Sharma Clinic
Dermatologist Clinic
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Hi, I am Dr Aman Sharma. I am practising an Aesthetic physician and I am practising the Holistic medicines. The concept of Holistic medicines is to combine all the possible approaches for disease treatment. I Holistic medicines, we truly believe that a disease on caused by a lot of factors, more than one and other than only what is visible on the surface. What we see on the surface, for example only in the skin, may be only pimples or may be the only hair loss. But hair loss, pimples, pigmentation happen on the skin are the reflection of things going wrong inside.
What happens when we get simple problems on the skin like acne or a pimple. There has to be an underlined cause. Many people say, most of us believe and we tell our patients also that it is a hormonal acne. But what is controlling the hormones? Why are some people getting more changes than others? What are the reasons for hormonal imbalance?
So we target not only the external treatments, not only with creams and gels and not taking some medicines orally but also managing the lifestyle changes. It is known according to the concept of our holistic medicines that hormones are dependent on the sleep wake cycle, type of food intake, hormones are also dependent on the amount of physical exercise and type of physical exercises we do. So all this encompasses the scope of holistic medicines. So not only the external medicines like creams, gels, oral medicines but also along focusing on eating right and breathing right. So we attempt to train all our patients to eat, live, breath right for the comprehensive treatment of the disease. So this is the concept of Holistic medicines.
Also, it is very important to understand that one thing does not help or treat in isolation. If we are focusing only on few treatments managing recurrent infections by antibiotics only, people are getting allergies every few days until the time they are taking medicines their allergies are OK. So there have to be multiple underlined causes and all of them has to be tackled. All of those are just markers many times of only inflammation in the body. We have to target that inflammation also within the body.
So manage a diet in a way which reduces the inflammation within the body. Managing our lifestyles or our daily routine which help our body and mind giving a right time to focus on the healing of the body. So, with the concept of holistic medication, every individual is treated as a separate entity. Every individual is unique and the same disease can be manifest in different ways in different individuals. So we take into account the person's body type and treat according to person's body type. So, it is very important to understand that what is the nature of the body to eat accordingly, to exercise according to the body types, to do the breathing or yoga according to the body types. Even the medicines have some influence depending on the body type, what we choose depending on person to person.
It is not difficult to find out what your body type is. It is very easy to find out the body type by login on to holisticskincare.in or contacting us via Lybrate. Or managing being our own guides we truly believe that knowledge is a cure. So, till the time we understand the disease process, what is going on in the body, a cure will be slow or cure will move away from us. It is very important to understand in depth that what is causing disease and managing it accordingly.
Hi, I am Dr Aman. I am a practising aesthetic physician and practising holistic medicine.
We will talk about a very common problem especially in youngsters and many times in slightly older people also. Especially these days we see this problem happening even in middle-aged women and middle-aged men. This is the problem of pimples or acne. We see a lot of impatient coming out with small pimples all over the face. Sometimes pimples happen more in the jawline area or more on the neck. Sometimes pimples happen even on the scalp or on the V of the neck. Many times pimples happen especially if it they happen at a younger age they are predominantly physiologically. There are some amount of pimples occurring on the cheek this area is more or less normally having a few simple deduction, a few times a month is considered to some extent normal but yes we need to create that simple application, a few dietary precautions usually help in taking care of the pimples and preventing recurrences. Some types of pimples tend to be very big, we tend to get big cystic acne on the side of the face or the whole face we get big boil kind of pimples on the face. Now that needs urgent attention and they can call this time scarring. It is not only important to treat pimples externally but also look at what are the underlying causes of pimples. The acne that happens on the jaw line or on the side of the face is usually hormonal acne. We should listen to our treating physician and find out the underlying hormonal problems and treat it accordingly. There is a type of acne which a lot of younger men get especially only on the forehead. Acne that happens sometimes because of the habit of smoking. Smoking it causes frontal acme so the treatment is slightly different.
There are many ways and methods of treating acne. Step one we should first focus on what we are eating. Anything that causes inflammation very spicy, very sugary foods, too much of carbohydrate, too much of bread, and biscuits, too much of tea, coffee all aggravate, may have the potential to aggravate acne. We have to rule out underlying hormonal causes. We should also rule out if there are certain medicines which are patient is taking which can cause acne. Barring this, the standard line of treatment for acne is the first step is infection and reaction control. Then we focus on a recurrence management then we also focus on cosmetic treatments. With just a few applications over a period of three to six months, we should be able to actually achieve good cosmetic improvement. Sometimes in some cases, lasers may be required also but in the concept of holistic medicine, we should look at the internal causes of acne.
