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Parul Giri Verma

Dr. Parul Giri Verma

Dentist17 Years Exp.
MDS(Prosthodontist), BDS
₹ 400 at clinic
200 online

3 Senses ENT & Dental Clinic

House No-909,Near Main Huda Market, Sector- 31,
Consultation Fee: ₹ 400
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Personal Statement

I want all my patients to be informed and knowledgeable about their health care, from treatment plans and services, to insurance more

Doctor Information


  • Dentist

Other treatment areas

  • Dentist
  • Prosthodontist


  • MDS(Prosthodontist) , Darshan Dental College Hospital , 2013
  • BDS , Surendra Dental College Research Institute , 2008

Languages spoken

  • English
  • Hindi

Professional Memberships

  • Indian Prosthodontic Society

Clinic Location

House No-909,Near Main Huda Market, Sector- 31,

Clinic of Dr. Parul

Clinic's NameFees
3 Senses ENT & Dental Clinic400
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 3 Senses ENT & Dental Clinic

3 Senses ENT & Dental Clinic

House No-909,Near Main Huda Market, Sector- 31,
₹ 400 at clinic
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Question and Answers



male • 25 Year Old • Mar 26, 2016 • Pune

From yesterday onwards. My teeth is plain so much (at right side. At night pain is so increase. So what can I do with my pain. Give me answer for that.

Parul Giri Verma

9 years ago

Your symptoms suggest you are suffering from irreversible pulpitis which is condition in which inflammmation and infection involves the innnermost and deep layer of teet full answer


Bhubnesh Kumar

male • 30 Year Old • Dec 11, 2015 • Delhi

I have dental bridge in my upper haw for last five years. Now I m thinking to take dental implants. So I want suggestion. Also as of now no problem in the bridge its loo more

Parul Giri Verma

9 years ago

You can go ahead with the implants for your missing teeth replacement as they provide good long term prognosis and natural feel to your teeth but remember teeth which we full answer

Health Tips

5 Reasons That Cause Plaque

5 Reasons That Cause Plaque

Plaque is a film that forms over the teeth. This film is sticky in nature and it is also colorless. It is formed due the presence of bacteria and materials secreted by the bacteria. Plaque has the potential to damage the enamel of the tooth. If more

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Why You Must Not Delay Getting Your Dental Implants?

Why You Must Not Delay Getting Your Dental Implants?

Why you must not delay getting your dental implants? Dental implants are surgical components like frames or metal posts, which are placed beneath the gums so as to enable a dentist to mount artificial teeth onto them. Since these components blend more

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Reality Check: 98% Adult Indians Need Teeth Scaling. Why?

Reality Check: 98% Adult Indians Need Teeth Scaling. Why?

Why most Indian Adults Need Teeth Scaling? Huge number of Indians tend to ignore or abuse their dental health. Most adults in the country need regular scaling due to their food and lifestyle habits. Teeth scaling is one of the most common methods more

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