Dr. Pallavi K Kanade
Personal Statement
My favorite part of being a doctor is the opportunity to directly improve the health and wellbeing of my patients and to develop professional and personal relationships with them...read more
Doctor Information
- Ayurvedic Doctor
Other treatment areas
- Panchakarma
- Ayurveda
- Dermatologist/ Cosmetologist
- Infertility Specialist
- Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) , PMT SHEVGAON ,AHMEDNAGAR , 2010
Past Experience
- Consultant at shri sai ayurved panchakarma clinic
Languages spoken
- English
- Hindi
- Marathi
Professional Memberships
Clinic Location
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Question and Answers
female • 25 Year Old • Feb 03, 2023 • Anand
I am 15 days late for my periods but I am suffering from mild cramps. I got a pregnancy test done at home itself which was positive after which I got a usg done that int ...read more
Pallavi K Kanade
2 years ago
Hello, if there is follicle in tube that may cause pain. If you feel increase in intensity of pain kindly visit gynecologist as soon as possible. For pain relieve you ca ...read full answer
male • Nov 09, 2018 • Delhi
I have a mild pain and sometime burning sensation in my left side of stomach near ribs from last few days it goes and appears and generate lots of gas. Please tell me wh ...read more
Pallavi K Kanade
6 years ago
Hello, its due to hyperacidity & weak digestion. Ayurved has perfect medicines for that it will help to cure from root. Kindly take private consultation. I'll prescribe ...read full answer
male • 28 Year Old • Nov 02, 2018 • Shopian
Hi, I would like to know that Effect of fibrostone tablets on pregnancy and periods.
Pallavi K Kanade
6 years ago
Hello, it's basically abortion pill which is used to abort baby earlier trimester. For more detail & questions consult privately.
Health Tips
पुराने से पुराना कब्ज दूर करने का मुफ्त और आसान इलाज है एनीमा
कब्ज एक गंभीर स्थिति होती है जिसमें शरीर से मल के निकलने में बहुत परेशानी होती है। यह स्थिति मल की गति को धीमा और मल को कठोर बना देती है। ऐसी स्थिति में मलत्याग करने में भी मुश्किल होती है। कई लोगों में यह स्थिति समय के साथ गंभीर रूप ले लेती है। ज......read more
Piles And Its Symptoms!
Piles or hemorrhoids are blood vessel swellings that develop around or inside the anus and rectum. Symptoms of this condition can range from mild to severe and include itching, pain, and bleeding discomfort....read more