BNCHY Wellness Medispa
Multi-speciality Clinic (Ayurvedic Doctor, Yoga & Naturopathy Specialist & more)
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We provide infusion of all wellness treatments as per your health condition under Body Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Reflexology and Cosmetology via Naturopathy, Yoga, Ayurveda, Physiotherapy, Ac...read more
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Hi everybody!
I’m Dr. Rojy Devi, Physiotherapist. I’m in a physiotherapy department at Bnchy Wellness Medispa.
Today I’m going to talk about the osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis of the knee is very common for the arthritis. And we will discuss about the difference of the osteoarthritis means what is the differences of the osteoarthritis of the knee. So osteoarthritis of the knee is the degenerative disease of the joints. In this conditions the natural connecting between the joints cartilage becomes worse to worse. So when it happens bones between the joints means the bones of the joints becomes rough against one another.
So that roughing reasons in pain, stiffness, sometimes results in the osteo formations. And sometimes it results in the decrease in the joints mobility. So the types next the types of osteoarthritis are 2 types of osteoarthritis are there. One is tibia fibula osteoarthritis second is the patellofemoral joints arthritis. The causes for the osteoarthritis is first is the age. Age is the major risk factor for the osteoarthritis of the knee. Second hereditary, then weight, then repetitive strain injury.
Then arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis and some other illness like metabolic disorder. These are the causes for the arthritis of the knee. Then next is what the symptoms of the osteoarthritis of the knee are. First is the pain, second swelling then warmth filling of warmth in the joints then stiffness and the other symptoms are the decreased mobility of the joints and sometimes deformity also and then sometimes creepy also. So, these are the symptoms of the osteoarthritis of the knee. Second is the diagnose next step is the diagnosis. Diagnosis is based on the history and the physical examination. Other diagnosis are X-ray and MRI. So on MRI the some changes can see on MRI.
The changes involved are one is osteophytes formation that is the bone spur then narrowing of the joint space. Then what are the treatments for the osteoarthritis of the knee means the physiotherapy is the treatments for the osteoarthritis of the knee. So first that is discuss is the aim and goal of the physiotherapy treatments. First the aim, one is the reduced the pain and the inflammation. Second normalize the range of the motion. Third is the strengthen the knee muscle specially quadriceps and hamstring.
Then improve the functions, then improves balance, then improves the particular alignment and some functions. These are the aims and the goals of the physiotherapy. Then next come to the treatment for the physiotherapy. First is the race, second cold therapy, we can apply the ice in the knee joints to reduce the pain. Next thermotherapy, thermotherapy includes soluble diathermy, paraffin wax bath and hydro collator pack. These thermotherapy means these modality we can use according to the conditions.
Next electrotherapy. Electrotherapy includes IFC, ultra Sony and the TENS. These also we can use according to the patient’s conditions. Next exercises. Exercises are very important in the cases of osteoarthritis. Basically exercises have do strengthen the muscles, improves the flexibility, to improve the range of the motion. Next water reduction. Next aerobic like cycling, walking then tapping then supporting device like braces we can also use. These are the physiotherapy treatments. So if you are suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee you can get this physiotherapy. And if you have any investigations you can contact on lybrate.
I am Dr. Rukamani Nair. I am working as a medical superintendent in Bnchy Wellness Medispa. I am a Naturopathy doctor and I am working for the last 32 years in this wellness spa.