We do not only treat outside we try and manage it inside out. If there are any underlying causes of acne inside the body we should bring those hormonal changes is one very important and commonly missed factor. As far as management of acne is concerned especially the first step infection part. It is very commonly seen that patients abuse antibiotics. Doctors prescribe antibiotics, and patients keep using the antibiotics on their own or some patients get hooked on to or get used to taking or applying only steroids. It is a very harmful practice must be avoided with. As far as our practice is concerned we try and manage acne with as low dose and as less duration of antibiotics as possible. Many times oral antibiotics are totally avoided. We have to take very good of protection against the jump getting resistant. Along with all the treatments, there are other certain simple herbal or home remedies that can be added to the treatment which goes a long way in managing it.
To know more about our concept of treatment you can look up for me on lybrate or read up all the unbiased information on holisticskincare.in
Here we just clean the area to be treated with normal alcohol and Betadine. And we are almost ready for the treatment. It takes less than a minute to complete small area. Deepak are you ready? If it is painful, please let me know, you will feel little brick kind of sensation and let us see how painful and uncomfortable it is. We are taking care only on the lines. So whatever deep lines or deep muscles are there, we will inject only in those areas. It gives the relaxing effect on the muscles. In case you are more sensitive to pain or you are feeling uncomfortable, you can always opt for a higher amount of numbing. Some of the physicians may like to mark the area before just to show you the ease of treatment. So all the lines which come up while smiling or talking will be softened. Remember they will be softened, they will not go away. Within the period of 3-4 days, you can start noticing the change here. The muscles get lighter.
Now we have done with the small area of the treatment. The patient's expressions will be reserved. You will still be able to express. The face will move normally, there will be nothing abnormal, the lines will gradually be softened. It is totally dependent on how the procedure is done. If we over do it, the expression will be frozen and it will look little hard and strange. This totally depends on the patients and the doctors and how much you want to achieve. We can have normal expressions which will look softer and better. So it is very important for the patient to discuss it clearly with the doctor. Some patients need completely frozen looks. But personally, I am very conservative while doing the treatment and recommend a smaller amount. I always tell my patients that you can always add more salt in the dish after cooking rather than putting too much salt while cooking.
Based on this, we will discuss how breathing techniques help to relax the lines in a truly holistic manner for treating the lines on the face. So here is our another patient. The concerned topic is the lines between the forehead which can easily be relaxed by a simple shot here. Not only that, along with the treatment, the reason for these are called worry lines is because of some worry underlines which causes the lines. So, lines e can take care by the shots but the worry part has to be sorted holistically. For that, we will talk about the breathing technique that we recommend patients so that the effects of the treatment lasts longer. Sometimes even without these treatments patient can benefit with just the breathing technique, the lines get significantly softer.
So let us see how it works and how simple the procedure is?
So we put one needle prick on the big muscles which cause lines. One needle prick on the muscles that hold it down. So it is not at all painful as you can hear from the patient itself. Within 6-7 days, we will start seeing the changes and we will post you a picture on the websites also.
If you want further information, you can contact me through Lybrate.
Hi, I am Dr Aman. I am practising aesthetic physician, in Delhi and Gurgaon. Today we will be taking the concept of skin ageing. The ageing related changes that we see on the face. So, it is very important to understand as to what are the changes which age gives us on the face and tackle them one by one. So it is not only important to take ageing changes externally, our concept is to take care of them in a 360-degree fashion. Whatever we can do externally and internally, so that becomes true anti ageing. So in this, whatever we do with the face externally should also reflect vice- versa. Internally also we have to do something to have the rejuvenation in the body to make the rejuvenating changes reflect on the face.
So, here we have with us a friend of ours who has gracefully been consented to be on the video today. So here we can see all the changes which age gives us. It gives the changes in colour and texture of the skin, it gives changes in lines, the fat changes on the face. The fat because of the gravity pulls down. So these are the changes which need correction, which when we correct show remarkable changes. It takes away our tired look and gives a much fresher look. All of this can be safely managed without over doing it. Sometimes there are some physicians or patients who cross the line. When you over do it, then things start to look strange.
If we have some face lifts from the sides. There are various techniques to lift the face which can make it look better. There are few pictures you can see as it is not advisable to post pictures online on a video profile. So you can see it on my website.
There are filling of the areas, improving the colour and texture of the face, goes a long way in the management of these changes. As far as skin colour and textures are concerned, that we can manage with simple basic things. Certain medicines, certain things to apply. A dermatologist and an aesthetic physician can give you lot of things which you can apply and it works very well.
