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Global Health Xpertz A Multispeciality Clinic

Global Health Xpertz A Multispeciality Clinic

Internal Medicine Specialist Clinic

H. No - 2714, Sec - 23
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1 Doctor
₹ 700 at clinic

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05:30 PM - 07:30 PM

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Adult Immunisation - Thing You Should Know About It
Adult Immunisation - Thing You Should Know About It


I am Dr. Sumit Wadhwa, Internal Medicine Specialist. Today I will tell you about adult immunization. As you all know that vaccinations are quite an effective method. In contagious diseases like measles, muns, chickenpox, rubella, diphtheria. Similarly, in healthy adults also require regular vaccination as you all know around 50-70k adults are dying each year because of influenza and pneumonia-related complications. These vaccinations work throughout life. How do vaccines work? The immune system plays an important role in the prevention of any illness and infection. When a person comes in contact with a certain substance like bacteria, water, the immune system is stimulated and produces certain proteins called antibodies which finds the infection. The immune system also plays an important role in preventing future occurrence of infection. If a person gets exposed to the same organism, the immune system produces more antibodies which destroy the organism. Such as in the case, a patient has an infection in childhood, he is less lightly to have the second infection. The vaccines work by stimulating the immune system to produce specific antibodies against the infection. 2 types of immunizations are available: Active and passive. Active vaccines are also called live vaccines because they use a weak form of bacteria. Some of the bacteria also cause infection by producing toxins. Passive vaccines are for temporary relief.

Coming to the risks of vaccinations. Most of the vaccines are given to have a long record of being safe and have an effective way of preventing disease. Thus, the benefits of vaccination are much greater than the potential risk involved. Vaccination also reduces the chances of developing the disease in the family, in fact in the community also. Most of the vaccines are given in intra-muscular root. SOme vaccination is also given by the oral root or through the nasal root. Major side-effects, although they are minor only, may include fever, pain at the side of the injection. Live virus vaccines like NMR vaccines should be avoided with person weakened immune system such as HI/AIDS, pregnancy woman, a person who has perceived blood transmission recently. High-risk candidates for adult immunization such as nursing home residents, living in army camps or in hostels, people who are traveling to different countries, people associated with healthcare facilities. Now, we will discuss some common vaccinations which are given to adults. First is pneumonia which is a serious infection of the lungs especially in older adults. For this 2 types of vaccinations are available. People aged less than 2 years or more than 65 years and have a medical condition for lungs, heart, liver, kidney, diabetes mellitus, people with chronic alcohol abuse.

Next is influenza vaccination. It is a common viral condition which is highly contagious and occurs worldwide especially during the winter season. Fatal infection can occur in elder and children leading to hospitalization and death. Group of vaccinations is children more than 6 months to 4 years of age. Adults more than 15 years of age. People with chronic heart and lung condition. Influenza vaccination can be given by 2 roots. Next is the diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. It is usually given to all adults after 10 years. Adults more than 65 years of age Should be given 2 doses of vaccine, especially who is contact with children with less than 1 year of age. Next is the MMR vaccine. It protects from measles, mun, and rubella which is usually transmitted by droplet infection such as coughing and sneezing. Most of the children are given MMR vaccine, however, one has not been vaccinated during his childhood and not sure of it.

Vaccination can be verified by a blood test. MMR should be recommended to adults if one doesn't have sufficient immunity. Next is varicella vaccination. Varicella is a highly contagious disease caused by varicella zoster virus which results in a rash which takes around 10-14 days to recover. People can be vaccinated by 2 doses of vaccine given another part. Next is hepatitis-B. It causes a serious infection of the liver which can lead to progressive liver damage and sometimes, result in liver cancer. Hepatitis-B vaccination is now a part of the national immunization and given to all children at birth. In adults, who have not been vaccinated in their childhood, 3 doses of the vaccine can be given over 6 months especially in case of the healthcare provider. Next is hepatitis-A. It is a common infection, commonly seen in kids and young adults but sometimes it may result in progressive jaundice.

Common indications for vaccination for hepatitis-A are people who are traveling to countries where it is common, people with chronic liver disease. Last is the HPV vaccine. It is a virus which causes 99% of all cases of genital warts and genital cancer. It is usually recommended for children and young adults during 9-26 years of age. For people less than 15 years, 2 doses of vaccines are recommended 6 months apart. For people 15 to 26 years of age, doses are given. It prevents most of the cases of human papilloma. In case, you have any query, you can consult me through Lybrate.

