You are most likely to experience dry skin during winter because of the cold temperature, lack of sunlight and dry environment. The lack of moisture causes your skin to dry up, giving it a cracked, flaky and scaly texture. This season demands a more
Excess hair growth or hair in unwanted parts of the body has always been a matter of concern for both women and men. Many people spend considerable amount of time trying to remove excess hair from face, chin, upper lips, legs, arms and other body more
A chemical peel is a technique used in dermatology to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck or even on the hands. An acid solution is used to remove the damaged outer layers of the skin by applying it on the skin, thereby causing more
Not excited about your 30th birthday because you think you will look old now? No doubt skin issues are a major concern for women entering this age bracket. Many are afraid of skin sagging and losing its natural elasticity. But this shouldn t stop more
A highly contagious skin condition that is caused by the infestations of tiny burrowing mites but is treatable with medication is Scabies. When the skin comes in direct contact with infested bedding or clothing, microscopic human mites, known as more