6 years ago
Your weight should be around 65 for the height of urs. So to achieve that, you must eat healthy and do regular exercise (ex. Jogging, yoga, cardio) for about half to one ...read full answer
Female • 19 Year Old • Oct 13, 2018
Hi doctor my weight is 68 kg and my height is 168 cm. My upper body is perfect but I have allot of cellulite in my lower body especially thigh. How can I get rid out of ...read more
6 years ago
Optimum weight would be around 60 kgs for your height, to achieve the same you should do regular workout for at least 45 minutes (mild to moderate level). With that a ch ...read full answer
If you have acne prone skin, you must get in the habit of checking skin care and cosmetics labels for acne causing, comedogenic ingredients. They are bad for your skin....read more
Wash skin gently yet thoroughly immediately following exercise or any other activity that causes you to perspire heavily. Heat & humidity can lead to increased break outs....read more