Bharti Eye Foundation
Ophthalmologist Clinic
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Take the Best Care of Your Precious Eyes When it comes to your eyes, you should not make any negligence. A small problem can turn big and it may cost your vision. At Bharti Eye Foundation ...read more
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Hello everyone,
I am Dr. Bhupesh. I am practising here as a cornea cataract and refractive surgeon at Bharti Eye Hospital. So today I am going to talk about refractive surgery commonly known as Lasik. Lasik surgery is done to remove the glasses from the patient. Lasik can remove the minus number as well as the plus number commonly known as myopia or hyperopia. Lasik is done after the age of 18 years. The essential criteria for going for lasik surgery is that the patient has to be above 18 years of age, the patient's number has to be stable for at least one year and before planning the lasik surgery we have to do the pentacam for the corneal topography test for every patient. And if that test shows that everything is normal, there is no corneal pathology, the thickness of the cornea is normal, then only we can plan the Lasik for the patient. So if you talk about the technology involved in lasik surgery, Lasik can be done basically with two types of laser - one is the femtosecond laser by which we cut the flap in the cornea.
The other laser involved in the lasik surgery is excimer laser by which we can remove the number. So cutting the flat can be done either by the femtosecond laser or with the help up of microcheratom blade. It works well allthough femtosecond laser is more safe and more precise so nowadays femtosecond laser is more used then the microcheratom blade. So the other advantages of lasik is that the patient get rid of glasses, some people wants to get rid of the glasses because of the cosmetic concern and some patient because they are too dependent on the glasses. Without glasses they cannot walk, they cannot do routine work. So they want to get rid of their glasses and get the Lasik done. If you talk about the surgery duration- this procedure takes not more than 10 minutes for both the eyes.
This is a painless surgery. We do not give any injections after the surgery or during the procedure. There won't be any pain so it is a painless surgery. The success rate of all this procedure is very high. The complication rates are less than 0.001 , So most of the patients are very happy with the surgery and they get very good results. In the post operative period if you talk about the recovery, how much amount of time it takes to get 100% vision after the surgery, it is less than 24 hours. The very next day patient sees everything. So you don't have to take any rest or you don't need to get admitted to the hospital. You can go back to your work after 2 to 3 days. There is no specific post-op precautions except you should avoid swimming for at least one month and heavy exercises for at least one month. We prescribe few medications and eye drops after the surgery that you have to take for a week and then lubricant eye drops for a month. So this is all about lasik surgery.
Thank you.
I am Dr. Bhupesh Singh, ophthalmologist. Today I will talk about cataract. It is a cloudiness of the lens which is inside the eye. Everyone get this problem, so you should know about this. It usually comes at the age of 50, 60 or 70. This is an age related problem. Child also gets catarct which is called congenital cataract. Some patients get after the trauma. Now the advance technology we have is bladeless catarct surgery. We used to do phacoemulsification and then we insert the lens.
But now with laser we don't have to put major cut to cut the cornea. The procedure is more safe and precise. The healing time is faster. We have to put another lens for patient to get the vision. What kind of lens suits to patient which totally depends upon the patient's needs. 2 types of lenses: Monofocal and trifocal lens.In monofocal, patient can see at the distance and sometimes without glasses. In trofocal, patient gets independence from glasses. If patient wants read then he requires glasses. When we combine both the lenses then the results are much better. Cataract surgery is very fast. It is a painless surgery. We don't give any injection or put bandage after surgery. We also advise the patient to go for few tests like blood sugar, urine and hepatitis-B. These tests have to be done before surgery. If these tests are normal then patient can take a date.
After surgery patient can go back to home on same day. We prescribe medicines for 3 weeks. For 1st week, few precautions are required like avoid putting water in the eye, avoid heavy weight lifting, running and exercises. The results are excellent. Complications are very less. Patient can go for surgery without any fear. When to go for this surgery? If patient have cataract and he is not comfortable with glasses then it is the best time for surgery.
Thank You."
Hello everyone,
I am Dr. Saurabh Sharma, glaucoma consultant. So in this video we'll talk about what is glaucoma, who gets glaucoma and what are the symptoms of glaucoma. Glaucoma as we generally know in Hindi as Kala motia, is a silent killer of sight which affects the back of the eye in particular optic nerve. The optic nerve is like a wire which takes the information, the light, from the eye to the brain and that is how we can see. The major factor for getting glaucoma is increased pressure of the eye. But there are some people who have normal pressure and still they get the optic nerve damage in particularly those patients who have decreased blood flow to the eye. So the optic nerve because of these reasons gets slowly slowly damaged and the important point to remember at this point is the part of the optic nerve which is damaged is irreversible and that is why glaucoma is considered to be the most common cause of irreversible blindness in India as well as world. So who gets glaucoma? Anyone, since birth till old age can get this dreaded disease.
