एंटीहिस्टामीन का उपयोग एलर्जी के लक्षणों को कम करने में दवा के रूप में किया जाता है। यह हे फीवर, कंजक्टीवाइटिस या कीड़े के काटने और डंक की प्रतिक्रिया या इससे होने वाली एलर्जी को रोकने के काम आती है। एंटीहिस्टामीन मुख्यतः दो मुख्य प्रकार की होती ह......read more
Are you tired of following unlimited diet plans and still not satisfied with all your sacrifices? Well, then we are sure you must not have selected the right plan that must suit your lifestyle and your body. Just to clarify, its really not necessa......read more
If only losing weight was as easy as gaining it, people would have been a lot happier in their lives. Maintaining a healthy body weight has become very important. In addition to the physical discomfort, being obese or overweight can invite innumer......read more
Physical exercises and dieting go hand in hand for reducing weight. You sometimes believe that there are many food items, which help you to lose weight. But in several cases, they actually make it harder to lose weight. There are some food items, ......read more
Few tips on lifestyle modification & diet. Get real about what's healthy, focus on a healthy diet. Put protein in perspective. Protein helps you shed unwanted pounds. Make time for breakfast. Control portion size to control your waistline. Enjoy h......read more