Dr. Pasricha's E.N.T. & Eye Clinic
ENT Specialist Clinic
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I am Dr. Harmeet Singh Pasricha. Today I would like to talk about otorrhea which is called ear discharge. It is frequently seen in patients. It can be because of disorder in the outer canal or in the middle ear. The conditions which can lead are otitis externa, otomycosis, and furuncle. All these can cause itching in the ear canal and pain also. Now the treatment of these conditions is cleaning of the ear canal by an ENT specialist so that debris is removed. Then the ear drops are given which are antifungal and antibacterial. If there is any other infection, then we also give medications. Other condition causes ear discharge are fungal middle ear which can acute otitis media or chronic superlative otitis media. An acute condition is painful and then there is a discharge of the ear.
We need to give oral antibiotics for this with ear drops if required and cleaning of the ear is required. If left untreated, it can cause cold or throat infection. Now about chronic superlative otitis media, it is because of the middle ear infection because of which there is perforation of the eardrum. So, discharge starts coming out from the middle ear through this perforation and reaches the external ear. First, we clear the discharge and then we give ear drops and antibiotics. We also give medications if we see cold and throat infection. This condition is usually not painful. You can prevent by avoiding the excessive use of earbud and prevent water by going into the ear canal. We need to do the diagnosis by x-ray and CT scan. Then we need to repair the eardrum.
This is the surgical procedure called tympanoplasty and mastectomy is done. These conditions are treatable. These conditions can also cause hearing loss. We see the conditions when we go inside the ear during surgery and we repair. So, all these problems can be treated by an ENT. You should never neglect your ear discharge and consult an ENT. If this problem is left for many years, then it can lead to complications. Infection may proceed to the brain, it can proceed to the inner ear and neck also. Such kind of conditions become life-threatening. If it goes in the brain, it can cause brain abscess and also permanent hearing loss. So, we should not take this lightly. We should get this treated as soon as possible. This is a treatable condition. Checkup of the ear at the gap of every 6 months is recommended to prevent any problem of the ear. Because hearing is the precious gift of nature. We should take care of it.
Thank You!
I am Dr. Harmeet Singh Pasricha. Today I would like to talk about vertigo. It is the sensation of spinning self and the surrounding which a patient perceives especially on moving the head. This disturbance can be caused because of the vestibular mechanism of the body. Vestibular mechanism manages the balance of the body against the gravitational pull of the earth. It consists of the sense organ of ear and controls the center of the head. Vertigo is the condition which is treated by a neurologist and ear surgeons.
ENT treats the peripheral condition of vertigo. And central conditions are treated by a neurologist. Peripheral vertigo which involves the inner ear is commonly benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular neuritis, meniere's disease, labyrinthitis, etc. Now coming to the treatment of these conditions are electro steganography and video steganography. The treatment consists rest, especially no jerky movement of the head and it also consists of certain therapeutic things. We also use certain drugs to settle down the conditions of vertigo. Other treatments are vestibular rehabilitation exercises. These are a very important aspect of vertigo. These exercises improve the condition of the inner ear. By doing exercises, the patient can get relief from vertigo. The patient should not be fearful of this. This condition will be resolved in just a few days. Exercises are important.
Thank You!
