Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy: How Does it Help Your Muscles and Bones? Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a highly effective and innovative treatment option in a variety of fields, from urology to cosmetology as well as orthopedics. ......read more
Osteoarthritis is among the most common ailments that people on the other side of 50 are affected with. Few of the primary reasons behind osteoarthritis are age, obesity and weakened bones. Sometimes, osteoarthritis stems from joint injury or some......read more
Hip replacement surgery is a method wherein a defective hip joint is removed and replaced with an artificial hip joint. This procedure is only opted for after all the other treatments have failed to yield the desired effects. Hip replacement surge......read more
For some people, the simple act of walking can be very uncomfortable. This is because they may be suffering from a heel spur. Heel spurs are calcium deposits that cause a bony protrusion on the underside of the heel bone. Heel spurs themselves may......read more
A bone fracture occurs when a strong external force is applied on the bones causing it to break. It is an extremely painful condition that results in days of immobility and rest. There are several reasons which can result in bone fracture, some of......read more