Whereas the changes that we saw in the lines and wrinkles, the deep lines, the texture of the skin, the hollows on the face, all these need redressal by filling them up. So, for face lifting, we have many options. We have things like Xeomin or Botox which basically a type of protein which relaxes the muscles. We can use filling materials for which various brands are available. We can use fillers which are helpful in filling hollows of the skin and also helps in the lifting of the face.
Similarly, there are ways especially from the side of the face which help in the lifting of the sagging face.
Along with these treatments, there are many skin tightening treatments like Thermage, ul-therapy, fractional radio-frequency and thread lifts. All od these can be combined, depending on their skin type or depending on your age, as best recommended by your dermatologist.
Things like fillers, botulinum toxin, botox, they help in filling lifting. We can get V shape and a lifting kind of a look, we can get our hollows filled.
So, these are all the external treatments which we can give. So, the true inside face lifting, we will take up in the part-2.
So, now you can see the patient is ready. The procedure will hardly take few minutes. So it is just to demonstrate you that how the treatments work. After the treatment, the lines are relaxed, it will look more firmer.
Hello everyone, I am Doctor Aman. I am a Dermatologist. I will be talking about Pigmentation.
Pigmentation is a very common problem and both male as well female suffer due to this. The most important thing is, What causes Pigmentation? Causes of pigmentation are sunlight, allergy, kind of food we are eating and our living lifestyle. Hormonal changes even leads to pigmentation and majorily happens to female. The most important thing is that we should understand our body and pigments. A dermatologist doctor can help you in many ways. The changes which take place outside our skin gets reflected on our nails, skin and hair.
The problems which occur inside our body gets reflected on our body in form of pimples, pigmentation, change in skin colour, skin darkening. So, once we get to know what causes pigmentation, the same way we can see how we can treat with this problem. We have different types of treatment inside as well as outside human body. In Internal treatment, we give medicines, detox and hormonal treatment. External treatment includes lasers, beams. In some pigmentation, problem doesn’t get sorted out immediately, it takes time to recover. So, we should take action considering these factors and we should get our treatment on time so that good results can be seen.
If you want to know more about Pigmentation, you can contact me through Lybrate. My clinics are in Gurgaon, Khan Market aur Qutub Phase-1.
Tips for taking care of your skin
Hi, everybody. I am Dr Aman, I am a practising dermatologist. Today I would like to talk to you about skin whitening which is a very very common query amongst patients. We get a lot of patients who want a whiter, fairer and a more radiant or glowing skin. But we forget the radiance and skin lightening comes from inside. Skin is a reflection of our bodies. Anything goes wrong inside, shows outside. Based on this is the treatment plan. That is how we plan. We cannot just keep polishing our cars and forget what’s inside. So we have to treat our insides, our systems, our intestines, our livers, eat right and that makes a huge difference. So, I’ll just talk to you in very shorta bout the options we have for skin whitening.
For skin whitening, there are a whole bunch of applications, creams and gels and lotions, magic potions, one-day treatment. Putting that treatment, you will be bombarded with a lot of options. But before that, we have to understand that what is the cause. For a lot of people, we must investigate sometimes your doctor on the history only, just by talking to you can make out just by looking at the skin some things can be made out.
As to what is the cause of darkening and what is the cause of dullness?
- Sometimes, it is only hormonal. If there is a lot of insulin production in the body that is not working well. It is working less and the body is making more insulin, that is another cause of dullness and darkening.
- Sometimes a lot of people take a very high carbohydrate diet that is one of the important cause of skin darkening and dullness.
- Smoking, too much exposure to pollution, too much stress, a lot of AC exposure such things can play a role and a major role in dullness and darkening.
So, when it comes to treatment options, we have a lot of external treatment options, we have beams and lasers and we have some of the latest and best laser technologies. For laser toning, we have ND Q- switch lasers. We have one of the latest, very mild, superficial laser light pills like Resurfex, a lot of such options and I can go on and on about the options.
But remember, there is no magic treatment. Anything that you get done on the skin only externally is going to come back. Your dullness will return. So, if you really want to glow a lighter skin from within. If you really want a radiant complexion from the body and the exposed areas, it has to come from within.
And based on all these information, you can always talk to your dermatologist or see me or seek an appointment over Lybrate or any other platform and reach out to each other.
Doctor in Sharma Clinic
Doctor in Sharma Clinic
Dr. Aman Sharma
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Harika Naidu
Dec 12, 2015I consulted him for hair as well as skin problem. He is a subject matter expert and catches the problem quickly. Being a tech geek, I was happy to see him using sophisticated softwares and recommending latest treatments to me simultaneously making me understand the condition. He also makes sure tha...read more