Dr. Manazila Manulrafadiya
manazila pk
Personal Statement
Hello and thank you for visiting my Lybrate profile! I want to let you know that here at my office my staff and I will do our best to make you comfortable. I strongly believe in ethics; as a health provider being ethical is not just a remembered value, but a strongly observed one...read more
Doctor Information
- Homeopathy Doctor
- homoeopathic , vinayaka mission university , 2017
Clinic Location
poolenkandiyil(h)karanthure .p.o
Clinic of Dr. Manazila Manulrafadiya
Clinic's Name | Fees |
manazila pk | - |
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Question and Answers
Lekha Maharwal
female • 31 Year Old • Jan 29, 2019 • Jaipur
Psoriasis has been spread in legs and hands, I had taken unani medicine earlier also. That is sharbat unnab, khoon darar, majun ushba and itrifal shatarb. Bt there was n ...read more
Manazila Pk Manulrafadiya Manazila
6 years ago
take homoeopathic remedy sulphur 200/ 1 dose then next week take homoeopathic medicine psorinum 200/4dose/1week
female • 39 Year Old • Nov 08, 2018 • Mumbai
Periods are very scanty only last for 1 and 1/2 days and flow is not continuous. I am 39 years unmarried.
Manazila Pk Manulrafadiya
6 years ago
Check weather you are anemic or not do blood checkup if you have any emotional problems you can go for consultation with doctor take thalapsi bursa tincture homoeopathic ...read full answer
male • 39 Year Old • Jul 20, 2018 • Navi Mumbai
I am 39 years female having one child last two month I had heavy periods for 22 day, my sonography report showed thicker endometrial, I am planning for baby.
Manazila Pk Manulrafadiya
6 years ago
Take homoeopathic remedy pulsatilla 200/6dose/1 week avoid stress do some regular exercise take proper diet containing minerals vitamins and protein drink plenty of wate ...read full answer
Health Tips
vaginal dryness
Vagianl dryness: Vaginal dryness occurs when the tissues of the vagina are not well lubricated and healthy. It can occur at any age but is more common in older women. Signs and symptoms of vaginal dryness Pain or discomfort during penetrative sexu......read more
Supressed Menstruation
Menstruation in women Menstruation is a monthly shedding of a female's uteral lining; it lasts about 3 to 5 days (average) and contains blood and tissue that exits her body through the cervix and vagina the first day of menstruation is the first d......read more