Dry eyes are a common phenomenon that develops when the tears do not provide sufficient moisture to your eyes. This may also be the result of inadequate production of tears by the tear ducts. This condition cannot be cured permanently; however, tr......read more
Glaucoma: An Overview This disease can be developed or inherited; it usually refers to the accumulation of fluid inside a person's eyes leading to excessive pressure on his or her optic nerve. How to Diagnose the Symptoms of Glaucoma: A Fundamenta......read more
There are many kinds of conditions that affect the eyes and make vision difficult - temporarily or even permanently. Uveitis is one such condition that causes eye inflammation in the middle layer of the tissue that resides in the wall of the eye -......read more
Common conditions affecting the cornea: Some of the common conditions that affect the cornea are: Injuries: In case of a minor injury and scratch the cornea has the capability to heal on its own. But in case of deeper injuries there might be corne......read more