Answer- The glycemic load of 100 grams of raw rice is 63, if we add 200 grams of water to 100 grams of rice to cook the rice, then the total quantity becomes three hundred grams, the glycemic load of 100 grams of cooked rice is 21. . And we ask more
Question- Why do we ask you to take low carbohydrate diet in diabetes? Answer-- There are three main elements in our food, protein, fat and carbohydrate. Only our sugar increases, so we ask you to reduce carbohydrates The composition of our body more
Answer – Like if we drive our car for 15 to 16 hours every day, then soon our car starts asking for maintenance, similarly when we eat again and again, our pancreas has to make insulin again and again, due to which the pancreas has to work more. more
Answer – Burning in the feet is a symptom of diabetic neuropathy, when your diabetes lasts for a long time, it causes damage to the nerves of the feet, due to which pain in the feet, burning, foot ulcer, gangrene Apart from this, when it becomes more
Answer - If you control diabetes by taking medicines, then you will have complications related to diabetes such as weight loss or increase, cholesterol and triglyceride increase, liver diseases, kidney disease, diabetic retinopathy in which Eyes more