But there are some people who are more prone to get glaucoma like those people who have a family history as in glaucoma runs in families. Those people have three times more risk of getting glaucoma as general population. Others like those people who have long eyes who are myopic, who wear minus glasses or who have thin corneas the front part of the eye or there are some aggravating factors like diabetes, thyroid, migraine; all these are risk factors of getting glaucoma. Regarding the symptoms of glaucoma as I have told you it is a silent killer of sight means generally there are no symptoms of glaucoma. There is no pain, there is no vision loss. The patient will not realise that he has glaucoma until and unless he is seen by the doctor; that is why it is very important for early examinations in such conditions.
However, some people can have some frequent change of glasses particularly near glasses and some people who are aware of the surroundings can be aware of their peripheral vision getting smaller and slowly slowly the vision becomes smaller and comes creeper, it becomes darker from the periphery and then creeps to the centre. Most of the patients who are coming to us, 50% of the optic nerve is already damaged and the people will not realise that they getting glaucoma and the resultant 50% of the optic nerve is damaged. In a few subset of patients which are known as the angle closure glaucoma patients, these patients are those we have which have very small eyes, who are wearing plus number of glasses. In such patients there is a risk of getting very high, extremely high pressures and then they can present early with redness, pain, loss of vision, nausea, vomiting, headaches but these are very few subset of patients. This can be diagnosed early because the patients have some symptoms in such cases.
But in generally, in glaucoma patient does not have any symptoms unless and until 50% of the optic nerve is damaged. That is why it is very very important for getting your eye examined frequently. We at Bharti eye hospital take utmost care for screening of patients particularly those patients are above 40 years of age and those who are at risk of getting glaucoma to screen whether they are getting this dreaded disease or not.
Thank you very much.
Bharti eye foundation provides the best latest technology, surgical procedures and diagnostic facilities under one roof. The facilities for Contact lenses and Paediatric ophthalmology complete the spectrum of eye care facilities at Bharti eye foundation.
Here are causes, effects and treatments of glaucoma
Hello I am Dr S Bharti founder and chairman of Bharti Eye hospital. Today I will be taking about Glaucoma quick is the second most common cause of blinding in elderly. Glaucoma is a complex of pressure and optic nerve damage related to each other and sometimes the pressure is higher than normal while sometimes it is normal. In either case optic nerve is unable to sustain the pressure and this condition is called Glaucoma. Most of the damage caused is irreversible and that is why regular eye checkups are important after the age of 40.
Glaucoma could be hereditary, diabetes is another common cause of it. That is why we suggest that people having other 2 situations should get very regular eye checkups.Glaucoma is a treatable disease and can be treated with eye drops. Surgery is required in extreme cases. The treatment available today is very successful and in most cases we are able to maintain a high quality of vision.
My suggestion is anybody who has a possibility of developing Glaucoma should go for regular eye checkups.Thank you. You can get in touch with me at Lybrate.
Here are some ways to care for your eyes
Namaskar i am Dr. S Bharti, founder and senior consultant in Bharti eye Foundation and Hospital. We have two centers one in east Patel Nagar and the other in greater kailash one and we provide very high quality eye care services and that is why both our centers are NABH accredited. Here I want to share some facts about the eye care basically for general public.
The first fact which I want to emphasize is the examination of the eye for a child should be done at the age of three years before the child enters the school so this is very important because some some of the times or most of the times the child is not able to tell you as to whether is or she is not seeing so well and only when the eye is examined at the age of three years. The parents come to know that the child has weak eyes the possibility of a child having a week eye is more in children whose parents are also having week eyes but in any case it is important to have the eye checkup for a child at the age of three years before going to the school.
The second fact which I want to emphasize is that today majority of people require computer in their routine work and there is an entity called computer vision syndrome. This computer vision syndrome is because when you are working on a computer your eye tends to blink less than normal and they can tend to get dry so it is very important to follow a room where you blink your eye. Every 20 seconds whenever you remember you get out of the area where you are working on the computer after every 20 minutes take your eyes off the computer after 20 minutes and also most of the times you will require to put some lubricant eye drop and working on the computer for a long time.
the third important thing is the cataract is not a disease it is a phenomena which happens with age. everybody will develop cataract if they live long enough sometimes the cataract start at the age of 50. For others the cataract may not start even at the age of 75 so you it is not that certain age you will definitely have cataract but there are changes which will happen to your lens and it will get opaque and that is what is called cataract and there is no medical treatment for cataract. It has to be removed and another lens has to be implanted in the eye for the treatment of cataract.
