New Life Clinic ( Laparoscopic Surgery & Gynae Clinic )
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Here are some problems related to hernia
Dear Friends, I am Dr. Manish Kumar Gupta, I am consultant laparoscopic and robotic surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. I have my own clinic with the name of New Life Clinic in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad. Friends, I will be talking about a very common problem today, which is Hernia. So we all sometimes hear about it that someone has got Hernia and got operated.
what is Hernia? Hernia is basically, whenever the content of the abdomen comes out through an opening, which is an abnormal opening or a normal opening and present as a swelling or a lump over the tummy. So whenever such sort of a swelling appears in the abdomen, patients get worried, what this type of swelling appeared over their abdomen. These hernia is usually present whenever patients walks, coughs, sneezes or strains, these swellings come out through these defects and whenever patients lie down these swellings go down into the tummy, so these are the initial symptoms and as the time passes these defects gets increases in sizes and more and more internal component like intestines or fat comes out through these opening and hernia swelling sizes keeps on increasing day by day.
What happens in hernia is that It can occur in any part of the abdomen, the most common site for developing these hernias are basically belly buttons and in the groin region. If a patient has undergone some surgery, some operation for some intestine or something like that in the abdomen, this is the weaker side and from this side a hernia can appear. So initially the symptom is like there is a lump, which comes out and goes in once you press or lies down.
The chances of complication can occur and the complication are initially irreducibility, it means that it doesn’t go inside the abdomen and remains there because there are some additions in between the content of the hernia and the abdominal wall and the second complication is the obstruction, it means, that intestine has come into the hernial sac and there is non passage of any content like food or any fluid through the intestine and patient gets started vomiting, there distinction of abdomen and pain, the third complication is that whenever the blood supply of this intestine gets disrupted then there is strangulation, it means that it can lead to gangrene of the intestine. So these complications are like an emergency complication and one has to go and get operated as early as possible so that one doesn’t develop any gangrene of the intestine.
The treatment for Hernia is basically surgery. Whenever one sees such hernial swelling, one should go and contact a surgeon so that he can advise you when to go for surgery but the earlier the better. One should not wait and watch to get the complications to occur.
Nowadays, the surgery for hernia is basically a laparoscopic surgery, it means that we make three holes which is like pencil size holes through which we put a mesh which is a polypropylene or a bio degradable mesh and put this mesh over the hernia defect and fix it with multiple tackers.
Nowadays, the chances for recurrence is quite less because of formation of application of these mesh over the hernial defect.
There are few precautions one can take. There are some precautions which a person can take, like one should not sneeze too much or cough too much so that these hernial swellings do not increase in size and don’t get impacted into the defect.
So friends i have told you about hernia swellings today and if you have such problems then you should go and meet a surgeon or if you want to come to me, you can come at Ganga Ram hospitals, which is in central Delhi or you can come to me and meet me at my clinic which is in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad or you can talk to me through Lybrate, you can chat me or you can text me through Lybrate.com.
Here are some treatments and symptoms of gall bladder stones
Symptoms and Treatments of Gallbladder Stones
Dear friends. I’m Dr. Manish Kumar Gupta. I’m a Consultant Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeon in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.
I have my own clinic with the name New life clinic at Indirapuram, Ghaziabad.
Today, friends, I’ll be talking about gall bladder stone which is a very common problem in North India.
The gall bladder is basically a pear shaped organ which is attached to the liver and the bile which is formed in the liver gets stored in the gall bladder which is later goes in to the intestine, and get mixed with the food to cause digestion of the food.
Whenever the component of the bile like cholesterol or bile pigment increases there is formation of gall bladder stones.
The symptoms of gall bladder stones are basically distension of abdomen after having heavy meals or discomfort or sometimes patient can have pain in the right side of the upper abdomen or which can radiate to the back and shoulder.
Sometimes, these gall bladder stones can be silent stones, and they lie in the gall bladder without causing any symptoms but if these stones are in patients having diabetes or if these stones are very large more than 2 cm in size then, the treatment is required.
The diagnosis of gall bladder stone is very simple. By a simple ultrasound abdomen, one can be easily diagnosed whether the patient is having a gall bladder stone or not and it is almost a confirmatory diagnosis. One does not need a very special investigation or test to get diagnosed these gall bladder stones.
The treatment for gall bladder stones is basically a surgery.
There’s nothing like, you can’t do anything to prevent gall bladder stones to form but yes, if you eat less oily or less fatty meals, the symptoms get relieved to some extent.
As I told you that the treatment is surgery. Nowadays, there is no big cut in the tummy to take out the gall bladder but what we do nowadays is a laparoscopic surgery.
In laparoscopic surgery, we make three or four pencil size holes in the abdomen and through these holes we operate. Through one hole, we put a cylinder like camera inside and by two or three ports, we put our instruments inside and get these gall bladder removed from the abdomen through a 10 mm port.
Nowadays, this type of surgery is basically a day care surgery and one can come to the hospital and get operated and can be discharged on the very same day if it’s an uncomplicated gall bladder.
Gall bladder can cause complications also other than these symptoms and if the stone gets slipped down and gets inducted in a common bile duct which is a channel which joins the gall bladder to the intestine and if the stone gets inducted in common bile duct, then, one has to take out that stone endoscopically through ERCP and then after that one has to go for gall bladder stone removal.
So, it is like a two stage procedure. So, one should not wait to get all these complications to occur because , if the stone gets inducted in the CVD then, the chances of jaundice, chances of acute pancreatitis can occur which can be dreaded complication .
So, friends I have told you about the gall bladder stones and if you have such problems, if you have gall bladder stones even though it is asymptotic or you have symptoms you should go to a surgeon or a physician who can guide you.
You can tell you what need to be done or if you want to meet me you can come to me at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital or at my clinic which is in Indirapuram with the name New life clinic or you can talk to me through Lybrate, you can chat with me, you can text me at the lybrate.com and I will be available 24 hours to you.
Thank you friends! Thank you!
Doctor in New Life Clinic ( Laparoscopic Surgery & Gynae Clinic )
Doctor in New Life Clinic ( Laparoscopic Surgery & Gynae Clinic )
Dr. Manish K Gupta
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