Aastha Medicare
Multi-speciality Clinic (Dermatologist, Oncologist & more)
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Our medical care facility offers treatments from the best doctors in the field of Dermatologist/ Cosmetologist, Diabetologist, Endocrinologist, Gynaecologist, Infertility Specialist, Inter...read more
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Hello Everybody!
Greetings from Asta Medi Care. I am Dr. Virendra Kumar Raju.
I want to highlight a big problem that we are facing in hospitals and clinical practice - that is the resistance of the antibiotics. In general, everybody use antibiotics as a first treatment for any kind of condition of any dose , no matter what medicine they want if they are available.
So my request to everybody is - don’t take antibiotics without the prescription of a registered doctor that is a qualified doctor. Okay, because if you take the antibiotic at home at our own doses which may be two, which, if the antibiotics require three times a day dose, you take 2 time dose, antibiotic requires less a dose but if you take higher antibiotics that give the bugs, the bacteria, a chance to get exposed to the antibiotics at the dose which will not kill the bug. Later, the bug will get resistant to that antibiotics.
So next time you take the antibiotics, the bug will be more resistant to that, because of that your health will not improve, you will pay more for the antibiotics and you have to go to higher antibiotics and to the high hospitals for elements. So my request to everybody is that don’t take antibiotics by yourself. Consult a qualified doctor and on his advice take the full dose of antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor. If the doctor says to take for five days, you have to take it for 5 days. Don’t stop the antibiotics.
Similarly the big scenario is coming the commonest infection which we are facing in India is tuberculosis. There is a big big problem to us. Nowadays tuberculosis is getting very very resistant to all the antibiotics, which we call multidrug-resistant or extreme drug resistant in which no matter what antibiotics you give, patient will not improve. So the cost and the effect is on our general public. So my request is don’t take antibiotic by yourself. Don’t go to chemist. Don’t go to unqualified doctor, and take their medicine.
Go to a registered regular doctor and take the medicine on his advice, secondly, another scenario which is coming up is the explosion of the chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes and the cholesterol problem. The reason, nobody knows. 100% nobody knows why there is a reason. Why there are so much people are suffering from hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol problems, thyroid problem. Research is going on on that. But till then, what we should do? You all know that prevention is better than the cure. So you have to go for prevention.
To prevent these conditions we have to maintain your lifestyle. Proper lifestyle. Go for a, at least for half an hour of exercise. Exercise does not mean you have to go to the gym. You can just walk around. You can do a jogging. You can go for swimming. That will do that. Half an hour or one hour of exercise can keep your wait under check, which is very important. Don’t eat anything and keep your diet balance. It should not be too much non veg, too much veg, too much fatty food, too much sugar, you have to be careful. If you are on an office job , you have to reduce your diet.
But if you are an athlete and you are going for regular exercise you can have some Liberace in your diet. Second is that, don’t smoke. If you smoke, you are calling for lot of diseases. From cancer to the asthma to tuberculosis to anything you name it. Everything can be because of smoking, including diabetes and hypertension also. Third is that keep your weight under check. Fourth, is very important, follow the advice of the doctor. Because these blood pressures, diabetes. Cholesterol problems they are not going to be treated they have to under check, because prevention is better than cure.
What we have to prevent? First you have to prevent them, this diseases but if you get this diseases then you have to prevent the complications because those complications cannot be cured. Remember this. And those complications are dreaded complications. They will give you a lot of cost. They will make your life miserable, if not prolonged, if not shortened, okay. So you have to follow the advice of the doctor. Early age blood pressure and diabetes in 30’s or 40’s. So that in your later part of life is 55 or 60 years you will be happy, that is my point.
Follow the advice of doctor and keep your lives healthy. Thank you.
I am Dr. Kanu Verma, dermatologist, practicing in Dwarka Aastha Medi Care.
Today I will be talking about something for the hair treatment that is platelet-rich plasma therapy which is very commonly used these days for the hair restoration platelet plasma basically, concentrate of your platelets from your blood which is derived from your, patients whole blood only by centrifuge method. This platelet-rich plasma concentrate is very rich in the growth factors which helps in the hair, the restoration, the regrowth and skin rejuvenation so these are the two main indications of the PRP in the dermatology that is for the skin rejuvenation and for the hair restoration.
