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Nest Gynae & Ortho Speciality Clinic
Nest Gynae & Ortho Speciality Clinic

Nest Gynae & Ortho Speciality Clinic

Multi-speciality Clinic (Orthopedic Doctor & Gynaecologist)

No. 17, DDA Market, Rajdhani Enclave, Pitampura
5 Reviews
2 Doctors
₹ 500 - ₹ 800 at clinic
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Our mission is to provide the best possible health care with compassion and more

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09:30 AM - 08:00 PM

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The Journey To Pregnancy
The Journey To Pregnancy

Hi friends,

I am Dr Sheetal Sachdeva I am a practicing gynecologist in Delhi, Pitampura.

Today I welcome you all to the journey of pregnancy, I am sure one of the happiest moment in the lady's life is when your urine pregnancy test returns positive. There are so many questions which run through your mind, when should I visit to doctor, what all medicines I should be eat in, what all foods to avoid during pregnancy, what all activities to pursue or not pursue.

Today I would like to clarify few doubts of yours, let me start you from the time, let's begin from that time actually when you start thinking about starting a family. Once that thought croses your mind you should start your folic acid, should get some basic investigations done with your doctor, avoid the x-rays, eat write, whenever you fall sick tell your attending doctor that you are thinking about starting a family, so the appropriate medicnes are written or avoided.

Once you have urine pregnancy positive in front of you then visit your doctor she will advise you folic acid, Folic acid is a vitamin which is supposed to prevent the birth defects in the coming pregnancy. It's good for your baby, it's good for the development of the brain of the baby, after that a few investigation would be done, the your doctor would be giving you some medication for excessive nausea or vomiting, if required.

The ultrasound would be done at the appropriate time, we counted the weeks and we count from the first day of your last menstrual period. We know you are never conceive on that day but to standardized the issues, we count weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. In the first trimester in the fall of visits your doctor would be helping you out with the weight gain as far as the weight gain is concerned there is an average of 1 kg weight gain in the first 3 months. So you don't have to eat too much, eat what you find is appropriate, is present to you avoid outside food, don't eat raw food there is no specified fruit which should be avoided from our side.

Coming to the second trimester, the 4th 5th and 6th month of pregnancy you will start feeling the baby's movement. Usually by the end of the fifth month you are able to do so, it's little earlier in the patients you know who have conceived second or the third time, in the first pregnancy you might take a while realizing that these are the baby movements.

Your doctor would be advising you appropriate immunizations that would be against tetanus, T-dap and influenza vaccines, Iron and Calcium supplements would be started again as far as the weight gain is concerned there will be an average of 5 kg of weight gain in the middle three months of pregnancy. So eat what is right for you take lot of protein, avoid fats, take appropriate carbohydrates.


In the third trimester, that is the 7th 8th and 9th month pregnancy you will start feeling the movements on the better side, so you have to start counting your movements as well, you are the best judge when the movements are lighter or stronger on that day, in case there is any doubt consult your gynaecologist. On an average it's always better to lie on your left or the right side 1 hour after you take your food as an breakfast, lunch and dinner and then perceive your movements, babies are more active after you had your food. You will be continuing with the Iron, calcium supplements or any other medications if required.

There is an again an average weight gain of 5 kgs in the third trimester. Now regarding a few issues which sleeping posture to be avoided or promoted you can lie on whichever side you want left or right, in the first three months you can even lie on your tummy, but after that you won't be comfortable doing that. Second, as far as what are the foods to be avoided or eaten? Whatever is palatable to you, take high, good protein, take well cooked home cooked food, avoid food from outside because of the hygiene issues, which activities to pursue you can do basic yoga, you can do basic walk, its always good for you. Pregnancy is not a disease and you should be as active as possible unless and until your doctor advises against it.

I am sure and hopeful that I have cleared that some of your doubts have been cleared and I will happy to help you, I am doctor Sheetal Sachdeva, I will be available at my clinic in Pitampura, Delhi or you can consult me on Lybrate, Lybrate as well.

