that suddenly narrow to a bristle-like point.
Red Clover flowers are dark pink with a paler base, 12–15 mm long, produced in a dense inflorescence. Red clover is highly valued for its nitrogen fixation abilities which enhances soil fertility and is often used as a fodder crop.
In addition to isoflavones and genistein, red clover also contains calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C which provide ample health benefits to humans.
Let's check out the benefits of the red clover plant, it is good for controlling high cholesterol, make your hair strong and reduce dandruff. Red Clover is used for cancer risk prevention, common cold and cough issues, good for women in premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
To strong bone helath and increase mineral density, start using red clover extract in the diet. It also improves digestion, helps in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) health issues. Mentioned below are the best health benefits of red clover
The hormonal impacts of red clover are significant, specially for women. The isoflavones found in red clover is similar to estrogen, so for those women who may struggle to maintain estrogen levels, red clover can aid to balance their hormonal shifts and prevent mood swings, as well as reduce breast pain.
Red Clover is also useful for women undergoing PMS as well as menopause, as both of these times can cause dangerous or unpredictable fluctuations in hormone levels.
The anti inflammatory properties of red clover is beneficial in relieving stress and anxiety and thus curbs the tendency of hypertension.
Isoflavones play some role in preventing cancer cells from multiplying or growing and also might be able to induce apoptosis (self-destruction of cancer cells).Red clover use for carcinogenic treatments include those related to hormonal changes, such as prostate, breast and endometrial cancer.
Red clover’s isoflavones are beneficial for slowing down signs of aging on the skin, as well as lowering inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and various rashes.
Red clover’s effects on estrogen levels provide most of its anti-inflammatory, UV protective, collagen-boosting and wound-healing potentials. It is also used to boost the health of the skin follicles, the scalp and nails
Red clover is used for prevention and treatment of respiratory conditions like whooping cough, colds, asthma and bronchitis.It has natural cleansing effects within the body and thus reduces anxiety and discomfort during illness.
Use red clover to loosen phlegm and calm bronchial spasms, improve sleep quality, and help flush extra mucus and fluids from the respiratory system.
Red clover can help improve arterial health,reduce the risk for atherosclerosis (hardening or thickening of the arteries), enhance circulation, control high cholesterol and help prevent coronary heart disease.
Red clover helps prevent heart disease because of the presence of isoflavones, which can increase HDL “good” cholesterol, lower blood clots from forming and produce more flexibility in arteries.This phenomemnon is called “arterial compliance” and helps improve blood flow from the heart to the remaning body, while also thinning the blood and carrying more nutrients to cells.
Red clover helps with bone recovery and cuts down the risk for osteoporosis, especially in post-menopausal women who are at the greatest risk for fractures and bone loss.The isoflavones present in red clover helps significantly improve bone conditions even in old ages.
Rich in isoflavones, Red clover tea is an effective hair rinse.It also makes the hair strong by eleminating dandruff and scalp irritations. The use of red clover in shampoo softens the hair, adds greater volume to thicken hair and luster to the hair. It also makes the hair more manageable and less frizzy.
Red clover has often been used to treat whooping cough and other throat related conditions such as bronchitis and sore throats. Use red clover as tinctures to help treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Side effects, including nausea, muscle aches, headaches, and heavy periods in some women have been found due to red clovers.The safety of red clover usage in patients with breast or endometrial cancer has not yet been established.
People with protein S deficiency have an increased risk of forming blood clots and red clover might increase the risk of clot formation in these people because it has some of the effects of estrogen.
Trifolium pratense, the red clover, is a member of the bean family Fabaceae, native to Bulgaria ,Europe, Western Asia and northwest Africa, but planted and naturalised in many other regions.
Red clover is best cultivated in the later part of spring and when sown earlier in the spring season (or late in the fall the previous year), it results in more harvests, and thus a greater overall yield over the growing season.
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