Thank You!

Asthma And Pregnancy
Asthma And Pregnancy


I am Dr. Sumit Wadhwa, Internal Medicine Specialist. Today I will tell you about asthma in pregnancy. It is a chronic disease of the lungs. It is commonly seen in young adults. Common symptoms are wheezing, noisy breathing, persistent cough and chest tightness.

Can pregnancy affect our asthma? In a few people, the problem is harder to control. In a few pregnant ladies, it becomes difficult for them in 29-30 weeks of pregnancy. If it is not controlled then it can lead to a lot of problems. Like morning sickness, bleeding, hypertension, pre-term labor. If the problem is controlled, the lady delivers a healthy baby. Inhalers are safe during pregnancy. Now the point is that the baby is likely to get asthma. Chances are very less.

Asthma medications include inhalers, tablets, and syrups. Some people control their symptoms quickly. Your Dr might recommend you to get your lung function tested. try to keep yourself healthy, stay away from house dust, plant and smoking. Brest feeding is also safe if a mother has asthma.

Thank You.

Air Pollution
Air Pollution


My dear friends. My name is Dr. Sumit Wadhwa. I am a consultant pulmonologist and internal medicine practicing in Gurgaon. Today we will be discussing an important topic of air pollution. Air pollution is common cause of disease and disability globally and health effects range from increased hospital emergency visits to hospital admissions to increased risk of premature death. An estimated 4.2 million deaths occur globally related to air pollution mainly caused by cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, lung cancer, increased risk of lower respiratory tract infections that was recorded by WHO in 2016. Air pollution worldwide air pollution also accounts for around 29% of the total deaths due to lung cancer, 17% of total deaths due to lower respiratory tract infections, 24% of total deaths due to stroke, 25% of total deaths due to cardiovascular diseases and 43% of deaths due to chronic lung conditions like COPD. Major pollutants that affect the public health include ground-level ozone, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. Among this particulate matter especially size 2.5 microns and less can enter deep into your lungs and enter the circulation causing brain, lungs and heart impacts. How can we measure lung pa air pollution is by the air quality index.

Air quality index is a measure of the condition of your condition of the air relative to what is required for the basic human health. It can range from 0 sta stating a good air good health good air quality to more than 300 which is hazardous for human health. So, air quality index can be basically categorized into 6 subgroups, with each has its specific colour coding. Now, coming to it green colour codes for a good hair air quality and for the general public including all groups. Coming to the next is yellow, which is moderate air quality which is people with unusual people who are unusually sensitive are usually affected and are advised to reduce their heavy exertions during this period. Next comes the orange which is unhealthy air for sensitive groups which include people with asthma, people with chronic heart diseases, elderly people, children less than 14 years; these are basically advised to reduce their outdoor activities specially prolonged and heavy exertions outdoors. Normal general people are also advised to take caution. People with asthma are advised to keep their ready use inhalers handy, quick use inhalers handy.

People with heart disease specially those having symptoms of palpitations, unusual shortness of breath and fatigue are advised to consult with their physicians. Next comes is the category is red which is unhealthy air for all the populations. People who are usually belonging to the sensitive group are advised to take precautions, avoid outdoor activities and prolonged and heavy exertions. People with general population are also required to take care. Next comes severe unhealthy, which is the magenta group. The air quality index range is from 201 to 300. All groups are usually involved in this and people with sensitive groups are in fact advised to limit their outdoor activities, stay indoors and people from the general population are advised to take precautions and avoid reducing their prolonged and heavy exertion specially outdoors. Next comes the hazardous, the last is the hazardous group which is the maroon group and all people of groups are advised to avoid any outdoor activities.

People from the sensitive groups are also advised to stay most of the time indoors and also limit their activity levels. Health effects of air pollution affect the physical and the psychological well-being as well as can also involve organs and bodily functions can be harmed including the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, headache, fatigue, anxiety, irritation to throat, nose and eyes, involvement damage to the reproductive organs, involvement of liver, spleen and blood in long term exposure and damage to central nervous system. Now, the vulnerable populations for these effects include people with chronic heart disease such as coronary heart disease and heart failure, people with chronic lung conditions like COPD, asthma, older adults more than 65 years of age, children less than 14 years of age, outdoor workers, pregnant women and athletes who exercise outdoors vigorously.