What is platelet rich plasma therapy do and how it is given. Actually it is given by very thin fine needles through the napal method. The blood is taken from the blood. It is centrifuged simultaneously and then it is immediately injected into the scalp with a very fine thin needle and the patient don’t feel the pain as the numbing gel is applied before the procedure so that the patient doesn’t feel any discomfort or pain. When this platelet-rich plasma goes inside the scalp it stimulates the hair roots for the hair regrowth, for new hair follicles formation and for the blood vascular we should, to increase the blood supply to the hair roots so that helps in the hair regrowth and it gives very natural results.
It doesn’t gives any unnatural looks like the hair transplantation used to do. It is not at all hair transplantation. It is your own blood. A portion of your own blood is reinjected into your skin for the hair regrowth. It can be given to who are the suitable candidates. Even both man and women both can be given this therapy. Persons having the thinning of hair. Male pattern baldness, thinning over the temples and over top of the scalp. Females having broadening of the center parting or male pattern hair loss. They are the suitable candidates for this.
Yes, this therapy is little expensive, because it requires many multiple sessions, usually 6 to 8 and the results will be seen. Patient start appreciating the results after 3 to 4 months 3 to 4 sittings. The therapy is very safe. There is no side effect as your own blood is used. There is no chance of infection, contamination. It is like an office procedure. No rest is required, patient can go to the work immediately. No admission required. So in short it is a very good therapy for those patient who don’t want to take medicines or those who don’t want to go for the hair transplantation. I think PRP is a good therapy for that.
Thank you very much.
Myself, Dr Kamal Verma, I am practising Senior Radiation Oncologist. Just want to talk about the alarming rate of rise of cancer in India. The silver lining is that Cancers are highly curable when they are detected at the early stage and treated properly. When the cancer is detected smaller in size, the treatment is also more effective, easy, less expensive and has fewer side effects. In addition, a large number of cancers are preventable by achieving, adopting a healthier lifestyle. So that is all like together to fight this. Wishing you a healthy life.
Hello. Good morning friends, I am Dr Kanu Verma, a consultant dermatologist, practising in Dwarka. Today, I am going to speak about Fungal Nail Infections.
These infections are very common. Normally, they can affect any part of the body. They are not serious infections but very unpleasant. The fungal infection occurring in nails, therefore, it is called Fungal nail infections. In medical term, it is also called as Onichomicosis or Tinea Unguium.
Some amount of fungus is very normal in the skin as the other bacterias. But if this fungus further grows, then it leads to infection.
Nail Fungal Infections
It is a very slow growing infection which is not often noticed. The patient comes to know when the nail plate gets damaged, that is some pain in the nail.
Why does this fungus grow?
Well, the fungus needs warm and moist environment to develop. When some un noticed injury happens to the nail fold or nail plate, it starts developing in the warm and moist environment, as it is a favourable environment to grow. Sometimes the injury is so minor that it often goes un noticed and the patient won't be aware of the infection.
When the nail plate gets discoloured, or some lines start appearing on the nails, crumbled nails, then only patients come to know about the problem and they consult doctor through which they get to know about the nail fungus.
Who develops the nail fungus?
- People who work in a warm moist environment for a long time.
- The housewife may also face this problem while dish washing or gardening or while doing any kind of house work, they may get cut in their nails which will ultimately lead to nail fungus.
- People who are suffering from some diseases like diabetes, psoriasis, elder people, swimmer, people who walk bare foot, tends to suffer from fungal infections more commonly. However, toe nail infection is more common than finger nail infection.
How to diagnose nail fungal infection?
If you have any sort of discolouration of nails, pain or swelling, these are the signs of fungal infections and u need to consult a dermatologist. A doctor can scratch your nail for diagnosing a fungus. The infected nail may look like greenish yellowish in colour, or there may also occur some swollen nail fold, discharge. If it is advanced then the nail may get crumbled, distorted nail plate, or sometimes the nail plate get lifted up due to the fungus deposition. So, basically, these are the symptoms of nail fungal infections. Also, the nail can completely be destroyed if these symptoms are ignored which can not be repaired. There will be complete nail destruction and it will become very difficult to cure.
How the nail fungal infection treated?
