4 years ago
Usually burns improve rapidly in children with very little scarring. Just relax and wait and watch. Silvered application is good enough.
Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is characterized by periodic bouts of nausea and vomiting that happens at cyclical intervals. It affects all ages, but is more common in children. The condition is quite stereotypical in that there are paroxysms or b......read more
Sometimes, during consumption of certain food items many children get itchy throat, eyes, ears, asthma, sneezing, rashes, diarrhea and eczema. This can be due to food intolerance in children. It is a form of allergic disease in children. Every 1 o......read more
If your child comes out of bathroom and cries that while he or she poops it hurts, it's time that you start doing something for his or her constipation. This is a problem that is found among many children and most of the times, if left unnoticed, ......read more
Some babies learn to walk by the age of nine to ten months, and others may take longer, much longer to start walking properly. By the age of 15 months, people may start asking you if your little munchkin is able to walk yet. These constant questio......read more