6 years ago
If it is only water you can remove it by gently massaging your outer ear with a dry towel or directing warm air from a hair dryer towards your ear. However you might be ...read full answer
female • Apr 05, 2018 • Bangalore
What are the symptoms of sinusitis and if it is occurring regularly when I go outside due to allergies it enhances so what are the remedies to control it or to completel ...read more
6 years ago
Nose blockage, running nose, sneezing, itching around the nose along with headache or heaviness are the symptoms of sinusitis. Causes of sinusitis are viruses, bacteria ...read full answer
Female • 50 Year Old • Apr 05, 2018 • Mumbai
I wanted to ask is there any treatment for vertigo in any parhy? Can you suggest some exercise for this?
6 years ago
Vertigo is only a symptom just like pain is only a symptom of underlying disease. Cause of vertigo needs to be found out using appropriate investigations, only then can ...read full answer
A cochlear implant is an electronic device that is used to restore hearing ability in people who suffer from hearing loss due to inner ear damage. Unlike hearing aids which amplify sounds so people with hearing loss are better able to perceive the......read more
Any kind of abnormal change in the voice of a person is termed as hoarseness. It is a harsh, strained or raspy voice coupled with a change in the pitch and volume. Hoarseness is often caused by a variety of conditions such as allergies, GERD, smok......read more