4 years ago
chemotherapy can help in well being a little bit... but v cant guarantee... stage 4... very poor results.... even with treatment.. may be 6months to 1 year... where all ...read full answer
Jul 28, 2020
I want to know that my frnd is asking she have 3 bf and if she do sex with them is der any problem after marriage in pregnancy or baby.
4 years ago
we may not know who is the father of the child... and more important she can get sexually transmitted disease... which can affect pregnancy and the baby
male • 18 Year Old • Oct 09, 2019 • Thrissur
Dear Doctor, I'm in love with my first cousin that is my father's brother's daughter and I want to marry her (not now, in future, I mean in at the age of 25 for me and 1 ...read more
5 years ago
marrying... close relatives can lead to genetic problems... the baby can suffer many diseases... especially congenital diseases.. its. not the age difference... its beca ...read full answer
male • 20 Year Old • Aug 19, 2019 • Varanasi
Sir how can the scabies be treated. Is there any way for soon recovery. What can be the medicines I have my armed force medical in 2 weeks. Pls guide me. Thanking you.
5 years ago
u can take either permithrin local application or scaboma topical application i shall send u more details privately
International womens day celebrations...get a Master check up @ just Rs 1200...read more