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Hair Products

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Hair Products Price List In India

Best Hair Products Price Discount
Beardhood Onion Hair Oil with Redensyl , 250ml ₹640.00 1%
Beardhood Earthy Tones Beard Oil 30ml ₹340.00 2%
Simply Herbal Smoothing Hair Serum (100) ₹699.00 61%
Bold Care DHT Blocker Shampoo for Men, 200 ml ₹349.00 30%
Farm Naturelle Extra Virgin Coconut Oil ₹890.00 10%

Buy Hair Care Products Online at Best Prices in India | Lybrate

Hair Care products are those essentials that can be used to keep hair in good health. These products help to prevent and control damage caused to hair due to various external factors including dirt, pollution and UV rays. Products for hair include shampoos, conditioners, oils, toners, rinses, sprays, etc. Washing your hair is not enough when it comes to hair care, it requires using the right hair care products.

In Goodkart, you can buy the best hair care products for the nourishment of dry hair, curly hair, brittle hair and frizzy hair at assured best prices. Also, you can find different types of hair products like hair control serums, hair moisturizer, natural hair growth oils, hair conditioners, hair masks and packs, hair shampoos, lotions, hair care sets, hair creams, and scalp treatments. Now treat split ends, frizziness, hairfall and dandruff problems with professional hair care products available in Goodkart. Get Haircare products for dry and damaged hair and helps in hair shine, treating dryness problem, color protection, smoothening and softening hair.

Our hair is a treasured part of our identity. There has been a shift in the mindset of consumers to buy more natural, sustainable and eco-friendly hair products. These natural products not only are easy on the environment but also clinically proven to be very receptive to our bodies. The chemical ingredients present in hair products can strip off the natural oils from the scalp and cause irritation. This is probably the most obvious reason to use natural hair products. You’ll be gratified to know there are lots of natural hair products at GoodKart composed of naturally derived ingredients to make each hair strand healthy.

Importance of Healthy and Natural hair care

Haircare is a very important part of the personal regime. Healthy and smooth hair always leaves a great impact on others. Taking care of our hair is a necessity if you are dealing with hair fall. Over time, we cause extensive damage to our hair that leads to hair loss. So, if you desire strong, long and shiny hair, it becomes mandatory to follow a good hair care regime.Hair has played an important role in a person’s well-being. We are all guilty of stressing our hair to its limits through straightening, chemical treatment or bleaching.There are also a few things about water that concerns the health of hair. Hard water characterized by a high level of calcium & magnesium put an adverse impression on hair and leave it dull & frizzy.

Pollution can cause a lot of damage to your hair and make them brittle & dry. The pollutants are so minute in size that they are able to penetrate the skin of the scalp leading to hair fall or baldness. If you are tired of watching your hair wither away and have been experiencing unusual hair fall because of these factors, it's time to make some changes in the hair care routine.

There are a plethora of hair products that have plagued the beauty industry, so choosing a product isn’t less than winning a battle. After extensive research, we have compiled a distinctive list at GoodKart for those who are exasperated with their dry hair. Haircare is not solely a superficial custom, gorgeous hair is a sign of strength, vitality and overall health.

Professional Hair Care Tips For Healthy Hair

Here are few hair care tips for avoiding hair fall, split ends, dry and frizzy hair in order to maintain hair in good health:

  • Trim hair on a regular basis: It is suggested to trim your hair after every 6-8 weeks to have stronger hair. This will not only keep your hair healthy but will boost hair growth. Trimming your hair will also help you get rid of split ends that give hair a very unhealthy appeal.
  • Use appropriate shampoo: Do not run behind fancy shampoos you saw in some advertisement on television. Rather pick shampoos as per your hair type. It is best to use mild shampoos rich in herbal or organic ingredients as chemical-based shampoos can do more harm than good.
  • Be gentle with your hair: Brushing your hair daily is essential to maintain hair in good health. However, overdoing this can cause damage to your hair. Be gentle while brushing your hair and doing it twice a day should suffice. Use a good quality comb or hairbrush and never brush your hair when they are wet. This can lead to more hair breakage and damage.
  • Healthy Diet: Healthy and clean eating is the key to stronger hair. Consume food rich in proteins including eggs and fish, green veggies, milk and other dairy products. Eating a balanced diet bridges the nutritional gaps, a common factor behind hair fall.
  • Be Natural and Happy: Avoid using straighteners, curlers, dryers and hair colouring as all of these are harmful to your hair. Another reason behind hair loss is stress. Thus, staying happy is the key as stress is related to mental health which directly impacts your physical health and overall wellbeing.

