Berkowits Hair And Skin Clinic - Gurgaon
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How to protect your skin from Sun Tan?
Hello everyone. I am Dr. Anupriya Goel from Berkowitz Hair And Skin Clinic. Today I am going to give you tips on how to take care of your skin during summers.
Now, the most common problem that people come to me with during summers is sun tan and pigmentation and my prevention for the same would be prevention than cure. Now, you must prevent your skin from the harmful radiation of from the sun which not only leads to sun tan and pigmentation but also leads to photo damage of your skin which leads to early signs of aging. So the main component which must be applied to prevent your skin from this skin damage is the application of a broad spectrum sunscreen. So, a sunscreen must be minimum SPF 30, UVA++, must be applied 15-20 minutes before going out in the sun, must be re-applied every 3 hours if you are in the sun continuously and should be applied in adequate quantities.
Now, a lot of people even though they apply sunscreen, as they do not apply in adequate quantity, is not very effective. So a minimum of 3 fingertips units must be applied on the face and the neck. Now, along with application of the sunscreen, application of a vitamin C serum is also very important. This is because, due to the exposure to UV radiations and due to environmental pollutants there is generation of free radicals or reactive oxygen species which not only damages your skin cells but it is also damages your melanin producing cells or melanocides. So, this can be prevented by intake of anti-oxidants in the form of citrus fruits, oral supplements and Vitamin C serum. Hence, I would advise that application of a Vitamin C serum and a sunscreen is a must every single day of your life especially in summers.
Now, at night time, the most important step before going to bed is cleansing your face. Many people undermine the importance of cleaning their face before going to bed. This step not only removes the excessive sebum and excessive production of sweat that is mainly produced during summers but it also removes the environmental pollutants. After cleansing your face, you must apply a topical agent containing alphahydroxy acid, containing glycolic acid, lactic acid or melanic acid at least twice a week. This step not only improves the top layer of your skin by decreasing the amount of sebum and removing the dead skin cells but it also acts on a deeper level of your skin producing increased collagen, and meuko polysaccharides which increases the thickness and quality of your skin.
On the other days of the week, you must also apply a moisturizing cream or a hydrating gel. The important properties of a good moisturizing cream are that it contains humectants which attracts water to the skin, maintains or traps water to your skin and emollients which smoothen up your skin. A good property of a moisturizing gel should be that it should leave your skin smooth and supple and not very sticky. Now, other than applying these moisturizing creams and hydrating gels, it is very important to take care of the hydration of your body by taking minimum 2-3 liters of water every single day. So, just to summarize it, during summers, during daytime, you must apply Vitamin C serum and a sunscreen and at night, you must apply a good moisturizing gel along with glycolic acid containing topical agents along with a healthy diet and cleansing your face.
If you do all these steps for a minimum of 3-6 months, you will definitely see a younger and brighter looking skin. Wish you all a very healthy and beautiful summer. Thank you.
Detail on Anti Aging Treatment
Hello, everyone, I’m Dr. Anupriya Goel from Berkowitz hair and skin clinic and today I’m going to talk about various anti-aging treatments including botulinum toxin, fillers and thread lift.
To start with Botulinum toxin, it is a protein complex which is derived from clostridium botulinum bacterium and it is used to treat certain muscular conditions and aesthetically remove wrinkles by temporarily relaxing the muscle. The various indications that it can be used to treat are our horizontal frontal lines for crow’s feet, frown lines, bunny lines and dimpled chin. Now how this procedure is done is by applying a local anesthetic cream on the concerned areas and injecting the toxin directly into the neuro muscular tissue .the result of this starts coming within 24 to 72 hours and the peak result is seen within 7 to 14 days. Now the main advantage of this procedure is that by using the toxin we not only remove the wrinkles but we also prevent the formation of permanent lines on the face. Now when this procedure is done in conjunction with other procedures like fillers and thread lifts it even gives better results.
What exactly are Fillers, these are high percentage hyaluronic acid materials which are used for volume restoration and phase rejuvenation. As we age there is hypertrophy of the fat, the muscle and the bone due to which there is a loss of volume of the face, by using fillers we can correct that. Now the ways indications for which fillers can be used are a loss of volume under the eyes or Tiaras for lip augmentation for nasolabial folds and for marionette lines. They can also be used for augmenting your cheek and chiseling your jaw line.
