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Hello, everybody, I am Dr Priyanka Puri. I am an Implantologist and a cosmetic/ aesthetic specialist. I have been practising for the past 12 years now. Today we are here to discuss some common topics which everybody faces in dental. First, I would like to talk about the root canal.
A root canal is a simple procedure. Basically, in a root canal procedure, we make the tooth non-vital and in the procedure basically, there is 2-3 part of the procedure.
- The first part involves the opening of the tooth.
- The second part involves cleaning of the tooth nerves and the third part involves filling it with an artificial material which is bio compatible with the tooth structure and facing a cap over it for strengthening it.
And now, with latest technologies, a root canal can be done in single sitting also. When it is single sitting, the important part of single sitting is that your bone should not have any abscess or any pus discharge there. If it all it is there, then you will not probably want to finish it in a single sitting. And apart from that, the patient fears like how long the tooth will be there, how long the treatment will last for me and all those things. If you take good care of your root canal and if you maintain it well, the tooth is going to last you lifelong.
There is no issue that a patient should be facing with a root canal and then you are on your antibiotics and pain killers while you are going for a root canal procedure.
There are some symptoms which are very specific for a root canal like recurrent pain in mouth while eating, while not eating, while sleeping having shooting pain. Lot of pain while eating hot food or hard food probably that side will not be functional for the patient. So, all these symptoms also guide to a large extent that a patient is requiring or a tooth is requiring a root canal treatment.
A simple cavity is very different from a root canal with the symptoms itself. A simple cavity would not have all these symptoms aligned with it and root canal would be having these symptoms aligned with it. So, I should request all the people that you should be aware of the dental hygiene and in your mouth, if you see some cavities starting up, you should always get the preventive treatment done.
You should not wait for the decay to convert it to a root canal. Because then the tooth will be non-vital and will not help you with the preventive treatment.
Hello, everybody, I am Dr Priyanka Puri. I have been practising for the past 12 years. My specialization is aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry and I’m an implantologist also.
So today we are going to talk about implants which is a hot topic nowadays for patients and for practising doctors also. So when is that you can have an implant in your mouth. You can have an implant in your mouth when you have a missing tooth. Like you can see in a model here. There is one tooth that is missing. This is a lower molar. In actual the teeth are placed like this in your mouth. So there are the roots, there is the crown and where there is a missing tooth you can see the empty socket here. So when you have a missing tooth in your mouth there are ways to replace it and with the latest technology, we can have a fixed tooth in your mouth which has no relation to your adjacent teeth.
What is an implant?
Implant is nothing but titanium screw. As you can see in this model. The implant is a titanium screw which is made up of titanium and titanium has this unique property of binding with your Alveolar bone. This is how an implant is placed in your socket and this is how it will be inside your bone and as we are talking about the lower jaw we put this implant in your lower jaw bone. We leave it there for three months in case of lower bone and in case of upper bone for six months and this time period is very important for the implant to re-mineralise to reintegrate to become the part of your bone. This is the unique property of titanium and after that what we can do is we can give you a cap with which you can apply all the masticatory forces and you can eat with this tooth. As you can see in the model it is independent of your front and back tooth. It has no relation with your front and back tooth. It is totally independent. And you can see from inside also. This complete procedure takes about three months for the lower jaw and around six months for the upper jaw in case there are no bone deformities, there are no bony disturbances.
One of the important concerns or things which would like to confirm from the patients is the sugar levels, and his or her habits. Because of sugar if it is not at the level if it is fluctuating sugar levels. Then implants success rate will go down and in case you are a heavy smoker then also implants success rates will also go down. But otherwise, implants have a success rate of 90 to 95% all over the world. So it’s great of restoring your missing tooth.
In case you have any doubts you can consult me in my clinic at smile experts or you can connect to me on lybrate.
What you must know before you get root canal treatment
Root canal treatment also known as endodontics is performed to treat and heal an infected or badly damaged tooth rather than removing it. When your teeth start decaying, you do not feel any pain for a very long time. However, gradually the darkening of your tooth color may become prominent which could mean that the tooth nerve is dying or has died. That's the time you will need root canal treatment which involves cleaning of the canals inside the roots of your tooth.
Why you may need the root canal treatment
Teeth consist of a soft core known as dental pulp. This pulp goes beyond the crown and the noticeable part of your tooth to the root tip inside your jawbone. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. So when your tooth is damaged or has a severe cavity, bacteria can easily make their way through the pulp. Symptoms and signs of a sore tooth include a hole in your tooth, a swelling around the regions of your face and neck, gum swelling, tooth pain or a toothache and temperature sensitivity. If it is left untreated, the decaying material and bacteria can cause a tooth abscess or severe infection, resulting in a bone loss, pulp death and even loss of the tooth itself. The root canal treatment is the best way to save the damaged teeth and escaping the painful process of extraction.
What does the treatment involve?
The purpose of the treatment is to free your root canal from every possible infection. The root is then cleaned and filled to avoid any further infection.
Root canal treatment is a skilled procedure which is time-consuming and usually requires from 2-3 visits to your dentist.
In the initial stage, the infected pulp is isolated to drain out abscesses (if any), followed by the cleaning of your root canal which is then prepared for a temporary filling.
Your tooth is then left to settle down.
In the next visit, your tooth is checked to see whether it’s free from all forms of infection so that it can be permanently filled.
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