Hypertension during pregnancy can be a problem for both the baby and the mother. Thus it is of utmost importance that during pregnancy good health should be maintained along with controlled blood pressure and cholesterol levels. With an increase i......read more
Vulvodynia refers to chronic pain in the vulva, a condition suffered by most women. Triggered generally by an unidentifiable cause, the pain was not considered as a real pain syndrome until of late. The ambiguity of the condition is such that many......read more
Trichomonas Vaginalis, a virus, which affects almost 7.4 million men and women each year. This virus can cause a sexually transmitted disease upon contact with a person who may be carrying the same. This condition is more common in women than it i......read more
Urinary infection is one widespread disorder that most of human beings face in the later stages of their lives. The infection is experienced mostly by half of the women and according to statistical data, it has been noted that about 40% of women a......read more
The cancer of the ovaries is known as ovarian cancer. In women, there are two ovaries present on each side of the uterus. These ovaries are as big as an almond in size and produce egg also known as ova. They also secrete the hormones progesterone ......read more