Dr. Ruchi Pvt Clinic
Ophthalmologist Clinic
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I am Dr. Ruchi, an ophthalmologist. Today I want to tell you something about a very common problem that we are coming across in practice is the dry eye syndrome or the computer vision syndrome. Commonly patients come to us with the complaint of watering and itching and foreign body sensation in the eyes, often on redness coming on and when we check them up it is basically just the allergies or dry eyes problems. which are happening due to the pollution and the dust and the environment and certain diseases like arthritis or vitamin A deficiency and lot many other problems and diseases. When we check this computer vision syndrome or dry eye syndrome. We have to check a few things in that, why the computer vision syndrome is labeled so? because everything is computerized nowadays, so people are blue bond to the screens, be it the computer screen or be it on the mobile, be it the child or the adult, everybody is glued to the computer screen.
What happens on the computer screen when we are watching the screen as we are blinking very less and keep our eyes open a lot and as a result of which the formation of the tears is deficient and the evaporation also becomes faster because the tear film by the blinking of the eyes that tear remains stable and when we are not blinking because of the exposure to the air and dust, tear film evaporates much faster. So we have to do these tests to assess whether it's a simple allergy or is this allergy because of the dryness, dry eye syndrome or the computer vision syndrome and there are few simple tests that we do for it. Basically what you should know is that there is one oil film which coats on the tear film, which prevents evaporation of the liquid part of the tear film. So we see that with age and with the other problems, the lids also turn out or they become inverted and all and meibomian gland dystrophy takes place. So when these meibomian glands which are the basic glands which secrete the oil part of the tear film, when they become deficient or they do not function properly.
So the oil secretion of the tear film reduces as a result of which the liquid part of the film evaporates very easily and very quickly. Particularly more so in the people who have too glued to the screens and the pollution also. So when the patient comes first step we have to study is the meibomian gland study, which is done by photography and assessing the meibomian gland and certain other tests, very simple test like the Rose Bengal or the fluorescent test and the schirmer test, which are hardly 2-2 minutes, 5-5 minutes tests which take very short duration, very short while to assess the tear film and the basic treatment for the tear film deficiency is lubricating drops or artificial tears and also it is aided by the antioxidants particularly the Omega 3 fatty acids.
Initially, it was suspected that Omega 3 acids are available only from the fish or the animal product but it is now seen that even certain plant sources are there. So you need not think that Omega 3 is only a non-veg product but also a plant product. So it is advisable that if you having these allergies or redness, frequent watering, dryness or itching. So please go for the dry eye testing or the computer vision testing and take the lubricants and antioxidants and the Omega 3 fatty acids.
Thank you!
Hello everybody,
I am Dr. Ruchi, ophthalmologist, practicing in Faridabad. Today I am going to give you some information about corneal disease which we are commonly finding it these days. It is keratoconus or commonly known as the conical cornea. The cornea is basically a transparent structure which is in front of the Iris and the lens and is an optical surface from which the light rays pass and form the image on the retina. This corneal surface is a curved structure with about 11.5 mm diameter and the thickness central thickness of the cornea is about 0.5-0.6 and in Indian eyes, we generally take it around 540 which is an average diameter the central corneal thickness. Now, what happens at times is that the cornea is curved structure uniformly but at times it is at places flattened at places steeper. So the light rays falling on this cornea they disperse, they do not focus on the retina in fact they disperse and the image becomes blur. To correct this dispersion of the light we have to put lenses which we call cylindrical lenses with the axis and it is known as Astigmatism. It is also seen that is at times the Astigmatism is very high.