The treatment is possible but it takes time for the recovery. The recovery time depends on the amount of damage caused to nail, patients tolerance and the number of nails damaged.
What type of treatments are available?
The oral medication is available and the topical creams. The treatment procedure takes months for the recovery. The finger nails take about 3-4 months for the recovery and for toe nails, it takes 4-5 months. Nowadays, Laser treatment for fungal infections is also available which is fast, effective and especially for those kinds of patients which can not tolerate anti-fungal tablets.
How to prevent nail fungus?
- It depends on how much you take care of your nails.
- The more you go for the regular checkup of your nail injury.
- regular clipping of a nail, go to such salons which do manicure and pedicure with the sterile equipment.
- If you are diabetic, then proper sugar control should be there.
- Don't keep your nails in moisture for long hours.
- If you are required to wear shoes for long hours, then you should apply anti- fungal powder on the toes, in order to keep them dry and does not allow fungus to grow.
These are few tips which can help you prevent nail fungal infection.
Thank you.
Here are symptoms,cause and treatments of Acne and Acne Scars
Hello friends I’m Dr. Kanu Verma. I’m a consultant dermatologist and cosmetologist practicing in the Dwarka, Delhi. Today I’m going to say something about the very common skin problem which is
acne. This is a very common problem which is because of the inflammation of the Pilosebaceous unit of our skin which is attributed to the androgen hormone activities or keratinization problem or related to the bacterial P-acne infection in the gland and so on.
Sometimes, usually the stress environment food habits they don’t have the direct impact on that acne but indirectly they cause the acne. OK now the acne squally of acne is acne scars. Actually the scarring is the problem. Acne scars occurs when the inflammation inflammatory changes and infection in the pilosebaceous unit exceeds the skin repair mechanism. There can be a two type of acne scars hypertrophic or raised scars or atrophic depressed scars. Hypertrophic scars when the bear mechanism is over and excessive so there’s more collagen formation and this scars are raised over the skin. Atrophic or depressed scars it could be when there’s a loss of skin tissue from skin though that causes the skin couldn’t repair it properly and there comes the depressed scars. It could be of ISPECT types of scars, box scars, rolling scars.
One more thing sometimes is no scarring over the skin but acne heals leaving behind the pigmentary changes over the skin that we call hyper pigmentation or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. There are many type of treatment for the acne scars not only the medicine but chemical peels, microdermabrasion, micro-needling processes, micro-needling includes derma rollers, derma pens, then laser treatment. All these treatments you have to go through a sequel of treatment so that the skin and this skin become smooth and the scars fade away.
There are some do’s and don’ts for the acne and acne scars. You should not pick and prick the acne or pimples when they are. There is very good temptation be that squeeze of the white puss from the acne so it won’t leave us scar. Don’t keep on touching the acne, don’t pricking them, pressing them, squeezing them, don’t wash them frequently, cover your face always when while going out of the house, wear the sunscreen, cover your face with the dupatta or scarf, so that it prevents for your skin from the pollution. This is normal ways from which you can prevent the acne scar to an extent. Drink lots of water. Have a healthy lifestyle. More of the fruits and veggies in your diet. Avoid junk food.
If you need any further consultation or details about the treatment then you can go contact me through the Lybrate.
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Doctors in Aastha Medicare
Doctors in Aastha Medicare
Dr. Kanu Verma
Dr. Virendra Kumar Raju
Dr. Kamal Verma
Internal Medicine
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3 reviewsAastha Medicare Reviews
Nov 05, 2019I am very much satisfied with tbe treatment, my acne had reduced very much. As i was facing this problem since past 3 months and was very much troubled by home remidies. Much helpful. read less
Sep 10, 2019Good
Mar 20, 2018It's nice to meet with Dr. Kanu
Jan 22, 2017My experience has been very good. Dr. kanu is not just professional but also friendly. She ensures that she would give enough time to listen to your problem and then also would properly answer it; no matter how much time that takes. She is more inclined towards ensuring tht you get the right treatme...read more
Feb 17, 2017I have many skin related problems from when i was a child and at the age of 21 i started having corns on my feet which got me worried since they were causing a lot of pain and also some were so hard that they were numb. I consulted a lot of doctors that recommended various medicines to remove it but...read more