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Oncologist Clinic
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I am Dr. Vikas Goswami, oncologist, practicing in Noida, Ghaziabad and Delhi. Today I will talk about lung cancer. What are symptoms, when should you suspect, what are the investigation that should be done and how do we treat it. Its symptoms are chronic cough, weight loss, blood in sputum. Sometimes there may be a change in voice or pain in back. We can diagnose it with CT scan. One we find out the problem, the next step is biopsy. We put the camera through the airways or we check from the outside of the body. With this diagnosis, we get to know what kind of cancer are we dealing with. So, there are various types of sub-cancer. The benefit of biopsy that genetic testing can be done. We get to know what mutation needs to be followed and treatment can be planned accordingly.
The next investigation is pet scan. Lungs have stage 4 disease. We do the genetic testing and we try to find out what is its sub-type. We give few tablets to the patient which have amazing results. We give drugs for immunotherapy. For other treatment we have chemotherapy. We also give oral medicines. If the patient's disease is non-metastatic that means it is limited to the lungs. The treatment modality is surgery if it is very early than stage 1 or 2 or we do radiotherapy if it is at an advanced stage. Surgery is the choice for early cancer. So, we believe in teamwork not only about medicines, surgeon, radiotherapist but also of the pathologist and newer modality that is coming. If you have any symptoms, contact your doctor and know about these symptoms.
Thank You!
Hello Friends!
I am Dr. Vikas Goswami, oncologist, practicing in Noida and Delhi. Today I will talk about breast cancer. What are the symptoms, when should you suspect, what one should do while going to the hospital and what are the treatment modalities. Breast cancer occurs as a lump in breast. Sometimes lumpy feeling with the axilla in breast. Sometimes breast discharge can be the problem. Few Indian women hides these symptoms and breast cancer detected at the later stage. As soon as you feel the symptoms, you should go to see a doctor. Clinical examination of the breast is required. If it looks suspicious, we usually do a test called efficacy. Sometimes if it is superficial, we do the biopsy.
If we have doubt, we do mammography. If the breast is tensed, then it is associated with an MRI of the breast. After combining all these tests, we get to know whether we are dealing with malignant tumor lump or non-malignant tumor lump. Then we do tumor staging. It is done by doing x-ray chest, CT chest, CT abdomen and pet scan. Sometimes the only choice left is surgery. This is followed by other modalities like chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The surgery is done in which whole breast is removed which is called as mastectomy or removal of lump which is called as lumpectomy. Few tests like ER, PR are also done to understand the biology of the tumor. What are the causes of the tumor and driving factor of the tumor?
What kind of treatment can be given so that cannot happen? We have some newer modalities in which we can understand whether we can skip chemotherapy all together or not. These types of tests are onco type DNA test. Maximum therapy is given in daycare and the patient can go back to home on the same day. After the treatment is over usually the patient is kept under followups for 2-5 years to prevent a recurrence. This is a broad overview of the limited disease. We have another ancillary test like next-generation sequencing test which helps us in finding the treatment for breast cancer. So, by any chance, if you are suffering from this disease, you can ask your doctor about anything about your problem. You may ask about the test that helps you in getting rid of this problem.
Thank You!