3 years ago
gud morning it's due to lots of reasons not only being iron deficiency,your dietary habits water intake proper sleep stress no exercise all aspects should be taken care ...read full answer
female • 25 Year Old • Dec 05, 2021
I wanted an information. Can you please tell me what is the standard or average weight of a 31 year old man with height 5 foot 9 inch? Is 100 kg considered obese?
3 years ago
Gud noon, pls tell that person to loose extra body fat by following a healthy routine lifestyle including a healthy dietary habit, exercise daily for 30-45 mins minimum, ...read full answer
female • 37 Year Old • Nov 26, 2021 • Delhi
Hi doctor, I am 37 years old and my weight is around 85 kgs, I am trying for conception. I want to know whether I can go for cardio exercises for losing weight simultane ...read more
3 years ago
Gud morning, try to loose weight at first then try to conceive, if you wll follow a healthy lifestyle then you can loose weight in a healthy way and get a sustainable re ...read full answer
male • 19 Year Old • Nov 24, 2021 • Delhi
I'm 19 years old. I am masturbating since I was 6 years old and now i'm facing the consequences. My weight is 43 kg only. I'm too slim. My bones are visible. There is no ...read more
3 years ago
gud morning,pls stop that habit.pls do your overall body check up first of all.lifestyle modification is the key to gain weight in a healthy way.
A healthy low to medium protein rich with low fat ,healthy carbs and fiber rich diet is good to control high uric acid level gradually. Few healthy tips to follow : - A) Eat a healthy food plate containing healthy carbs or complex ......read more