All the best for your journey.

Osteoporosis: Causes You Need To Know
Osteoporosis: Causes You Need To Know

Hello everyone,

I am Dr Neetan Sachdeva I am Orthopaedic surgeon.

Let's talk about Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis is a very common disease now affecting all of us, many individuals, many ladies, elderly men-females, everybody is getting affected over period of time. About one and two females and 1 and 8 men are affected in India with Osteoporosis. Now you may be having lot of big body ache, pains, if you above 35-40 you may be a male, you may be a female, lot of pain, big aches thakawat jisko bolte hain hum log, may be tired getting up don't feel like working you may be approaching a menopause, such cases we usually trying differentiate between Arthritis and Osteoporosis. If we are going ahead with this investigations with like something like dexa scan which is usually done about 40-45 years of age not before that, in elderly men also it is done and post menopause female also it is done and it comes us to be osteoporosis, then we have treatment for that. So what is basically and Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis is porous bones or soft bones. Now the bones they collapse their own self just by small trivial injuries, just by little weight or just buy some activity you may have damage your bones that happen in osteoporosis. In routine we normally have a very good bone strength around 35 after, 35 gradually the bone strength decreases. So about 40-45 is the age when you start having osteoporosis, that is the time we should be very careful. Now what causes osteoporosis? Lack of exercise, not the right food, lack of calcium, vitamin D, you may be suffering for Rheumatoid Arthritis or any kind of arthritis you may be on steroids, obesity, obviously some comb or bit factors are always there for Osteoporosis. So how would we diagnose Osteoporosis, it is mainly the gold stand test is the DEXA scan that is a bone density, common areas which scanned is the hip, the spine, maybe the wrist and other areas are also spine, but spine is the main area where the Osteoporosis is diagnosed. There are some scores which you find on your report those are known as T-scores, T-scores are the value given by WHO from which we diagnose Osteoporosis, less than 2.5 or above is Osteoporosis. The severity of the Osteoporosis is bones treatment, the treatment maybe just adding supplements, maybe some exercise, eating good food, you may have calcium, vitamin D, if you have severe osteoporosis we might give you some other medication. Yes, alcohol, smoking these all things also adds to Osteoporosis. You need to decrease on those and probably stop them if anyone is having them. Osteoporosis is recently controlled very nicely on drugs and it can be controlled by exercise, you may build up your bone mask with all these supplements, and if you're still not happy with all these you may further go ahead test with Osteoporosis and other than this test Arthritis test can also be done to differentiate between Osteoporosis and Arthritis.

So, if you have any further queries you can contact me on my clinic at Rajdhani Enclave, Pitampura or you can contact through Lybrate.

Thank you very much.




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Doctors in Nest Gynae & Ortho Speciality Clinic

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Doctors in Nest Gynae & Ortho Speciality Clinic


Dr. Neetan Sachdeva

Orthopedic Doctor28 Years Exp.
DNB - Orthopedics, Diploma In Orthopaedics, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Fellowship In Rheumatology & Joint Dosorder
₹ 500 at clinic
300 online
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Dr. Sheetal Sachdeva

Gynaecologist24 Years Exp.
DNB (Obstetrics & Gynecology), DGO, MBBS
₹ 800 at clinic
800 online
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Ishwar Yadav

Jun 13, 2019




Jan 29, 2019




Feb 17, 2017

Dr sheetal was so friendly and compassionate. Mine was a high risk pregnancy, and she was so approachable and always ready to help. She was always available on phone, we are blessed with a healthy baby boy now and I want to thank her from the bottom of my heart. Thank you mam for being there more


Vijaya Sree

Apr 13, 2018

Dr. Sheetal Sachdeva provides answers that are very helpful. Thank you so much mam



Feb 17, 2017

Dr sachdeva was very knowledgeable and caring dr. Highly recommended

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