3 years ago
Go for a Mamogram Bilateral and get confirmation that its not a cancer. If birads score is 3 or 4 then can confirm by Biopsy. If birads score is low no need to be worrie ...read full answer
female • 29 Year Old • Jun 13, 2021 • Bangalore
I stopped breastfeeding 10 days back n now I have pain in my breasts and also I can feel lump formed inside it in one of my breast. Today I took a tablet combiflam plus ...read more
3 years ago
Can be inflamatory (mastitis) take antibiotics and continue combiflam for 5-7 days after consultation with a doctor who can examine you.
female • 33 Year Old • Sep 29, 2020 • Chennai
My father in law has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in 2017, and undergone 4 cycles of chemotherapy. After completion of chemotherapy he was on erlotinib for 2 ...read more
4 years ago
You have not mentioned about your previous pet ct report. If the current pet ct suggests progression of disease then we have to change medication and if its static or im ...read full answer
Male • 80 Year Old • Sep 20, 2020 • Dehradun
I had ca prostate in 2014 when psa was 50 and biopsy positive. I gone for radiation therapy and then hormone therapy. I had no symptoms except creatinine was high about ...read more
4 years ago
Yes you need to continue the injection as these injections will keep your androgen hormone level at low . There are other Hormonal injections, if you are having reaction ...read full answer
female • 22 Year Old • May 18, 2020 • Sitapur
I am 19 years old women I had sex two time in a month and having normal menstruation but breast milk is coming from my breast please tell me why it is coming and I am ha ...read more
4 years ago
Is there any mass in your breast palpable ? And is the milk coming related to any perticular period with menstruation ?