8 years ago
Hello lybrate-user, you are feeling depressed because of your marital issues. You have to work on the marital issues as couples, so that you come out of depression. If o ...read full answer
Stress can have a bad impact on all aspects of your life and your love life stands as no exception to this. If you feel tensed and worried at all times, chances are that your sex drive is going to suffer. There have been studies conducted all acro......read more
Nowadays, it is quite challenging to increase work efficiency by overall team performance due to increasing competitions. Hence, the use of modern technologies is helping tremendously to improve productivity. But at the same time, these advanced t......read more
Anger is a type of feeling whereas aggression is a type of behaviour. However, the two are frequently confused with each other. At different times individuals use their anger as a reason to act in an aggressive way. Here are a few differences betw......read more
A lot of parents have strained relationships with their children owing to a variety of reasons- lack of communication, misunderstanding, lack of time etc. This strained relationship results in depression, substance abuse, broken families, suicides......read more