Dr. Healer Nazir Sheriff
Chennai Best Acupuncture Clinic in OMR Padur
Personal Statement
Classical method or Traditional Pulse Diagnosis It is an advanced one. Traditional acupuncture treatment procedure is based on pulse reading diagnosis. Pulse Reading Diagnosis: Here, pulse doesn’t mean systolic and diastolic condition. This is entirely different. In ancient times, the body nature has been found out with the help of Nadi (Pulse) and condition of 5 elements (Pancha Boodangal), Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Wood, also represents the organs condition of living being and give clear indication about health condition. Pulse reading confirms the method of treatment for the root cause of disease. Advantage of Classical Method /Traditional method (i) Easy to diagnose the root cause of the disease (ii) Treatment will be accurate for specific problem (iii) Permanent cure can be achieved (iv) Need not to use more point (needling)..read more
Doctor Information
- Acupuncturist
Other treatment areas
- Acupressurist
- Sujok
- Acupuncturist
- Asthma Specialist
- Neuro Therapy
- Alternative Medicine
- Pain Management
- Breast Lift/ Augumentation/ Reduction
- Infertility
- Rheumatologist
- Breast Lift/ Augumentation/ Reduction
- Women's Health Specialist
- Male Sexual Dysfunction Specialist
- IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Specialist
- Health Specialist
- Women's Health Specialist
- Breast Specialist
- Cosmetologist
- Massage Specialist
- BSAM , Culcutta Institute , 2002
Past Experience
- Traditional Acupuncturist - Trainee at Bhogar Druggies Research Center
- Traditional Acupuncturst at Acuheal
Languages spoken
- English
Professional Memberships
- Council of Indian Acupunturist
Clinic Location
C" Block, Akshya Adena Annai Therasa Street,
Clinic of Dr. Healer Nazir
Clinic's Name | Fees |
Chennai Best Acupuncture Clinic in OMR Padur | ₹ 500 |
Acuheal | ₹ 350 |
Acuheal | ₹ 350 |
Traditional Acupuncture for Home visit | ₹ 1,200 |