Different Types of Hair Care and Styling Products

The first and foremost step to achieve healthy and shiny hair is using the right kind of professional hair products. The market is packed full with a variety of hair care products, leading to a lot of confusion. Here are few hair care products that can you pick if you crave for lovely looking hair.

  • Hair Shampoos: This hair care product needs no introduction and there are tons of them available in the supermarket. They are used to cleanse the hair and scalp, however it is important to choose the one that best suits your hair. From clarifying shampoo to volumizing shampoo and smoothing shampoo to sulfate-free shampoo, pick the one as per the area of concern and your hair type.
  • Hair Conditioners: This hair care product is formulated to keep hair smooth and frizz-free. Conditioners also maintain moisture in the hair due to which they appear shiny and glossy. They are primarily categorised as either rinse-type conditioners or leave-in conditioners. Conditioners must always be applied to the ends of hair and not on the roots as this can result in scalp buildup.
  • Hair Masks: Hair masks provide deep conditioning to your hair and are perfect for those having dry or damaged hair. This product works from the roots and treats damage from its source. Hair masks should be applied for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Make sure to rinse it thoroughly otherwise the leftover product can weigh your hair down.
  • Hair Oils and Serums: Both hair oils and serums are a must-have in your hair care regime. They not only help against frizz but also promote hair growth and add shine to your locks. You can use any hair oil depending on what suits you. Argan oil, avocado oil and coconut oil are best for dry and damaged hair. Applying hair oil before shampooing is a great step to avoid dry ends.
  • Hair Mousse:If you want to add some volume to your mane, this is the best hair care product for you. Hair mousse gives life to your dull hair by providing an extra lift. They also make your hair look more defined. A variety of hair mousse is present in the supermarket as well as online from which you can cherry-pick as per your hair texture.

Myths and Facts About Hair Care and Styling Products

There are so many hair care solutions passed down from generation to generation in the hope of maintaining healthier hair. It is time to separate hair myths from facts, here’s the truth:

  • Brushing your hair 10 times a day: Brushing your hair is important to improve the blood circulation in the scalp, however, excessive brushing can cause hair breakage and damages the cuticles. Experts recommend brushing hair twice a day with a brush having soft bristles or a wide-tooth comb.
  • Wash your hair with cold water for the ultimate shine: While washing your face with cold water is definitely recommended as this helps close the skin pores but the same is not true for your hair. There is no scientific evidence that washing hair with cold water is better than washing with warm/hot water.
  • Wash your hair every day: Shampoo and conditioner should be used 2-3 times a week. This will keep your scalp clean and nourished. Washing your hair everyday can dehydrate the scalp and ultimately leads to hair fall.
  • Split ends can be repaired: There are products that claim to repair your split ends, unfortunately, this is not true. Split ends are damaged part of your hair and no matter what conditioner or serum you use, the best way to get rid of them is to chop them off.
  • Sleeping with hair loose helps them grow:This is totally false as sleeping with your hair down can actually cause more breakage. Instead, try making a loose ponytail before going to bed. Also, avoid making a tight bun while you sleep.
  • Hair products cause headaches: Hair care products can cause headaches in some people who might be allergic or hypersensitive to any of the ingredients present in the product. It is advised to check the label before buying any product and opt for natural hair care products over the ones that have tons of chemicals in it.
  • Hair products cause dandruff: There may be few hair products that can trigger an allergy reaction, thus causing itchy scalp and dandruff. Using top-notch products that are hypoallergenic is always recommended.
  • Hair Care products cause cancer: Hair products do not cause cancer, however, you should not completely overlook the ingredients they are made from! There are certain chemicals that are carcinogenic in nature and puts you at higher risk. Choose products that are natural or organic and free from chemicals if you are concerned about health risk caused by hair products.
  • Hair products make you bald: Hair care products do not cause balding nor do frequent washing causes it. As per experts, there is no scientific evidence behind it and hair products making you bald can be regarded as a myth. Hair thinning is a genetic process and hair products do not affect it.
  • Do Hair products cause acne: Hair products can cause a few breakouts, especially on the forehead and the back of your neck. This condition is known by the term Acne Cosmetica. Hair products are rich in oils which can find its way to skin, thus clogging your pores and causing acne.

