Mother & Child Care Clinic
Gynaecologist Clinic
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Hello, I am Dr. Yashica Gudesar I am a Gynecologist practicing in Dwarka since 17 years and I have a special interest in premarital and preconception counseling. Premarital counseling is very important think now days. Premarital counseling is a therapy that helps couple to prepare for marriage. In marriage, before getting married you should know each other well, you should know the relation, how to get in a relationship and how to complete a relationship and in the relationship what the problems you are facing. In India, we are getting married but we are not talking to each other. We are meeting each other we are talking to each other nut we are not talking about the further things which are involved during after the marriage like the contraception and planning about a baby so that is very important. We should decide early we should… when are we going to plan a baby because unplanned pregnancy are also not very good. We should always have a planned pregnancy and we should go for a preconception counseling. If you are going for a marriage, you should better go with your partner to a doctor and get yourself investigated. There are some test that need to be done like HIV, Hepatitis-B, DVRL some STD tests which is required to be rules out if you or your partner is suffering from an STD. because if any STD is there then post marriage you have some infection like honeymoon cystitis and pelvic Inflammatory diseases which might cause problem in initial months just after marriage. Better get yourself investigated and your partner investigated. The aim of premarital counseling is to prevent oneself from having unwanted pregnancies, to prevent oneself from infectious diseases, prevent from having an unsuccessful relation and to have a planned pregnancy. We should know what the fertile period is, what is the safe period and when is the time when there are high chances to get pregnant and what are the period when you are less chances of getting married. So and you should know completely about contraception. Contraception is very important because if you are planning to get married and into a relationship you should use contraception it’s depending on whether you are planning a baby or you not planning a baby. Just after marriage using a barrier method like a condom and oral contraceptive pills are the best methods to be used together just for 3 to 6 months till you decide which more of you are comfortable in. it is always better to discuss with your doctor. You should start planning 1 month, at least, one month prior to your marriage, because contraceptive pills oral contraceptive pills have effect starting one month if taken one month before. By failing to prepare, you preparing to fail. Thank you and if you want to further contact me you can video call me, you call on Lybrate or you can visit by website and the blog and we can have a discussion of premarital counseling. Thank you
I am Dr Yashica Gudesar and I am a gynaecologist. I am in this profession since 17 years and I am working in Dwarka at my own private clinic. I am attached to Hospitals also. In this profession, I ahve come across many issues. The most common problem people are facing these days is a Pre conceptional Counselling which is very important and a younger generation is not aware of this.
What is Pre conceptional Counselling?
Pre conceptional counselling is educate the patient in a way that when she starts planning a pregnancy, it should be a planned pregnancy and she should have a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy.
What is the aim of having a Pre conceptional counselling?
The patient should not be suffering from any existing disease which might not be diagnosed. Or if the patient is suffering from some disease then the baby should not be harmed. In case a patient is taking some drug, then the drug should be stopped or continued, should be confirmed before planning the pregnancy. So, the main aim is to ahve a healthy baby.
What a patient should do when they are coming for Pre conceptional counselling?
They should carry all the reports and they should give the proper history to the doctor about the previous health issues, any surgery or the medicines they are taking. They should discuss clearly about the drinkng and smoking habits
- In case a patient is planning for pregnancy, then they should take folic acid supplimentation. These suppliments prevent the neural tube defects.
- The alcohol consumption hsould be stopped.
- All medicines which are dangerous during the pregnancy should be stopped.
- The ideal time for Pre conceptional counselling should be taken 3-6 months before planning the pregnancy. But even if you have planned then 1 month is also a best time to go to a doctor.
- Start taking folic acid atleast 3 month before. This will prevent you from abortion
What Doctor might go for a Pre conceptional counseling?
- The doctor will take your BMI. If you are over weighted then they may ask you to reduce weight.
- There might be a questionair in all the history and all the examination of your body should be done.
- Infections should be ruled out.
- History of your vaccination should be taken. And the vaccination history is very important because you should go for measles, HPV which is for Cervical cancer and Rubella. This should be included in your Pre conceptional counselling. If any patient has not been vaccinated in childhood for Rubella then they should take the vaccination 3 months before they plan for pregnancy.
What you should do?
- You should take folic acid
- You should take Multi vitamins which includes B complex, Vit- D and Calcium
- If somebody's haemoglobin is less then they should take Iron.
- Any genetic disease in the family should be screened out before the planning for pregnancy.
- Thalassemia is one of the important disease which can be prevented
- Negative blood groups are important if the patient is hard and aborted earlier then it may give impact on the pregnancy.
So the main motive is to tell you that please do not undergo unplanned pregnancy. Take a Pre Conceptional counselling.
If you have any query, you can contact me through Lybrate or you can visit my clinic in Dwarka or you can aso take online appointments. If you need more information about the above discussed topic, you can read my blog as well.
Thank you.
Doctor in Mother & Child Care Clinic
Doctor in Mother & Child Care Clinic
Dr. Yashica Gudesar
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