Now, the major sources of important pollutants like ground level ozone which is formed mainly by mixture of volatile organic compounds with nitrates in presence of Sun's UV rays and it is a main component of air pollution especially during summers and late afternoon and evenings. The main sources of vehicular emission and agricultural and industrial equipment. Next comes the particulate matter which is a complex of soot, smog, tar, dust, nitrates and water and which is mainly formed by smoke fires and this specially the PM 2.5 enters deep into your lungs and circulation and causes major impacts on the respiratory system, lung, brain and heart. Coming to the measures we should take to reduce the effects of air pollution. We should stay alert, daily look for your local channels, the weather forecast and air quality indicators and plan your activities accordingly. Stay indoors specially when the air quality index is poor.

Use of air conditioning system specially on the recirculation mode, play indoors and avoid exposure avoid heavy prolonged exercises specially when the AQI is poor. It is mainly advised for people with chronic heart diseases and lung diseases to keep a good stock of medicines and people with asthma to have asthma action plan ready, to consult your physician in case of worsening of symptoms and cutting down on driving, use of carpooling, plant more green trees in and around your house which purify the air. Then, reduce use of crackers specially during festivals. Arrange for suitable methods of disposal of agricultural wastes. Use of good quality air pollution masks specially when outdoors with air quality is poor. It's desirable.


Asthma (Bronchial Asthma)
Asthma (Bronchial Asthma)

Good evening friends, my name is Dr Sumit Wadhwa I am a consultant internal and pulmonary medicine at Global Health Experts, Gurgaon. We treat many patients with chest conditions like asthma from diagnosis treatment to patient education, today's topic bronchial asthma. Asthma is the chronic condition of the lung that can be managed but not cure, it usually affects the average of the lungs resulting, causing narrowing and may resulting in wheezing and chest congestion. During breathing the airway air goes through the nose into the upper airway and to the windpipe which branches into the bronchite to reach the lungs. In asthma, the airways become oversensitive so that they can easily irritate by certain triggers called as asthmatic triggers most people with asthma are described as atopic that means they have an allergic-type reaction on exposure to these triggers. These triggers for asthma attack will be different for everyone common outdoor triggers are pollen, smoke cold weather and pollution, common indoor triggers for asthma our house mite, cockroach mold and pet dander. However, some people from asthma may also have attacks on excess exposure to excessive stress laughter, emotional attacks and during certain viral infection asthma triggers causes the airway to narrow and the muscles to contract to result in wheezing when the airway when the air passes through these narrow passages. Mucus production also occurs from the lining of the airways resulting in further narrowing and making breathing difficult. These may result in persistence and producing symptoms of an asthma attack that may be mild moderate or severe requiring hospitalization. The narrowing of these airways is usually reversible when the exposure to trigger is removed and inflammation is treated medically. Now prevention of, a prevalence of asthma is increasing worldwide due to increasing pollution, changing lifestyles and excessive hygienic conditions. Test done for diagnosis of asthma include Spirometry which is usually a permanent function test using assesses the severity of abstraction and hence the severity of disease, blood test charges suggestive of asthma include eosinophilia, chest x-ray is usually normal in asthma but is done to rule out other conditions if there is a doubt and it detection of certain triggers such as houses dust mite and pollen is done by skin prick test. Management of asthma includes the goals of the treatment are to decrease, prevent recurrent asthma attacks which may lead to permanent damage to the airways raising to persisting symptoms. Medications used for asthma include inhalers which maybe controller or rescue medications, regular rule use of controller medications containing long-acting anti-inflammatory agents reduce the inflammation of the airways making them blood sensitive to these triggers. Using inhalers with correct technique and results in best outcome and reduce the medication course, we may also advise the patient regarding their triggers and to avoid these triggers. Immunotherapy measures are provided to certain patients to make them hypo or desensitized the patient to the triggers of asthma. Thank you for the patient listening.

Doctor in Global Health Xpertz A Multispeciality Clinic

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Doctor in Global Health Xpertz A Multispeciality Clinic


Dr. Sumit Wadhwa

Internal Medicine Specialist20 Years Exp.
DNB (General Medicine), Diploma In Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases (DTCD), MBBS
₹ 700 at clinic
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