In children we are finding it very commonly around -2, -3 beginning of the cylindrical power and around the age of 9 to 12, we must keep a check on this curvature of the cornea. As the height will increase, as the body growth will take place, the cornea the eyeball will also increase in size and the cornea also changes its shape. So we check for the curvature of the cornea and we check for the central thickness of the cornea because when the cornea is getting more curved, the periphery becomes it becomes more curved like this. So, the central portion becomes very thin. So, generally as a base investigation, we check for children with high cylindrical power for the corneal curvature and the central thickness. In case we find something wrong in that, the cornea becomes thinner or the curvature is steeper which is around say around the reading of 47, 49, 50 or so, then you go in for further investigations like Pentacam.
At the common there is a treatment for this this is C3r which is a laser treatment for the correction of the corneal structure for corneal surface but not for the removal of the lens. This is done by the cornea specialist and at times we also see that women during pregnancy, after delivery or sometimes in adults after the body growth has stopped but still the power suddenly increases, that is a strong indication that please do get your cornea examined by your doctor because it could be a sudden changes in the corneal curvatures. This can be a very risky factor also because if the cornea in the centre becomes very thin it can lead to severe damages, complications which can be then treated by the cornea transplant only.
But if we keep an assessment over the period of time for the children and young adults about the corneal surface measurements and the central corneal thickness, then we can at an early stage get this laser treatment C3r or just keep an eye on the changes in the power and correct it. So that is what I wanted to tell you about this keratoconus. There are patients whom we suggest that do not do get the corneal central corneal thickness and the corneal curvature tested but they are not aware of this conical cornea or the keratoconus and they avoid getting it. But please if your doctor suggests you then you must get this these investigations to done.
Thank you!
Hello everybody, I am Dr Ruchi I am a private practitioner ophthalmologist in Faridabad and my clinic is in 28 sector in Faridabad. Today I want to tell you all briefly about a disease which is known to be a silent killer or causing silently blindness which is we are finding it very commonly today in people all around the world, it is glaucoma in Hindi we call it as Kala Motia. Glaucoma we are finding it very commonly and noble screening of the patient who is diabetics, hypertensive, high myopia or the high minus power being patient, thyroid patient, migraine patient, anybody 40 + can develop glaucoma. It is necessary that you will have any symptoms for that generally some patients get coloured halos around the light, coloured rings around the lights but sometimes mostly it is seen as very silently keeping in and developing towards blindness, by the time the patient comes to know that he is a glaucoma patient. As a routine screening when the patient comes to our clinic, we do the pressure checkup and it is advised that everybody all these listed people that I have the patient I have told about should go in for a pressure check-up, but pressure check-up alone is not the indication for glaucoma. If the pressure is high, it is only an indication that we should go for the investigation for glaucoma and there are other 4, 5 parameters on which we judge, whether, the glaucoma is to be established a case or not. So I would personally advised everybody, if your doctor suggesting you to go in the direction of investigation for glaucoma do not overheat his advice because do not pay any attention to the advice because it is a silent killer you might not even come to know about it and one day you just turn blind then you come to know that you had glaucoma. It is a little expensive investigation but do not look at the price do investigate and as a routine you must get the pressure check up and the routine screening, we have OCD for that we have perimetry or the field charges for that and the central corneal thickness of the pachymetry that we do for this screening and the gonioscopy. So you must investigate and then we confirm whether you have glaucoma or not, do take care of this and If in case you want to come and visit me you can come and visit at my clinic I have the complete setup for the glaucoma investigations and the treatment for this is drop surgery is the last choice of treatment in this case, initially we just control it with eye drops only. So in case you want to come and meet me, I have two centres one is in 21-c, one is in 28 Sector both have a complete set for glaucoma assessment, you can come and meet me there. Thank you so much.
Doctor in Dr. Ruchi Pvt Clinic
Doctor in Dr. Ruchi Pvt Clinic
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Mansha Malhotra
Feb 13, 2019I found the answers provided by the Dr. Ruchi to be very helpful, knowledgeable, well-reasoned, caring and professional. Very nice consultation. I asked for eye problem. Thanks. read less
Mansha Malhotra
Feb 11, 2019Very good consultation. Thanks.