Sweating during warm weather is very common, but if a person wakes up from bed soaked in sweat, it is not a pleasant feeling. It does not allow for a sound sleep, and may not always be related to warm weather. There is no serious underlying medica......read more
It is important to note that there are certain signs, which show that you may get an illness. If these signs and symptoms are taken seriously then most probably you will be able to get rid of the illness a lot sooner. Here are 5 indicators that yo......read more
Most of us experience or suffer from some or the other side effects of air pollution in our lives. However, with the recent surge in the level of air pollution, the air quality has taken a plunge. The smog and particulates in the air cause multipl......read more
Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to people by the bite of an infectious mosquito known as Aedes Aegypti. The chikungunya infection is most prevalent in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent and Indian Ocean islands, where vario......read more
डेंगू बुखार में सिर्फ पैरासिटामोल का इस्तेमाल करें I एस्प्रिन, डिस्प्रिन, वोवरान और निमुलिड जैसी दवाइयों का प्रयोग न करें I डॉक्टर की सलाह से इलाज करें I...read more