Tips to Care Hair in Winter and Summer Season

Different environmental conditions can affect our hair texture and moisture. People faces different hair issues like splits ends, frizziness, hair breakage faces and dandruff during winter and summer seasons. To prevent hair damages in Winter and summer seasons, you can follow these given below hair care tips:

Hair Care Tips For Summer Season:

  • Cover your hair when you are out in the sun. This will help protect the scalp from harmful UV rays and will also retain moisture.
  • Tie your hair in loose hairstyles. Hair gets dried out from the summer heat and making a tight bun tends to pull your hair, thus causing breakage.
  • Avoid blow-drying your hair in the summer season. Your hair is already exposed to a significant amount of heat because of the weather and hence let them air dry naturally.
  • Never skip your conditioner. You can also use some DIY remedies to naturally condition your hair for smooth and frizz-free locks.

Hair Care Tips For Winter Season:

  • Use hair oils to moisturize your hair and scalp. This will combat the dryness that occurs due to winters. It will also make your hair soft and shiny.
  • Do not wash your hair frequently. This can strip off natural oils present in the scalp that are required to maintain moisture levels.
  • Dry your hair before going outdoors as wet hair when exposed to harsh winter climate leads to more hair breakage.
  • Use a deep conditioning mask weekly. They help repair dry hair and prevents your hair from getting damaged during winters.

How to Choose the Best Hair Care Product?

Before buying choosing any hair product online, pay attention to your hair's unique needs. Switching your hair care products concerning the environment is also essential. So, focus on hair products that provide sun protection during summers and restores moisture in the scalp during winters. Pick those hair shampoos and conditioners that best suit your hair type. Lastly, look for hair products that are natural and organic and rich in hair-friendly ingredients. Avoid using hair care products containing chemicals, fragrances, additives as they are not good for the health of hair.

Go For Natural and Organic Hair Products

Our hair is a treasured part of our identity. There has been a shift in the mindset of consumers to buy more natural, sustainable and eco-friendly hair care products. These natural products not only are easy on the environment but also clinically proven to be very receptive to our bodies. The chemical ingredients present in hair care products can strip off the natural oils from the scalp and cause irritation. This is probably the most obvious reason to use natural hair care products. You’ll be gratified to know there are lots of natural hair care products at GoodKart composed of naturally derived ingredients to make each hair strand healthy.

Healthy hair is desired by many, but it’s equally difficult to achieve. It is high time people understand that using different synthetic substances for hair care isn’t great for the long-term quality and health of their hair. Opting for organic hair products can definitely up your mane. To put it simply, organic hair products offer a range of benefits that are worth the switch. High-quality organic hair care products are available at GoodKart to strengthen the hair and support its overall health. Your mane is your valued possession. With a host of options available in the beauty market, GoodKart brings the best for the consumers.

Best Hair Care Products Online at Best Prices in India on Goodkart

Picking up the right hair care product is not that easy as the market is loaded with a variety of products. Unfortunately, we sometimes fall for a product and only find out that it’s not worth our time and hard-earned money. At GoodKart, we have only the best hair care products for men, women, and kids of different age groups. Check out a huge collection of hair shampoos, conditioners, hair cleansers, hair oils & serums, hair care packs for all hair types. These hair products will help you get those healthy locks that you always desired for! You can find hair care products not only for long hair growth but also check out hair fall control serums, oils, and supplements. A wide range of best natural, ayurvedic and herbal hair care products for strong and smooth hair.

In Goodkart, Get Chemical free hair product range that repairs damaged hair and helps in reducing hair fall and provide Intense hair nourishment. You can choose professional hair care products online from top brands such as Auggmin, Organic India, Oshea Herbals, Healthvit, Setu and more. Assured with the best price on top quality and authentic hair products online with a safe and secure experience on Goodkart. Explore a wide range of products for hair and get various deals, combo offers, discounts and cashback offers on it.