Here I would like to share with you on the topic type 2 diabetes mellitus which is also known as Non-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. So diabetes mellitus is a metabolic syndrome which is caused by the impaired or the dysfunction of the beta cell functions or insulin action. And at times our body is unable to utilize this insulin which Is produced by the beta cells and body becomes blunt and maybe because of the blunting of the insulin receptors or otherwise insulin signaling part ways. And we all know that now in this type of diabetes mellitus has become a social-economic problem world over. And India has got the highest number of population and it has been estimated by ICMR survey that by 2030 the one in five diabetes person in the world will be Indian. So there is not exact cause of diabetes, but in developing countries like our India, it may be because of the high intake of calorie diet and a decreased physical activity, environmental factors and stress that will be contributing to the position and also deployment and progression of the diseases. And it is also known that this disease more associated with other factors like obesity, hypertension, lipid increase levels, and also stressful situations. So I will like to make you know that how naturopathy and yoga can control this disease and before starting that I will like also make you know that there are certain symptoms or signs regarding type 2 diabetes mellitus. When 1 starts suffering diabetes mellitus, the person in his cell system aspire by X variance. It starts giving disturbance in the digestive system. So the system is often time, we may get gas formation, we may have loose motions, when we are unable to consume high calorie as well as spicy food. Along with that there will be excess increased hunger, increased thirst, increased urination, fatigue, blood vessel and also no healing of wounds etc. when such systems even. When such systems develop, it is very much, I mean needed to show and sat by their. We have started, I mean diabetes. So you need to consult a doctor and do regular checkup and one that has known that they a diabetes then I higher glasses. Then reeking check is very much needed. But when it comes to the treatment, in naturopathy, yoga there are very very good moralities, like say in naturopathy. We have clinical for one, I mean study is there. So in that we have huge. Like mudpack to the abdomen. And then also abdomen and spinal has which is followed by Para cyclonite, at least minimum to 22 to 30 minutes. He again give eat bath. So these techniques are highly useful and they are found to be must more helpful and given a significant reason in reducing , I mean the, the lipid, propyl age is passing glucose in PP even glucolis leave tat hemoglobin. And there are certain yoga techniques. So along we such techniques, one can start doing regularly, if they want to go yoga the can go regularly at least for 45 minutes to 1 hour regular walking, swimming that serves the purpose so once, daily one continues then type 2 diabetes mellitus can be controlled along with certain discipline of the restriction. Particularly people we all know that timely eating, and then low calorie diet, low fat diet, and high fibers diet. They are highly useful in controlling or relieving type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Thank you everybody. And if you like to contact us and consult, please call us on Lybrate for detail consultancy
Hello Everybody!
I'm Dr. Rukamani Nair. I’m working as a medical superintendent in Bnchy Wellness Medispa and practicing naturopathy for the last 32 years.
Today I’m going to discuss you on the topic Rheumatoid Arthritis and its management through naturopathy and yoga. You know Rheumatoid Arthritis is a system implementery disorder which affects various organs in systems like the skin and then the muscle and blood vessels heart lungs etc but it particularly targets the joints and in when poison inflammatory synovitis continue. When poison inflammatory synovitis continues, it leads destruction of the articulating cartilage of those joints and later on leads to even arthrolysis in such conditions the joints are unable to move and almost now the prevalence of this disease is 1% in urban population and this disease effects more in a women during their reproductive age and it is more prevalent almost 3-5 times than men but in older age in 50-60 years both male and female are almost equally effected and today there is no exact cause of Arthritis but in developing countries like india so we can say that this has effected almost in the sedentary life style but it’s also considered that genetic factors and also environmental and auto immune plus vital role in the development position and a carnosity of the disease and the metritis has various signs of symptoms like fatigue melas or pain or uneasiness body ache of whole body muscles and stiffness of the joints particularly in the early hours in the morning worse for even last hours. So along with that there will be tenderness, there will be inflammation, warmness of the joints and the difficulty and somebody walks with the limping and also there will have a lot of, I mean low grade fever type and so on. So, when it comes into I mean high signs of symptoms are noticed, you need to go and see the doctor. How can, I mean, It can be diagnosed by consulting for better and easy and sooner recovery of this disease. So, when it comes into naturopathy and yoga, there are various moralities in naturopathy like massage therapy, mud-therapy, hydro-therapy, chromo-therapy, dieting and fasting and a nutrition etc. So, among these naturopathy treatments the most, I mean markable treatment which are already proven like massage therapy of the who body but of course massage is prohibited when a person runs into fever but again followed by it can be hot and cold contrast specs almost on all the affected joints and highly beneficial and a mud therapy like cold mud application to the abdomen, early morning and the stomach which is also very good as it hasten the recovery. So if one follows I mean, such raising of yoga and naturopathy right from the starting of the disease along with the modern medication, it can give a very very sooner recovery and even due course of time one can reduce I mean, the dose of the medicines can lead a very healthy, quality, life.
