RS Wellness Center
Gynaecologist Clinic
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Our medical care facility offers treatments from the best doctors in the field of Gynaecologist, Obstetrician.Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized, gentle ca...read more
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Hello everyone!
I am Dr. Priyanka Mahawar and today I will tell you about what are the foods to be avoided in the pregnancy. As you know pregnancy is a vital period in a woman's life. As soon as you get pregnant there are many questions which come in the mind. What to eat? and what not to eat? So I will tell you some food which should be avoided during pregnancy so that you can decide your menu of the pregnancy. Coming to high-mercury fish. Mercury is a compound which causes damage to the nervous system, immune system and kidneys and it also causes developmental delay in children. So mercury is totally contra-indicated in pregnancy. It should be avoided.
The fishes which contain mercury include Shark, sword fish. king mackerel and tuna. The next thing is undercooked meat or raw meat which harbor many bacteria like E-coli, Salmonella typhi. The infection with these bacteria is life-threatening in pregnancy. So this undercook meat should be totally avoided. Only pasteurized eggs should be eaten in the pregnancy. Raw egg is sometimes contaminated with salmonella so it should be avoided. Caffeine is a compound which is present in the tea, coffee and soft drinks. Caffeine is absorbed very easily and through placenta, it goes to the foetus. It causes IUGR, stillbirth. Caffeine should not be taken up in the pregnancy. The maximum recommended amount of caffeine is 200 mg per day. More than that should be avoided.
The unpasteurized dairy product like milk, cheese, and paneer- all these things should be avoided. Raw sprouts should be avoided in the pregnancy as the humid environment which is required for making the sprouts also promote the growth of bacteria like salmonella in this. Only cooked sprouts are recommended during pregnancy raw sprouts should be avoided. There are few fruits which should also not be taken up during pregnancy. Papaya increases uterine contraction. pineapple which contains bromelain which ripens the cervix which also induces the premature delivery. the black grapes also should be avoided in the pregnancy. I hope that this will help you decide on what to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy.
Thank you!
Hi everyone!
I am Dr. Priyanka Mahawar. Today I will tell you about Polycystic Ovarian Disease. PCOD is a hormonal disorder in which your ovaries are enlarged and it contains many small fluid-filled cysts. Usually, in a normal menstrual cycle, 1 dominant follicle is formed every month and one egg is ovulated. But in case of PCOD there are male hormones which are produced in more amount than normal in a female and ovulation does not occur. The exact cause of PCOD is not known. There are many components involved in this. It might be genetic. The women who have sisters or a mother with polycystic ovarian disease are pretty supposed to have this disease. Sometimes obesity and insulin resistance can also predispose you to this disease. Women with PCOD present with the menstrual irregularities. Menstrual irregularities could be in the form of delayed periods or amenorrhea which is the total absence of periods.
Sometimes they can also present with the increased bleeding during menses. You may also complain of acne, increased facial growth or growth of hair on the chest. You may also have excessive hair loss, thinning of hair or male like the pattern of baldness. Sometimes you may also come with an abrupt weight gain. Sometimes women who are trying to conceive they may have the delay in conception or inability to conceive also. Whenever you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms you consult your doctor. She may advise you some blood test which will include hormonal evaluation and insulin resistance, whether you have it or not. Along with this a pelvic scan. In the pelvic scan, the polycystic ovarian disease morphology is easily identified and your diagnosis is confirmed by both the blood test and the pelvic scan. Now coming to the treatment part of the PCOD. The PCOD is a treatable condition but it is not curable.
It cannot be cured completely. Lifestyle modification is the mainstay of the treatment of the PCOD. Your diet should be low-calorie diet so that you do not increase weight. The junk food which contains a high amount of calories should be avoided in these diseases. A bit of exercise in daily routine helps to help a lot in treating this disease. The medicines involved treatment of this disease depends on whether you are married or unmarried, you want to conceive or you do not want to conceive. If you are not married or you do not want to conceive the oral contraceptive pills can be given to treat this disease. But if you want to conceive but you are not ovulating then there are many drugs which will help you in ovulation and conceiving also. If you are found to be insulin resistant in this case, then Metformin can also be used. The long term effect of this disease is that you are predisposed to Type-2 Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, increased cholesterol levels and Endometrial hyperplasia. The take-home message from this video is, if you have any of the symptoms of this disease, you consult your gynecologist, avoid junk food and include exercise in your daily routine.
Thank you!