Now when this procedure is done along with another procedure called Thread lift which is a relatively new procedure it gives even better results. It is a very well known fact that the ideal female facial shape is an ovoid shape or an inverted egg shape with fullness in the upper half of the face and narrowness in the lower half of the face that is chiseling of the jaw line towards the chin. This can be accentuated by using the procedure called thread lift now there are a number of threads which are available which includes mono threads, lock threads, mono screw threads, and double school trips they act by collagen regeneration and remodeling. They are made up of a material known as poly dioxin on which one goes inside the skin it rejuvenates the skin and lifts the skin by collagen regeneration and remodeling. Now how this procedure is done is that we apply a local anesthetic cream locally and we insert the needles which have these threads on it. We put these needles inside and take the mount and the thread remains inside. In that area there is tightening and sagging is lifted by collagen regeneration so whether we do these procedures alone or we do in conjunction with each other they bring excellent results and they are associated with minimal side effects.
If you have any queries regarding any treatments you can contact us. Thank you.
Here are procedures, results and precautions of Chemical Peel and Microneedling.
Hello everyone. I am doctor Anupriya Goel from Berkowits Hair and Skin Clinic. And today I am going to talk two topics Chemical Peels and Microneedling.
To start with Micro needling.
Microneedling is also known as collagen induction therapy and it's a very simple procedure mainly for Acne scars. In this therapy we take handheld rolling instrument which have number of pins on it. Dispense can range from 192 to 540 needles and they have varied length as well which varies from 0.5 to 2 mm. Choose the length of the needle according to type and the area of the face that we have to treat. If we have to treat the forehead we take the needle of 0.5 mm and if we have to treat your check area which has the acne scars we take a needle of about 2 mm. Now How we do the procedure is that we taken area of about 2 by 2 inches of your skin, we stretch it and we roll the instrument on your skin and we must get a clinical endpoint of pinpoint bleeding. As Soon as we get the pin point bleeding that is small wounds on your skin which are the good ones. Because these wants leads to release of number of growth factors like the epidermal growth factor, fibre blast growth factor, platelet derived growth factor which needs to collagen regeneration and remodeling and youthful appearance.
Now this procedures it has to be done in multiple sessions. About 6 to 8 sessions have to be given of this therapy and it has to be given in the gap of about 6 to 8 weeks. This treatment can also be combined with number of treatments like chemical peels lasers and many more and and just needs to even better the results. So I would say that microneedling is very simple procedure. Isn't office going procedure. You can even come in your office rest time and get it done and it gives this excellent results and it can be combined with number of therapies and it leads two very glowing renewed skin and your acne scars can really be gone with this statement.
Starting with Chemical peeling.
Chemical peel is a medical procedure which application of chemical agents in your skin which causes very controlled destruction of of your epidermis and dermis leading to its regeneration and treatment of skin imperfection leading to a youthful appearance. Now Chemical peels are also classified in various types depending upon the death of the skin they have penetrated. A chemical peel is called very superficial if they have penetrated just the starting cornium that is the superficial most layer of the epidermis. And if they have penetrated in the entire epidermis then it is called superficial peel. However if they penetrate in the dermis then they are classified in medium depth or deep peels. There are number of fields available in the market including glycolic, salicylate meadowlake, lactate, trichloroacetic acid, phenol, jessner and there are a number of peels which are available in combinations as well. So there are so many treatment availability and there are so many indications for which we can do this.
So the treatment, the indications for which we can do chemical peels include treatment of acne pigmentation, treatment of acne itself, treatment of acne scars, we can melasma, fractals, lentigines. You can even treat your wrinkles. We Can treat the tanning of your skin. We Can bring a overall regeneration of your skin from this procedure. The only precaution you have to take after a Chemical peeling procedure is that you have apply sunscreen literally before you go out in the sun and also not to perform abrasive procedures for the next one week however you can combine this procedure with microdermabrasion or microneedling or lasers after one week. Hence Chemical peeling is also a very safe procedure. It can be done during office timings and it leads to skin rejuvenation and glow on your skin with a very easy technique without any downtime.
So if you want to get any of these procedures or any more procedures like lasers and you want any Dermatology help, you must call us and we are there to help. Thank you.
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