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Here are methods of increasing and reducing the size of the breast.
Good evening I am Dr. Sandeep Bhasin from Care well medical center we had in CR Park. So now I am going talk about some common breast surgeries.
In Females, there are two kinds of breast surgeries that are very common one is we may want to increase the size of the breast the other is we want to reduce the size of the breast and lift the breast up if the breast is sagging.
The first kind of surgery in which we want to increase the size of the breast is called Breast Augmentation.There are two methods of doing breast augmentation. We can do breast augmentation by using silicone implants or we can also use the fat grafting. So we are doing both these methods. There are advantages of using implants and there are some advantages of using fat grafting.
The advantages of using silicone implants-
- It’s a very quick procedure within one and half an hour we can do the whole surgery.
- The recovery is very fast with the implants.
- The post-operative the breast shape is really very good.
There are some disadvantages of the implants-
- It is very expensive
- In the long run, we have to remove and change the implant after 10-15 years.
- It’s a form Bowery it is not natural in the body.
There are some Fat grafting's advantages-
- It is much cheaper to the silicone implants.
- It is natural we are not using something artificial.
- The results are very much natural in this because nothing artificial has been used and it also improves the skin texture.
The disadvantages of fat grafting-
- It takes much longer time about 4-5 hours.
- The surgeon has to be very experienced.
- Very few doctors are doing fat grafting because it is a difficult procedure as compared to breast implant and there has to be complete asepsis so that infection does not occur.
These are the few differences between the two procedures.
Coming to Breast reduction and breast lifting there are different methods that are available and what we are doing nowadays is vertical mastopexy or Hall Findlay’s Mastopexy. In this there is a vertical scar, minimal scar and the results are really very good. Not only can we reduce the size of the breast if this breast has become too big. We can also lift the breast up and that is called mastopexy. So this is one method that we are doing and the results are really very good in this. Sometimes we do liposuction also in the breast if we want to reduce the size of the breast. So for reduction, we have got mastopexy, Hall Findlay’s mastopexy or some other mestopexy or we can do liposuction of the breast. These are the common procedures we do for the breast reduction and lifting the breast.
Thank you I am Dr. Sandeep Bhasin from Care Well medical center. For any inquiry you can connect me online on lybrate or you can come to my clinic which is Care Well medical center in Chitranjan Park near NRI complex, House No.1, NRI complex. Thanking you. Seeing to meet you again.
Hello, I am Dr Sandeep Bhasin from Carewell medical centre. I am a laparoscopic and cosmetic surgeon.
Today I’ll be talking about something about liposuction and ways of liposuction.
You know liposuction is a procedure in which we remove the fat from the body. It is a surgical procedure in which we first put some fluid which we call tumescent through small holes and then we remove the fat through some special cannulas. In this, we can remove up to 10% of the body weight as a fat through liposuction cannulas. Now, this method is there from 1970’s. It is there in vogue. It has been used to remove fat for body contouring. Liposuction is a body contouring procedure. It means it causes inch loss. It is not meant for weight loss. This has to be very clear that liposuction does not cause weight loss, it is only for inch loss.
Now I am going to talk about a special method of liposuction called VASER liposuction. VASER liposuction is ultra sound assisted liposuction. The advantage with this VASER liposuction is it emulsifies fat, so blood loss during liposuction is minimum. Because of the heat wave that is generated through ultrasound, there is also skin tightening or fibrosis so as a result there is a better body contouring.
Nowadays, we are shifting from liposuction to lipo sculpting. What it means we remove fat from certain areas and put fat in certain other areas of the body to give a special shape to the body like we want to create six packs, so we can create six packs. If you want to give a special shape to the body according to the body aesthetics, you can do that. VASER liposuction is very helpful in that. So VASER liposuction is also used for lipo sculpting which is also called 3-D liposuction.
If you have any queries you can reach me in my clinic, personally, meet me or you can reach me online on Lybrate.
Thank You.
I am Dr. Sandeep Bhasin from Carewell medical centre. I am a laparoscopic and cosmetic surgeon.
Today I will be talking about various procedures of facelift.
Till 1990, the most popular method of the facelift was surgical facelift. It was called SMAS lift. Now, SMAS is the membrane on the muscles- aponeurotic membrane on the muscles and this was tightened and it causes face tightening. The results are really good with this technique but the only thing is it’s very emissive. People are not very interested in invasive procedures.
So, after 2000, we’ve got a lot of non-invasive procedures. I’ll be talking few of them.
- One of them is a Thread lift. Thread lift is a method in which we put threads and cause face lift. We use PDS threads for that.
- Another method for face lift that is becoming very popular now is the Fat grafting. So, what we do in this is we remove the fat from the abdomen or from any other area by liposuction and we use this fat for fat grafting in the face.
- Another method that is becoming very popular is HIFU. HIFU is High Intensity Focus Ultrasound. So I’ll tell about what are the advantages of HIFU as compared to other surgical or non-surgical methods.
Now, surgical method always has a time and there is a downtime after any treatment. So whence you go for a facelift about 3 weeks to 1 month it takes for the complete healing process. So this is the time when you have bruising, swelling in the face so that’s the downtime. The same problem you face with the fat grafting also as it is a surgical method and 3-4 weeks are required as a downtime. As compared to that, HIFU does not have any downtime. Immediately after the procedure you can go back to your office and nobody will come to notice that something has been done. This is one time there is no downtime involved in HIFU.
Now comparing HIFU with other non-surgical methods like thread lift. Now in thread lift the thing is we are able to work and cause skin tightening at a very superficial level, about 2-3 mm depth only. HIFU reaches up to 4.5 mm depth so results are deeper and more long lasting.
The same thing is with the Thermage. Thermage is another treatment that was used for face tightening in which we use radio frequency for face tightening. Now in HIFU we are able to reach up to 4.5 mm, where as in thermage we were hardly able to reach up to 2.5 mm. So, the results with HIFU are deeper and longer lasting as compared to thermage and thread lift. So, because of all this things HIFU is becoming very popular and the most popular treatment for face lift that is now in vogue in use now.
If you have any enquiry regarding face lift or HIFU, you can reach me in my clinic or you can be online with me on Lybrate.
Thank you.
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