8 years ago
Throat problem? Pain in throat may be due to Allergy cum infection in throat. Through examination of throat is required. If required after taking throat swab for culture ...read full answer
male • 21 Year Old • Oct 20, 2016 • Bangalore
I was having throat infection and body pain from past 4 days. I took cough syrup and a paracetamol. Now the body pain is gone but throat is still paining. So, should I c ...read more
8 years ago
Throat problem? Pain in throat may be due to Allergy cum infection in throat. Through examination of throat is required. If required after taking throat swab for culture ...read full answer
When the vocal cords suffer from the accumulation of non-cancerous and abnormal growth, these are known as vocal cord lesions. These lesions usually cause a variety of voice and speech related problems. These are also known as singer s nodules and......read more
There are various type of nosebleed that can be caused by a variety of conditions. While some of them may not be too serious, one must never ignore heavy and persistent nosebleed. Nosebleeds are of two kinds: anterior nosebleed and posterior noseb......read more
What Causes Meniere s Disease? Meniere's Disease is a disorder that basically affects the sense of balance and hearing of the patient. This condition takes place in the inner ear and it may cause problems like vertigo, where patients experience a ......read more