Hello, I am Dr Harmeet Singh Pasricha I am an ENT specialist working in Gurgaon for last 20 years. Today I am going to speak on a topic called paediatric obstructive sleep apnea or paediatric OSA. This is a common condition in children which present as mouth breathing during sleep during children and there is snoring also during sleep. This happens usually in the age group of 4 to 8 years during sleep it happens because there is an abstraction in the nose patient cannot breathe through the nose so it starts breathing through the mouth. This happens because of increase in the size of the tonsils and adenoids, tonsils are a pair of lymphatic tissue in the throat and adenoid is similar tissue which is situated in the midline behind the nose in the throat. When these adenoid increase in size then there is obstruction of the nose from the back side so a child cannot breathe through the nose. So in advertly opens the mouth to breathe, there is lack of oxygenation in the body and patient is restless during sleep and because of continued mouth breathing because of the growing age in the children, there are changes which developed in the face and nose of the patient. In it the front teeth come out and the pallet which is the partition between the nose and the throat it goes up, the development of the nose is reduced it forms the pins nose and the bones of the cheek they elongate downwards and the patient develops and adenoid faces. So because of the growing age, this has to control and we have to manage the patient medically. Initially, if the medical management of the patient fails then we have to go in for surgery. The surgery involves removal of the tonsil that is tonsillectomy and removal of adenoids that is adenoidectomy. Now because of its a procedure is done under general anaesthesia and adenoidectomy is now usually these days done under direct vision using the endoscopic technique transnasal or transoral technique and it is done with powered instruments now usually using micro debrider or coblation and adenoidectomy is done, so which opens up the space of the nasofarings and patient can breathe through the nose and tonsils are also removed. So the airways opened up and once the patient breathes smoother nose properly, he gets proper oxygenation and the shape of the face can be prevented from distortion. Thank you, you can contact me at my clinic a Dr Pasricha’s ENT & Eye Care Centre, Old Jail Land Complex, Sohna Adda, Gurugram, or at Columbia Asia Hospital, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon or you can book an appointment on lybrate.com. Thank you.
Causes, symptoms and Treatment of Paranasal Sinuses
Hello, I’m Dr. Harmeet Singh Pasricha. I’m a senior ENT consultant practicing in Gurgaon. I graduated from the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, and I did my specialization from New Delhi. Since 2010 I’ve been practicing in Gurgaon. I have my own clinic, Dr. Pasricha’s ENT and Eye Care Centre, Old Jail Land Complex, Sohna Adda, Gurgaon. And I also practice at Columbia Asia Hospital Palam Vihar, Gurgaon. So today I will be talking about nose paranasal sinuses, and allergies associated with it, and the diseases associated with nasal sinuses, specially the nasal polyps. So nose is one of the sense organs of our body. It is responsible for the sense of smell for patients. And it also plays a major role in the facial appearance, aesthetics of the patient person’s face. So the sinuses are hollow spaces inside the bones of the face around the nose. See this is the normal anatomy of the sinuses.
Cheekbones are hollow, which has got sinuses, and other also bones in the forehead contain the sinuses. These sinuses are normal structures of the body, and they’re connected to the nose through small air passages. Because of allergies and inflammation, then these connections of the openings of the sinuses of the nose get blocked, then the patient gets problems like sinusitis. And other problems associated with this are kind of allergies nasal polyps, which are overgrowth of the mucosa of the lining of the sinuses.
These days these are medically treated as allergies if development of polyps is there. Then we have to go in for endoscopic sinus surgeries for removal of these sinuses. So with the development of the endoscope, there is no cut outside on the skin, everything is done through endoscope in the operation theatre, through the nose. And we can clear the polyps, and the sinus can be treated with this condition. And medical management also has to be done after the surgery, and most important is the endoscopic follow-up in the OPT, every 6 months after the sinus surgery, to prevent any recurrence of the disease, and to check for requirement of any surgeries later on.
So for anything detail regarding this you can contact me at my clinic at Columbia Asia Hospital Palam Vihar, or you can even contact me online through Lybrate. Thank you.
Doctor in Dr. Pasricha's E.N.T. & Eye Clinic
Doctor in Dr. Pasricha's E.N.T. & Eye Clinic
Dr. Harmeet Singh Pasricha
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Shikha Sharma
Dec 28, 2020He was very helpful.treated so well.
Sep 04, 2019Brilliant person genuine advise
Nov 22, 2018Everything was good, Dr. Was really perspicacious person and really got my problem after few minutes. Medicine are working.. he generated a positive hope inside me
Oct 15, 2017He is really good , the nature of doctor was so nice... And so is his practice.
Vijay Rathour
Sep 23, 2018Good