Over time, we have caused tremendous harm to our immune system. Day in and day out, we have potentially risked our lives by being so casual with our health choices. But still, is it possible to leverage some of this burden and thus make our immune......read more
There are many myths surrounding fat and weight loss today. From fad diets to exercises that promise to burn fat in no time at all, the Internet is flooded with material and information that can confuse people. So here is our list of facts and myt......read more
It is not uncommon for us to feel sleepy at work every once in a while. You need to get an important assignment done, but all that you want to do is curl up and take a nap. We all have our days of drowsiness. But when it becomes a daily habit and ......read more
People who are constantly troubled by the fear of physical illness or who excessively feel worried about their health are commonly referred to as hypochondriacs. This phenomenon is called somatic symptom disorder, also known as hypochondria or hyp......read more
Every moment from the minute we are born, we are constantly inhaling and exhaling air. However, we rarely think twice about the quality of the air that we breathe. Ideally, we should be inhaling air rich in oxygen, but today, the air we breathe is......read more