5 years ago
First of all. You need to find out the cause for this edema. Is it postural or any other reason. You need to do a few tests urea. Creatinine. Urine microalbumin. Liver f ...read full answer
Diabetes is a complex group of diseases with a variety of causes. People with diabetes have high blood glucose, also called high blood sugar or hyperglycemia. Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism, the way the body uses digested food for energy. Th......read more
Diabetes is a complex group of diseases with a variety of causes. People with diabetes have high blood glucose, also called high blood sugar or hyperglycemia. Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism, the way the body uses digested food for energy. Th......read more
Your nourishment decisions matter a great deal when you have diabetes. Some are superior to anything others. Nothing is totally beyond reach. Indeed, even things that you may consider as 'the most exceedingly bad' could be periodic treats, in mino......read more
Hypertension is commonly witnessed among patients suffering from type 2 diabetes as compared to those who do not have diabetes. Studies have revealed that arterial hypertension among patients suffering from type 2 diabetes is in the vicinity of 40......read more