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ENT Specialist Clinic
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Hello, I am Dr Anup Sabharwal, an ENT specialist, practicing in South Delhi. And I am currently associated with BLK hospital for surgeries. I am here to discuss some common ENT problems.
All children do have frequent coughs and colds which can lead to various diseases for which you need some cough drops and some anti allergics. Common problems associated with chest cough and colds are ear infection which happens after the cough and cold mostly in this rainy season and it travels in school. In school one kid gets a cold, the whole School almost start getting infection and after that is ear infection. We see some child have pus coming from the ear and it is treated with a group of antibiotics so that infection settles quickly.
The Other common thing we just feel is ear wax. Ear wax is natural. It keeps forming, keeps shedding. Mostly the problem of ear wax comes when you try to clean the ears. When you clean the children's ears, it just pushes the wax in and probably getting more air bags and ear infection. It is easier to use some wax drops off and on so that the wax keeps coming out of the ear. If your child has some ear problem then the best way is to see an ENT doctor.
Cutting sore throat is an another thing that children complain about. First line of treatment is just salt water gargle and using some pain killer like crocin. Every sore throat does not need an antibiotic and does not need very aggressive treatment. If your child has severe fever and sore throat so definitely it has to be treated right away.
Another major problem that we have seen in child (diagnosed or not diagnosed), is hypertrophy in children which can cause nose, ear and tonsils problem. Treatment is again that treat the infections. It is a simple procedure and from child's perspective and parent's perspective, anaesthesia gives relief right away for any kind of pain or discomfort. The effect is instantaneous and long lasting because the Androids do development of the face and ear and thus lifelong.
If you want to consult me you can get an appointment through lybrate and you can also ask for a video through lybrate.
Hello, I am Dr. Anup Sabharwal, ENT surgeon in a clinic in South Delhi. I am presently associated with BLK hospital. A common problem that a patient comes with is Sinusitis, which is many times is self-diagnosis and is mislabeled. Sinusitis is any complaint of the nose which should not ready be labeled as the thing, the infection of the sinusitis which is the technical term, SINUSITIS.
Any a headache any nose stuffiness is unfortunately labeled as such. It cause may be an eye symptom, the cause may be an allergy problem. So proper ENT examination and nasal endoscopy is mostly needed to come to a diagnosis. A simple patient’s logical history can also give us a lot of information. It is a misnomer again that sinusitis has no cure. NO, a properly diagnosed nasal condition with proper treatment gives excellent results. There is again a misnomer that sinusitis surgery is not successful, there are recurrences so that is again not true. Properly selected rays give excellent results and it is not always that the surgical option is to be looked for. Sinusitis may be an infective process, maybe an allergic process, maybe because of the bony deformity of the sinuses which will detect on a CT scan.
The treatment may be in the form of short term high dose therapy or for long chronic conditions may be a little long-run treatment. The treatment may also be in the form of surgery in which we do endoscopic surgery from the nostrils. There is no cut from the outside. From the inside, the sinuses are opened up. Any polyps, infections, the fungus is cleared out. This is a routine surgery for us ENT surgeons and we know it gives very good results. The surgery may also involve, surgery on the nasal septum, on the side tissues to shrink them away to give good nasal passage and good relief from nasal conditions.
You can contact me through Lybrate either online through your text audio or video consult.