Thank you very much you can get in touch with me on lybrate.com. thank you.
Here are types, procedures, and benefits of cataract surgery
Hi! I am Dr. S. Bharti, founder and chairman of Bhartiya Foundation and Hospital, which is having two centers, one in East Patel Nagar and the other one is in Greater Kailash and both our centers are NABH accredited. So we are maintaining a very high standard of eye care services in all the super specialty branches of ophthalmology. I am more of an entire segment surgeon and doing more of Cataract surgery including the Laser Cataract Surgery and the Lasik, more of the bladeless. The advantage of Bladeless Cataract Surgery over a normal Phacoemulsification or Phaco Cataract Surgery is that it gives you very precise results along with very quick healing and very early recovery.
The accuracy of the results is much superior as compared to the Phaco Cataract surgery as also the other associated complication and especially it is better in all those cases where Phaco Cataract surgery can create complications like very hard cataracts and very highly mature cataracts or all those kinds of complicated cataracts like subluxated cabinets where Phaco sometimes is not possible.
Similarly, Lasik is a technology to remove glasses for young people and I have been doing Lasik for last 30 years. Over a period of time Lasik has evolved a lot and the new technology, the Bleed Blade free Lasik is the way to go now because it gives similarly it gives a very accurate results and also good quality or superior quality vision as compared to original early Lasik and now with the advent of the ablation profiles Lasik has become sometimes it gives you a superior quality vision as compared to contact lenses or glasses.
Thank you very much and you can get in touch with me on lybrate.com
Here are health facts of Cornea
Hi, I am Dr. Bhupesh Singh. I am a cornea specialist at Bharti Eye Hospital, New Delhi.
So, the Cornea is a transparent structure in the eye which becomes white or opaque due to various process like eye infection, some injury to the eye or some other pathology. For treating the Opacity of the cornea, Cornea transplantation is a very good option. In Cornea transplantation, we place the donor cornea to the patient with the help of stitches. After corneal transplantation, usual recovery is within a period of 3 months, Patient is able to see nicely after 3 months. Cornea transplantation can be done under local or general anesthesia depending on the patient’s age.
So, in conclusion, I would like to say cornea transplantation is a very good option for removing the corneal opacity. Thank you.
Here are cause and treatments of Age Related Macular Degeneration
Hi, I am Dr, Neha Bharti. I am an eye surgeon and consultant at Bhartia Hospital, New Delhi. I would just like to talk a little bit about Age Related Macular Degeneration.
It’s a very common condition affecting the age old population nowadays, most people over 60 years of age. But then in some cases we even over 50 years of age. In some cases, it affects the elderly so it sort of impairs the quality of life in the age old population. It’s more common in people who are smokers and the number of cigarettes or bidis that you take directly affects the severity of Age Related Macular Degeneration. The important thing about ARMD is that it requires regular investigation such as OCT and Angiography and then it has to be treated optimally in some cases by the intravitreal injection. Multiple intravitreal injections can be required to maintain a good visual outcome for as long as possible.
So, in the end, I would like to summarize that Age Related Macular Degeneration is becoming a very common problem in the age old population nowadays and it requires regular check up and optimum treatment for maintaining good visual outcome for as long as possible. Thank you.
Here are health tips of Childhood Squint
Hi, I'm Dr. Archana Gupta Mahajan. I'm a senior consultant at Pediatric Ophthalmology, squint at Bharti Eye Hospital. Today I'm going to talk a little bit about childhood squint. I just wanted to say this that squint as a problem is not unsymptomptable. Any child that you notice is squinting, parents should bring the child for check up as early as possible to a Pediatric Ophthalmologist.
A detail evaluation including dilated evaluation would be done and whatever treatment is needed needs to do be done. That means either glasses, it might be exercised, also timely surgery. So surgery is not something to be scared of. A squint Sergey is an extracular surgery, it’s a very simple surgery and done at the right time it is sight saving. Also under sum up in the end and say this at the moment you notice a squint in a child you should be brought it for a check up. Children should be evaluated by an Ophthalmologist before 3 years of age years or before the child goes to school.
Thank you. Any queries you can connect with me at lybrate.com or call up our hospital at Bharti Eye Hospital.
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Jun 06, 2018I am blessed with my eyes and operation is done handful. But the treatment on asking questions on regular checkup is not at all good.
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