Getwell Medicentre
Gynaecologist Clinic
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Good evening friends. My self Dr Deepa. I have my own clinic at sector 86 at Faridabad with the name of get well medical center. Today we are going to discuss the topic as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. This is basically a spectrum of symptomologies in PCOS which range from acne in teenagers to weight gain, menstrual irregularity to infertility. we can see with patients presenting with any of these complains. First of all to diagnose the PCOS patient presents when we take the history, completely diagnose.. we completely find out where is the problem in menstrual periods is there any complaint. Are the periods regular? Normally the patients have irregular periods the high bleed every two three months. They don’t have periods in between. Then they gave vomplains with acne or weight gain and then there are patients, married females coming with problem of conception. Now, basically in PCOS the problem is the hormones are imbalanced. The ovary which is the harmones producing organ produces the harmones which are not required for the body or produce in excess. sex harmonse in females are supposed to be less in amount which is produced in excess in PCOS. Then the androgens, the level of androgens rises that leads to problem of acne, weight gain and dark, thickens hair which come out on the face or on other parts of the body which are not in the female pattern. The come out in the male pattern. Then the resistance to insulin can come and then that can lead to end organ resistance to insulin leading to diabetes. The complication of PCOS otherwise can be weight gain, obesity and hypertension. Diabetes. Now when we have known what is there in PCOS. What are the symptoms, patients presenting with acne, weight gain, infertility, menstrual irregularity now we need to diagnose. Diagnose is very basically with history, examination, increased BMI in weight gain, acne and then we need to get some lab test done to detect the hormonal imbalance. LS, LSFH, and testirone, ultrasound to detect the ovaries, to see the ovaries in which the, many many small number of systs appear and the have increased in normal thickness. This is how the diagnoses of PCOS is done. Then there can be how basically to treat PCOS on the bases of syptompology. If they are presenting with acne we need to give them treatment for acne. If they are coming with problem of menstrual irregularity we need to correct that. Weight reductinon is the first criteria of treatment of PCOS in which, even the patients loss around 5 kg’s of weight, 5% of patients get their periods regular. Then treatment also includes the medications, harmones, to correct the imbalance of the harmones in the body. Metform is the medicine. Patients that get their periods normal with metform. Then there are other medicines. For infertility they can go with ovulation induction. And then go ahead, planned IUI or IVF can be the treatment. This is how the PCOS is diagnosed and treated. Patients need to discuss it is not like the infertility patients coming with PCOS do not conceive that is a myth actually. They do conceive but they do need more monitoring and treatment proper. So this is how the PCOS diagnosed and managed. Thank you very much and you can contact me on Lybrate or at my clinic at Get well medical center sector 86, Faridabad.
Guidelines for normal delivery
Hi friends my name is Deepa Sethia. I am attached as a consultant in Gynea and Obs, Sarvodaya, Sector 8, Faridabad. Today I am going to speak on topic ways to induce labor which can be done naturally or by medications.
The natural ways of induction of labor are like,
- they can be done by a simple walk to a climbing stairs.
- Exercise; they can induce labor, the gravity poses pressure on the cervix and that can result in the dilation of the cervix and ultimately the delivery.
- Next is the Evening Primrose oil; taking this oil orally or putting it into vagina can help in the dilation of the cervix, softening of the cervix and induction of the labor.
- Next is the Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a method in where in the stimulating certain sites in the skin can result in induction of labor. Because the pressure points they induce oxytocin in the body and then that can help in induction.
- Next is the nipple stimulation stimulating the nipples can result in an induction of labor.
Literature mentions the use of red raspberry leaf extract consuming this tea in Linda along with the evening with primrose oil can help in induction of labor. Then there are many medications that help in induction like oxytocin is the method by which the doctors use and in induce labor. Prostaglandin like servi prime gel is inserted into the cervix to help in induction. Then in hormonal methods are include putting a holy catheter into the cervix through the vagina and dilating the balloon end can help in induction. Induction of labor can be done either couple of weeks after the due date or it can be done three weeks prior to the due date. So the due date is an estimation of when a baby is stepping into this world.
These are the ways which are very essential for primary gravitas to know the time of the delivery.
So anything else required in this context you can contact me through lybrate or reach my clinic at Sarvodhya Health Clinic or the Gynae and Neurology Clinic, Sector 86. Thank you.
Doctor in Getwell Medicentre
Doctor in Getwell Medicentre
Dr. Deepa Sethia
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