So if you have any query and you want to consult us, please contact us on Lybrate.
I am Dr. Malvika Pandey , Ayurvedek doctor working in Bnchy Wellness Medispa.
Here I am to discuss something about a very common health problem that is acidity. In Ayurveda, this is understood as Amlipitam. This disease is very common in today’s generation because of the common issues which are propounding it - lari vari shari kari.
Acidity is due to more excess, excess of acid production in gastrointestinal tract overs. Normally the pH of stomach remains acidic. But in hyper acidic condition it gets escalated. For this it results in the conditions like heartburns, dyspepsia, belching and sometime bloating of stomach. Which can be easily seen and felt by the patient as symptoms and doctor can examine in the form of science.
The basic reasons for acidity are stressful conditions we are living in and insufficient sleeps, irregular way of taking meals. And also the suppression of our urges. These all conditions lead to aggravation of dosha, basically the pita dosha. And the stomach which is basically concerned with the pita dosha is affected the most. And also the first part of intestine that is the duodenum which is very much involved in this.
The basic symptoms which occur in this disease are belching , heart burn, bloating heaviness of the stomach itching , headache and even in the later stages it can seen as ulceration. So how can we cure this disease?
The thing which is very important in Ayurveda is prevention is better than cure. So better to prevent it. Better to get into the things which can check the excess of pita dosha which is known as the pit prokap ahar vehar. We should check it on. For this in Ayurveda we are getting two ways. It can be saan shodhan chikatsha, it can be sanshaman chikatsha.
In sanshaman chikatsha which is basically concerned with suppression of the aggravated doshas. In this the pit shamak oshadi like, the yashti madhu, the shadang pani of course they are included in the diet of the patient. And vehara the things which areegated pita like kordha, kama. All the thing which increases the pita should be contained.
And in the saan shodhan chikatsha, we do the eradication of dosha. In sanshaman, we suppress the dosha. In saan shodhan we eradicate the dosha out from the body by the usage of panchakarma chikatsha. Which is compressing of sneehan sheden waman geychannan basti. For this pit dosha. It is basically concerned with the verachan chikatsha. In this the proper procedure of sneehan sheden. Then vaman is given to the patient. Vaman is, means incorporated. And later on lastly the verachan chikatsha is done. It is best for the pita shaman.
For more about this diseases and queries if you wish , you can consult with us in Lybrate.
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Doctors in BNCHY Wellness Medispa
Doctors in BNCHY Wellness Medispa
Dr. Rojy Devi
Dr. Rukamani Nair
Yoga & Naturopathy
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Oct 02, 2018I found the answers provided by the Bnchy Wellness Medispa to be very helpful. Thanks
Akash Sharma
Sep 15, 2018I found the answers provided by the Bnchy Wellness Medispa to be thorough and very helpful. thanks for this sir
Mar 13, 2017I am extremely happy with the specialist friendliness and furthermore the clarification of the medical problem. The Treatment fulfillment was value for money as I went by for visited for Kshar Sutra. I was experiencing high fistula from last one and half years.I met my friend ,he recommended about k...read more
Feb 27, 2017Hello all, I went to for hydroceles issue and at the medispa I was reffered to the concerned specialist in center just and after my treatmenmt I am tranquil content with specialist kind disposition and clarification of the medical problem. Additionally the treatment was acceptable. Specialist is com...read more
Jun 01, 2017It is such a diversified clinic with so much specialists in it. I visited Dr. Rukamani Nair forr my neck pain. I had survical earlier so after so much time i started feeling more severe pain in my neck .She told me many exercises to do and thank god i am working again and my pain has got so less. S...read more